Chapter 425

On the mountain peak, the morning sun rose, and a dark figure moved across the snowy slope, leaping across pieces of bright yellow ice one after another.

The clouds below the mountain are flowing rapidly, and the whole mountain seems to be rooted on the clouds, like a fairyland.

Bi Fang devoted himself to the climbing, and every breath transmitted strength to his limbs. He had no distractions. Without the heavy coat and the boots that reached to the knees, his nature seemed to be released.

He did not fasten a safety rope, nor did he use trekking poles, but only relied on the two short ice axes in his hand to keep climbing. At this time, Bi Fang was simply a combination of a tough rhinoceros and a vigorous cheetah!

Even Xiaobai who is inexperienced can see how dangerous Bi Fang is at this time, just like a dancer dancing on a wire rope, if he is a little careless, he will lose everything.

Those who know how to do things are even more frightened. In the village, just looking at the palms of Rob's subconsciously curled into fists, you can know how dangerous it is.

It is not impossible to advance on the snow slopes purely with ice axes without safety ropes or trekking poles, but there is one most deadly problem, that is, being unable to stop!

How to climb a slope steadily?

One is to be steady and steady, fasten the safety rope, and move forward step by step with the trekking poles. The second is like Bi Fang, who uses speed and inertia to rush straight up.

Faster, stronger, more stable, but,

more dangerous.

In doing so, you must not only ensure a certain speed, but also ensure that you will not make mistakes in every step.

The faster the climbing, the lower the error tolerance rate, which is why among the four major mountaineering challenges, the death toll of speed climbing is the highest!

The error tolerance rate is too low!

The faster the time, the shorter the thinking, and the more particular about how to kick. Here, the strength and range of each kick are particular, and the slightest carelessness will cause you to fall off the cliff.

Not to mention that people's brains will slow down when they get here, and many people don't even realize what they just did after a minute or two.

If you just look at the climb above 8,000 meters, Puba even thinks it can be regarded as an anaerobic solo acceleration climb, the three in one!

Don't get me wrong, this is not a good word. If it can be done, then these three items are naturally an honor.

But before success, these are the three top debuffs!

Such buffs can be set on ordinary people, and they can kill people alive.

But in the eyes of the audience, in addition to stability, it is still stable.

From the first person, they can't see Bi Fang's expression, but the road under their feet, the clouds under the mountain, and the snow on the top of the mountain, everything is changing at an extremely constant speed.

In the upper right corner of the live broadcast room, the numbers are also beating at a constant speed.

Since 8000.00, it has jumped to the current 8196.47 meters.

[However, such a stable speed also proves that Bi Fang's body is still normal, healthy and energetic, and his brain has not slowed down his thinking due to lack of oxygen. 】

On the screen, a barrage was pinned to the top and colored.

It was Puba who was introducing it to the audience.

At this time, Puba was a special guest in Bi Fang's live broadcast room, and he existed exclusively for explaining. Every time a barrage is posted, it will be bolded and put on the top, and it will disappear after a minute.

The purpose of doing so is also to facilitate the audience's understanding and enhance interactivity at the same time.

Needless to say, it was naturally Wang Yongbo's idea, and the way to do it was very simple, just insert a plug-in in the background. After convincing Puba, the staff of Langya finished it in one afternoon.

Although his physical fitness is mediocre, when it comes to live broadcasting business, regardless of whether vision is the decision, Wang Yongbo really has something.

In order to ensure the rhythm of breathing, Bi Fang can’t speak, so let other people introduce, otherwise just watching the animation will be dry and boring, and at the same time it can be regarded as another “strong combination”.

As a hero who could create the most summit records but gave up for the sake of his clan, as a junior commentator who was admired by his predecessors for his bravery, isn't it also a kind of passing on the torch?

When the number on the top right finally jumps to 8200.00.

[This is the famous "Yellow Belt" of Mount Everest. As the name suggests, it is a yellow rock exposed to the ice and snow. At night, there will be bright crystal reflections in the rock under the close-range illumination of headlights.

The exposed rock is usually because of the steep slope. At this time, you must make sure to step on every step in the ice-rock mixed zone on the steep slope. At this time, the strength of the legs is particularly important. Don't hesitate, don't stay, and climb up with a burst of energy. The entire "yellow belt" is from 8200 meters to about 8600 meters, but it is only relatively steep in a few places. 】

Pubba is dedicated to his duties, just like he used to be a guide, the only difference is that he is not the one who climbed to the top.

In the picture, Bi Fang is still fast and steady, but his speed has dropped slightly, from jogging to the current level of striding, but the movement of sending himself up with each step is still as stable as a machine, and the ice ax in his hand is firmly nailed Into the ice, the coordination reveals the beauty of human beings under extreme sports.

Every effort is like a master, no, just like a master, moving forward firmly.

To think and judge within a few tenths of a second, to make accurate movements, and to pedal without hesitation, Bi Fang's reaction ability and physical fitness are at the peak among climbers.

What's more important is courage. You must not be afraid at that moment. Even if you are facing thousands of troops, you must exert your strength steadily and relentlessly in order to gain a chance of survival.

Bi Fang just did it!

Young people are terrible.

At this time, Puba only had this feeling in his heart.

With Bi Fang's real-time performance, and listening to the commentary of professionals, the audience at this time can only "look up at the mountain".

[Too awesome, God Fang is a human miracle! 】

[Top talent, is this anchor a mountaineer of the national team? 】

[Fuck, is there anyone who doesn't know Fang Shen? 】

[No, this is just his "hobby\

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