Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 250 Try and Die

Chapter 250 Try and Die

On the raft, Bi Fang, who was out of danger, put down the sail and put it on his body, then took out a large pile of charcoal fire, lit it and approached it for warmth.

The warmth is transmitted along the fingertips, and the fish in the stomach is also quickly decomposed, providing a steady stream of energy.

This was the third time that Bi Fang got wet, and it was different from the previous times. Not only was there a fire, but also a large amount of fish to eat.

After the survival data has established its early advantage, it is so arrogant, and its ability to resist risks has been greatly enhanced.

Only when the cold eased a little did Bi Fang regain his spirits.

Between life and death, whether it is a great test for physical strength or spirit, a little distraction may be a separation between yin and yang.

At this time, Bi Fang had the time to look at the live broadcast room. Not surprisingly, the barrage had completely exploded. After a little flipping, there was everything to say. Some viewers even suspected that Shark was an actor, and his acting skills were very superb and natural.

[It is recommended that the relevant departments slice Lao Fang, and the recovery of spiritual energy is just around the corner. I suspect that Lao Fang is the first awakened person for a long time. Quickly slice and study, and then let me board the train of the times! 】

[Pang You, the spiritual energy has recovered, and the ticket has been cut? 】

[Shocked, the Qi practitioner is beside me? 】

[I suspect that Bi Fang is Bi Fang's transformation. The evidence was put in front of me a long time ago, but I didn't realize it. It's dark under the lights! It's dark under the lights! 】

[There is reason and evidence, it is hard not to be convinced]

Bi Fang's nerves jumped, and he felt that the netizens' brains were outrageous, but it also explained their doubts at this time.

The water friends have no idea how Bi Fang managed to let himself slip under the noses of more than a dozen sharks. The questions are like claws scratching one's heart. Based on their only knowledge, they can only rely on metaphysics.

"I know that everyone has a lot of questions. The situation was urgent and I didn't have time to explain it. Everyone should not post barrage. I will explain one by one."

Bi Fang kneaded between his eyebrows, waited for a few minutes, and looked at the live broadcast room again. Sure enough, there were a lot fewer bullet screens, and they were all serious people asking questions.

"First of all, I remember that I said that sharks are very sensitive to the smell of blood and can smell the smell of blood at a concentration of one part in a million, so they can easily smell the 'value' of blood."

"Humans are not marine creatures. The calorie content of our flesh and blood is too low to meet the nutritional needs of sharks. Therefore, most sharks are not actually interested in humans. They basically attack humans out of curiosity, or treat humans as animals. Fish, once a human is bitten and bleeds, they will give up attacking."

"But the shark's bite force is so strong that it's usually difficult for ordinary people to survive a bite."

Speaking of this, Bi Fang felt lingering fear.

At that time, there were more than a dozen sharks circling him. It was a last resort to think of this method. It was a gamble, otherwise it would have been used on the boat.

But it turns out that he was right.

"So, unless the sharks were very hungry and had no better options, they would eat humans, but the problem was that the sharks had already attacked the herring and two other sharks were bleeding.

A large amount of healthy and delicious fish blood is placed in front of them. I am like an emergency canned food, filling my hunger, but it is not delicious. "

Bi Fang picked up a piece of fish with his "chopsticks" and swallowed it. He felt the heat rising and continued to explain.

"Sharks have poor eyesight and can't see stationary objects. Although movement is relative, they can also see me when they move, but it is definitely not as obvious as the two moving at the same time. Adding these two points together, I am naturally more likely to be caught. neglect."

"So, I chose to cut my palm at that time. As long as I bleed out a proper amount of blood to let the sharks understand that I am not a fish, I am not delicious, and my sense of existence is still low, I may escape the catastrophe."

The barrage was completely silent.

After listening to Fang's explanation, the audience seemed to be silenced at the same time. After a simple understanding, they all had to admire Bi Fang's courage and courage.

If you don't know enough about sharks, who would have the guts to bleed in front of them?

Dare to pass by the sharks known as the "wolves of the sea"?

Ordinary people, not to mention thinking so much, are frightened and stunned. When they really see a shark coming, they can only be bitten stupidly.

Top-notch awareness combined with top-notch operation allowed Fang Shen to achieve a nearly unscathed record in the face of a dozen sharks besieged, perfectly avoiding a dead end!

After explaining all this, Bi Fang recovered from his chaotic thoughts, he took a deep breath, recalled the situation of life and death that had passed, and his spirit gradually relaxed.

"To be honest, I'm not 100% sure whether this method will be successful. It's just an urgent choice between thoughts. And there are exceptions to everything. What if a certain shark becomes addicted to eating people?

But I had no choice at the time. Looking at it now, I am very lucky. The chances of success are very high. If one day you are faced with the same situation as me, maybe you can give it a try. "

[Try it and die! 】

[I don't understand very well, but I feel like I'm useless in learning. Also, can my aunt dive? serious discussion]

[I won’t be laning this time, I’ll play with my little goldfish at home]

[This is the difference between black bread and steak, who will eat dry and woody black bread with herrings? 】

[Where cannibalism really scares me?]

[It's not the revival of spiritual energy, old Fang, you've let me down so much, if you don't work hard, when will I be able to embark on the road to immortality? 】

After the water friends knew the truth, they almost cast their eyes on Bi Fang.

This is not a supernatural power, nor is it an actor. It is completely the product of the collision of rich experience in survival and the powerful determination of countless times of life and death.

However, many viewers still have another question, that is, why did the shark that attacked Fang Shen underwater suddenly "die"?

Unexpectedly, Bi Fang shook his head.

"The shark didn't die, and turning the shark over is a common way to deal with sharks, and many divers do it when they are attacked, and scientists call it tonic immobility.

Once the shark is turned over, the shark brain will secrete a chemical substance to avoid panic and try to correct its upside-down visual world. When the concentration of this substance is too high, the shark will faint.

In addition, sharks will not stop suddenly during movement, nor can they change direction quickly. An excellent swimmer can completely deal with a single big shark by changing direction quickly, so a single shark is still relatively easy to deal with, and this is what I can easily succeed. reason.

What is really difficult to deal with is sharks. In the Pacific Ocean, there is an ethnic group called the Melanesians. Their rite of passage is to hunt a shark alone, but even such a brave nation will stay away from sharks. "

The underwater training system provided by the system has greatly trained Bi Fang's underwater flexibility and perception of water currents, and he can only dodge the shark at the moment of attack, otherwise it would be impossible to succeed so easily.

Once caught in a tug of war, more sharks will join in, and the situation will be extremely dangerous.

It seems that you can't drop the training after you go back. This accidental device is quite useful.

"However, if you encounter an accident, please don't learn from me. You can look for shark repellers on life rafts. Generally, life rafts will be equipped with chemical substance types and electronic pulse types. Although they are not 100% effective, they will definitely work. handle most situations.

However, the chemical type can only be used when the environment is extremely harsh and critical, because the repellant loses its effectiveness soon after it is lost in the water. "

Speaking of this, Bi Fang yawned, and when he got to a safe place, he felt a little drowsy after he relaxed, especially after eating the food.

He woke up from the cold in the morning, and he didn't have a good rest, let alone experienced such a danger, which consumed a lot of physical strength and energy.

Fortunately, this time it was not all fruitless, no herring was caught, but there was an extra two-meter-long shark. Even if most of it was eaten by other sharks, the leftovers would be enough for him to eat for a long time.

So Bi Fang looked around, dragged the shark body to the middle of the raft, and said: "It's almost noon now, I'll download the broadcast and sleep for a while, everyone, see you in the afternoon."

Ten minutes later, after dealing with the blood stains on the boat, Bi Fang got into the tent, curled up in a ball, and fell into a deep sleep.

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