Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 286 Night Attack

Chapter 286 Night Attack

The pitch-black helicopter roared, flying across the silent forest like a giant bird.

Sitting in the cabin, Bi Fang held a spear in his hand and polished the hardwood with talc bit by bit, like a veteran about to go to battle, quietly grinding away the uneven burrs.

The audience was a little excited. They thought that the players had basically rested and the live broadcast was over, but they didn't expect to see Bi Fang make a move!

This live broadcast is not losing money!

In an instant, the popularity of the number of people in the live broadcast room soared, and it seemed that this momentum could even exceed today's peak!

Jarrett and Pangdy looked at each other and clicked their tongues secretly.

Bi Fang's popularity is too high, and it also represents his unparalleled status. No matter how fierce the competition is, the real strong will surrender when they come out!

After polishing one end, Bi Fang didn't stop. He turned his wrist, changed the direction of the spear, took out the dagger and cut it again.

This, this is not a spear, but a javelin!

Pang Di was slightly surprised, but then he was relieved.

After all, it is him.

The javelin is pointed at both ends and thick in the middle. It is fine if it is only used for throwing, but if it is used as a melee weapon, it is easy to injure the user.

But this is obviously not a problem for Bi Fang.

The shape of the javelin is more in line with aerodynamics, and its stability and distance are far superior to normal wooden spears. After cutting off a part of the end, the overall weight is more balanced and the flexibility is higher.

After cutting the other end, Bi Fang held the middle of the javelin, felt the equal weight of both ends, flipped it left and right, and flung a beautiful spear. Satisfied, he came to the staff.


"It's almost there, there is still one kilometer left."



Bi Fang turned around and came to the cockpit, and made a few gestures. The pilot immediately hovered the helicopter at a height of seven meters, and looked at the other party with a little surprise: "Are you sure you want to open the hatch like this? No need to land?"

Bi Fang smiled: "Seven meters, is it tall?"

Very high!

Too high!

Not only the driver, but also the audience were shocked. They still haven't forgotten the contestant who jumped from the third floor and broke his leg three days ago!

The reappearance of the bloody and cruel scene stirred the nerves of every audience.

[The one on the third floor doesn't even have a vertical height of six meters, right? 】

[I have studied architecture, jumping from a three-story building, the vertical distance should be less than six meters. Generally speaking, the height of a first floor is two meters eight, and the vertical height is about five meters six. Mi Si, it’s outrageous]

[Lao Fang also jumped four or five meters before, right? 】

[Shit, the seven-meter diving platform, I can feel my back red when diving. Although this place is not a concrete floor, it is too outrageous! 】

The audience exclaimed in disbelief, this is seven meters, and the vertical height is seven meters!

The driver looked solemn, and he turned to look at Jarrett. The other party was the apparent boss here, and he found that the other party also had a serious expression.

Sure enough, seven meters, too nonsense.

"open it."

Pilot: "...?"

After confirming that everyone was not joking, the pilot operated and opened the door of the cabin slowly, muttering non-stop.

"This world must be crazy, or maybe I'm the one who's crazy? Would you agree to this kind of request? This isn't murder, it should be suicide, he wanted to jump..."

Is Bi Fang crazy?

of course not.

If it was seven meters on the concrete floor, he would never try it, but what if it was replaced by frozen soft soil, plus it was a slope?

The hatch opened, and Bi Fang stood on the deck, his black windbreaker rattling.

Taking a deep breath, feeling the cold night wind and calming down the restless blood, Bi Fang opened the corners of his mouth, revealing bloody gums, and laughed silently.

The wrist exerted strength, and the knuckles tightened layer by layer like a python constricting its prey. Bi Fang held the javelin firmly in his hand. If the camera showed a close-up, the audience would be surprised to find that the javelin did not tremble at all, and it was stable and terrifying.

His torch-like gaze swept across the black forest, his lungs expanded violently, a large amount of air was poured into his lungs like a hurricane, his arms stretched out, his muscles were like nooses, and his bones were like brackets. Under the blessing of terrifying strength, Bi Fang threw the javelin !

In the night vision mode, the audience only saw a flash of black shadows, and the javelin disappeared, and it was inserted into the dirt 50 meters away as if teleporting, with almost only a third of the javelin exposed!

The sinking depth reached 1.5 meters!

If it is inserted into a flesh and blood body, can't it be pierced right through?

But before the audience could think about it, another black shadow leaped out like a tiger.


He jumped right away!

The eyeballs of the staff in the cabin stared out!

The wind whistled in his ears, blurring all the exclamations. His torch-like gaze seemed to ignite the entire forest. Bi Fang stretched his body to his heart's content, returning to the state he had not seen for a long time.

He is like a black bird, destined to fly between the sky, to the end of the sea, the edge of the continent, when no one is paying attention.

Turning his head, he couldn't see his black feathers.

The wind messed up his hair, and Bi Fang turned around in mid-air, touching the ground with all fours like a leopard, moving forward without hesitation. In just an instant, an unimaginable force was transmitted from between the toes along the skeletal muscles to the whole body.

The memory in the muscles wakes up like lightning.

Relax, bend, roll, unload, all in one go!

With the help of the hillside, Bi Fang poured all his strength into the ground, the broken grass splattered all over his body, dust was everywhere, and he rolled down from the hillside, making everyone terrified.

But it's not over yet. By virtue of inertia, Bi Fang slammed his hands on the ground. Like a tiger preying on him, he jumped up from the ground. His whole body and the ground formed an oblique angle of forty-five degrees, and he was about to fall to the ground again. Fang kicked the ground with both feet, the power poured into the ground, a large cloud of dust was raised, and the vigorous figure flew out like arrow feathers.

So fast!

No, coherence is even more terrifying!

Pang Di's eyelids twitched in the helicopter. It was hard to imagine that such a reaction and action could be made by a human being, obviously more like a cat.

Fierce, strong, tough!

And the speed is so fast, without a timer, it is difficult for Pang Di to calculate how fast Bi Fang exploded at that moment just now, but he feels that it is not much better than a professional sprinter, but this is not a plastic track. But mud!

The Achilles tendon far surpassing that of ordinary people endowed Bi Fang with unparalleled explosive power. He swooped like a bird and ran like a leopard. The distance of 50 meters was reached in an instant.

Bi Fang is a little short, and his excellent dynamic vision firmly locks on the javelin. The moment he passed the javelin, he reached out and grabbed it. The speed was not affected, and pulling out a 1.5-meter-long javelin was as easy as eating and drinking.


Why is he still running.

Wouldn't it be to run to the reindeer herd?

That's a full kilometer. You just jumped from a height of seven meters. Don't you need to rest?

Pang Di and Jarrett's eye sockets were already wide open, but at this moment they felt like their eyes were tearing apart, and they only hated their parents for not making their eyes bigger.

Is it necessary to be so fierce?

Your limelight has overwhelmed the entire show!

Jarrett growled in his heart, he shouldn't have agreed to the other party's request.

In contrast, the audience's ideas are much simpler.

One word, cow!

Two words, awesome!

Three words, too awesome!

Four words, peerless!

Although Bi Fang was very fierce before, this time it still gave them an eye-opening feeling, from the javelin to the seven-meter landing, and then to using the inertia of the roll to start and catch the javelin directly.

Dove is not as smooth as you!

After the whole set of movements, the audience can only feel round and smooth, like a master standing on the top of a mountain, even simple movements contain a unique charm.

A large amount of air was poured into the lungs, and the oxygen content in the blood rose sharply. Every cell breathed freely, as if endless power was transmitted along the bones and muscles.

The unique breathing method allowed Bi Fang to recover quickly after physical exertion, and felt that he had boundless energy.

Boulders, trees, grass, nothing can stop him.

He is like a cheetah running on the grassland!

Three hundred meters, five hundred meters, eight hundred meters.

In one go, he sprinted all the way without stopping.

Just as the herd of reindeer appeared in sight, Bi Fang slammed on the brakes, the gravel under his feet splashed, and a footprint as deep as a centimeter was clearly printed on the ground.

From extreme movement to extreme stillness, as if the pause button was pressed, without the slightest stagnation.

Bi Fang swung his arms down, puffed out his chest, and poured in oxygen.

Three minutes and fifteen seconds!

It took him only three minutes and fifteen seconds to run one kilometer in a straight line in the forest. According to the guidance of the staff in the headset, he saw a herd of reindeer!

In a situation full of soft soil and trees blocking the road, this speed is outrageous!

Hiding behind a rock, Bi Fang breathed out like a hurricane. In less than half a minute, the violent panting gradually subsided, and the lost physical strength was rapidly recovering.

After a few more minutes, I couldn't even tell that I had just run a thousand meters, as if Bi Fang had been sent over directly, refreshed and ready to go.

[Grass, I can’t even run that fast on a rubber track! 】

[This figure, this physical strength, this abdominal muscle, this shark muscle, I love it. 】

[Damn, this physical strength is so strong. 】

Bi Fang leaned against the rock. This was his first hunt after a long spring break, and he was quite excited to return to the wilderness.

He poked his head out to look at the reindeer herd. He didn't rush to hunt, but carefully looked for the target. Not far away, the reindeer herd were close together. After being frightened during the day, they seemed to be very cautious.

The blurred shadow lines, Bi Fang can feel that they raise their heads more frequently than before.

Looking up at the sky, the moon is good today, and the forest is relatively sparse, so I can barely see things.

"The circadian rhythm of reindeer living in the polar regions is not regular. They may be active during the day and night. The sleep time is very random, mainly determined by the time when they digest food, not the alternation of the sun and the moon.

Because in polar regions, when polar night and polar day last for a long time, animals may not need to adjust their biological clock, thus destroying the biological clock regulation function.

However, the Rocky Mountains are not polar regions. The reindeer here should still maintain the habit of coming out at night and coming out at night. It is getting dark soon, and they are frightened during the day, so they may relax their vigilance later. We can wait for a while. "

The poor reindeer had only experienced running wild and frightened during the day, and was being watched again at night.

The audience felt sorry for the reindeer.

Bi Fang sat on the ground with his javelin in his arms and adjusted his energy. After more than ten minutes, he finally found his hunting target.

A stag with a stag's head stuck on its head.

As luck would have it, this deer was at the very edge of the herd, not the center.

Although it is night, the target is easy to find. After all, it is the only one with such a strange head shape, and after running wildly for so long during the day, the deer's head did not fall off. It can be seen how firmly it is stuck. No wonder it can hang for several months. When it is hunted, how? Taking it down is probably still a problem.

After making some complaints, Bi Fang sneaked towards the stag, and soon approached the edge of the herd, only fifty meters away from the stag.

From finding the herd of reindeer to approaching the target, it took about half an hour. Many reindeer were ready to rest, and only a few remained to guard the surrounding environment.

Compared with wild beasts, Bi Fangke was much more patient, not in a hurry, and approached slowly like this.

At a distance of fifty meters, after walking for fifteen minutes in a daze, it was only within thirty meters.

On average, one meter per minute is slower than an eighty-year-old woman crossing the road. The audience is not in a hurry. They understand that this is Bi Fang's style. He is bold and aggressive in certain choices, but he is extremely calm when hunting.

Watching him touch the target bit by bit, don't feel nervous.

Thirty meters.

Bi Fang estimated the distance, and felt that it was almost enough, and if he got closer, he would be easily spotted.

Now he even has the time to explain in a low voice to the audience. He thought about this when he first acquired the archery skill, but he didn't tell the audience at that time, so he just took this opportunity to say it now.

"Of all the animals in existence, humans are the only ones who can accurately throw objects at long distances with their limbs and use long-range attacks.

Because we have a more flexible loin for greater torque, a lower humerus for increased range of motion, and a flatter shoulder joint that helps align the pectoralis major with the direction of throw rotation, which is why other animals Can't do it.

Even chimpanzees can only throw small rocks at will, with almost no accuracy, so we must take advantage of this advantage when hunting in the wild. "

Bi Fang stared at the resting reindeer lying on the ground, and slowly got up without making any movement.

He gripped the javelin tightly, and the muscles in his arm tightened layer by layer again, just like the hinges wound up before the mechanism was activated.

Muscle groups surged under the skin like waves, and unparalleled strength accumulated in them.

Accompanied by a breath of turbid air, Bi Fang suddenly kicked the ground!

Almost at the same time as he kicked the ground, the vigilant reindeer found him and neighed in warning.

The genetic instinct engraved in the herbivore awakened instantly, got up and ran away almost at the same time, but it was only almost, from neighing to reaction to running away, even though it was extremely fast, it was still a beat slow!

Bi Fang shortened the distance of 30 meters to less than 15 meters in just two seconds, which is enough!

The power extends from the forearm to the forearm, and then to the wrist. Under the black night is a black spear, and the black spear turns into black lightning, just like Zeus punishing the gods, piercing into the body with an unstoppable blow. Inside the body of the stag who just wanted to run away.

The earth trembled, and the herd of reindeer ran away again, making a loud noise, raising dust all over the sky, breaking the silence of the forest, mixed with an almost imperceptible miserable cry.

Bi Fang didn't approach, he could feel that his spear almost pierced the target, and definitely hurt the internal organs, it couldn't run even if it wanted to, and it could go up to harvest the prey only after the deer herd finished running.

But just when the herd of deer was about to run out, Bi Fang, who was really about to step forward to do the final harvest, felt his heart skip a beat, feeling an indescribable sense of crisis like a thorn in his back.

The roar of a beast immediately changed his expression.


Wolves again! ?

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