Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 220 High Diving

Chapter 220 High Diving

The hatch slowly unfolded to form a deck.

The group of four backed away silently under the command of Jarrett in the Bluetooth, and handed over the live broadcast to Bi Fang alone. The light came in from the entrance, and he stood alone at the cabin door, his black robe rattling.

Bi Fang looked down at the turbulent ocean, the wind was very strong, the waves were so dense that they seemed to collide with each other in the air, and the water fell into the sea in succession.

He walked to the unfolded deck and looked down from a high altitude. Under the first-person camera, the height of more than 20 meters made all the audience feel weak legs subconsciously.

Even Pang Di, the security assistant, couldn't help reaching out and grabbing his pants to wipe off the sweat stains on his hands.

The audience saw this height, but the plane didn't intend to descend at all, and immediately understood the plan of the program group, they wanted Bi Fang to jump directly!

[Holy shit, so tall? Want to jump right in? 】

【Hands are already sweating】

[Damn, last time I went to the swimming pool to dive, I didn't dare to jump at a height of seven meters, it must be at least twenty meters! 】

[Fang Shen appeared on the stage, extraordinary! 】

At this time, a line of numbers was also printed on the screen. This is the comment of the program group. At this moment, the helicopter is 23 meters away from the sea level!

As soon as the data came out, everyone silently sweated for Bi Fang!

Bi Fang looked at the turbulent waves under his feet and took a deep breath, but immediately, his heartbeat began to speed up, and the high-speed flow of blood made him gradually warm up in the cold temperature.

For a moment, Bi Fang couldn't even tell whether his heart beat faster because of excitement, or the physiological reaction after being cold.

He turned his head to look at the drone and smiled, "How about it, do you have the urge to jump down?"

[Jump down? crazy? not at all]

【Please let me go, thank you】

[Only you want to jump down! 】

"Don't go against your heart!" Bi Fang laughed against the wind, showing no trace of fear, he pressed his heart, "You guys feel it, really?"

Seeing that Bi Fang spoke so seriously, it didn't seem like he was joking. Many people really thought about it, but when they looked down, it seemed that they really wanted to jump down?

How is this going?

Am I suicidal?

Many netizens made a series of question marks.

"Don't worry, it's not that you have suicidal tendencies. The instinct of any creature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When something or the environment is not good for us, our brain will produce a subconscious mind to let us avoid such dangers to protect our own safety. "

"So each of us doesn't like to go to tall buildings, bridges, and cliffs without guardrails! But under the control of our consciousness, we sometimes go to such places to experience the unique scenery, but sometimes you have a strange feeling Impulse, that is to want to jump down!"

While speaking, Bi Fang had already reached the edge of the open hatch, and now the audience felt even more nervous!

The space gap is too big!

"If you've ever had such an urge, don't be nervous. It's not that you're subconsciously suicidal, but that you're experiencing a physiological reaction called the 'elevation phenomenon', which in France has a more Cool name - Voidcall!"

"How about it, isn't it cool?"

[Not cool at all! 】

【Can you stop standing on the sidelines, I'm afraid...】

[I got it, I got it, God Fang, please raise your eyes! Don't look down, I can't stand it! 】

Bi Fang shook his head, expressing his understanding of the nervous behavior of the audience, but he just refused to leave.

"In fact, this phenomenon stems from the distortion of our perception of balance. In the horizontal distance, our visual sensory system and the vestibular system will not conflict, but in the vertical distance, as the height increases, we will have fear and dizziness. a feeling of."

"This is because the vestibular perception system thinks that our feet are very stable, but the visual system tells our brain that there is a high visual gap. This conflict will make us dizzy and make the brain think that our body is in a state of imbalance. May fall."

A bunch of proper nouns hit, and many viewers were confused.

[What's more, what backyard? 】

[The backyard is okay...brothers are very good at focusing on the key points]

[Chinese Listening Comprehension Level 10! 】

[Lao Fang has opened a new career branch]

When Bi Fang looked at the bottom of his feet again, even through the camera, the audience felt a real sense of vertigo.

It seems that the ocean is really raving, bewitching people to jump down, but after thinking about it, the audience broke out in a cold sweat from their absurd thoughts.

What exactly is going on?

It's so weird!

Does Mr. Ke really exist, in the ocean?

"When the balance of the brain is broken, feelings of fear, anxiety, and dizziness will arise, and the subconscious will quickly issue instructions to let us seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and return to a safe place. But sometimes these instructions are wrong! "

"Just like when we stand on a high place, the first reaction of the brain is to jump down! Eliminate the unbalanced conflict caused by this height difference!"

At this point, most of the audience understood, but immediately felt incredible.

To eliminate the gap is to jump down?

Isn't this equivalent to killing the host with the AZ vaccine?

Really solve the problem from the root!

"People's instinctive response is impulsive and quick to respond. When the safety center of the brain is stimulated by a threat, it will immediately send an alarm signal to the cerebral cortex."

"However, the speed of processing information in the cerebral cortex is relatively slow. During this delayed process, wrong instructions will be generated, causing people to have an urge to jump, but after a short rational analysis, it will be found that eliminating this The best way to get a visual drop is to retreat to a safe area, not jump."

[Learned again... Lao Fang really knows a lot, damn it, he pretended to be it again! 】

[So when you are emotional, don't climb high, you are easy to be impulsive, is that what you mean? 】

[It's really the call of the void, it's deadly enough. 】

[Why didn't I feel anything when Lao Fang skydived last time? 】

[That's because it's too high, your brain can't feel it anymore, looking at the ground is like looking at a painting]

Bi Fang nodded. Last time, because the altitude was too high and there was no reference object, it was impossible for the brain to think that he was standing in the sky, so he didn't mention it.

"This hysteresis of rational judgment makes it easier for those who are sensitive, weak-willed, depressed, and have suicidal thoughts to have impulsive results at critical moments."

Looking at the boundless sea, Bi Fang shouted in the wind.

"So, if you are emotionally unstable, don't go to flyovers or other high places to relax. It will be very dangerous. At an altitude of more than 20 meters, even on the water surface, there will be a risk of injury and disability. The huge impact is light. Red and swollen, severe enough to break bones."

Many audience members nodded secretly. Many people have studied physics and know this.

"Besides, the temperature of the seawater is very low. If you enter the water rashly, it is likely to cause cramps under the severe temperature difference. Even if you are fine, the cold seawater will quickly take away your body temperature. Ordinary people can only survive for a few days under such conditions. Minutes, so don't learn from me now!"

What it looks like now?

which kind?

The audience was stunned for a moment, but before they could react, they saw Bi Fang throw the life raft in his hand into the sea suddenly, without any warning, his legs bent slightly, and he jumped out of the hatch, and the whole person jumped down in a daze go!

Fuck, didn't you say it was dangerous just now?

The audience's eyes widened, suddenly feeling that this scene seemed familiar.

It was only then that I realized it all of a sudden, Nima, Fangshen did the same thing when he skydived last time, he said it was dangerous, but he jumped down himself!

Damn, come back!

Do not bring such ah!

Leaving the cabin door, Bi Fang closed his eyes tightly, and pressed his hands tightly to his legs, completely in a free fall, plunging into the sea like an arrow.

The strong air convection instantly blurred the sound of the tide and the sound of the rotor, leaving only the whistling wind!

After a while, the camera shakes suddenly.

The white sky suddenly disappeared, and a piece of blue suddenly broke into the camera, and the vision was full of silver reflections of air bubbles.

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