Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 473 The Terrifying Leech

Chapter 473 The Terrifying Leech

A bolt of lightning in the sky traversed through the gaps in the leaves, and the rumbling thunder was deafening.

Lightning illuminated the ground, and the dense forest that was still somewhat bright quickly dimmed.

Without warning, the rain fell.

"It's raining." Bi Fang touched the rain on his cheeks, looked at the big fish still struggling in the muddy water, and stretched out his hand to fish without caring about safety, "We have to go back quickly, or we might catch a cold."

The rain became heavier in a blink of an eye, and the big cold rain hit the body, which was painful, which was the reason why the leaves blocked most of it.

Bi Fang stretched out his five fingers and picked up the fish in the muddy water to the shore. After repeated several times, he caught all the fish in the fishing ground, a total of three, and there were even more small fish that it was too late to catch.

The rain became heavier, and the red mud on Bi Fang's body began to fall off, leaving red marks.

Hastily packing a few big fish jumping on the bank into the bark box, and reaching out to grab the spear on the ground, Bi Fang accidentally saw his palm, and suddenly froze.

Bi Fang felt a chill in his heart and almost wanted to vomit.

An extremely fat leech was quietly attached to the side of his palm, and its body slowly swelled and squirmed!

[Why don't you leave? heavy rain】

The live broadcast room was semi-dark, and many viewers didn't even notice the huge leeches hidden in the darkness.

When Bi Fang raised his palm, the audience who urged him to go back quickly found that a long black spot was attached to it.

【What is this posted? 】

[Willow leaves? 】

Branch lightning exploded in the sky, briefly illuminating the forest.

"Damn it! Leeches!"

Cao Lifeng screamed, alerting everyone present.


"It's a leech."

"Damn it, it's disgusting."

There were whispers in the first arena, looking at the huge black bars on the screen, all felt a chill in their hearts.

When did you bite it?

Bi Fang couldn't remember, maybe it was when he reached out to fish, it was really hard to guard against.

It hurts to be bitten by a leech, but it's not very obvious, and he didn't even notice it when he didn't realize it.

Looking up at the increasing rain, Bi Fang took two steps back, staying away from the river and not getting close to the trees. Banna is the place with the most thunderstorms in Yunnan, and he didn't want to die young.

Looking at the leech on the side of his palm, Bi Fang's tone was as calm as ever.

"For leeches that bite tightly, especially when they get into the meat, don't pull them hard to prevent the mouthparts of the leeches from being broken and remaining in the meat, which will easily lead to inflammation and infection."

"Under normal circumstances, you can spit on the sucker and the body of the leech, mainly on the sucker. If you spit a little more, the leech will often let go, and then pat it a few times, and the leech will fall."

Bi Fang opened his mouth, pressed the tip of his tongue against the upper palate, and the tongue produced fluid, which soon dripped on the leech's mouthparts. When it was almost done, he stretched out his right hand and patted it lightly.

After a while, the leech squirmed and continued to swell.

What's the situation?

The audience was shocked. Bi Fang's method had never been wrong, but now it is invalid?

[Fuck, this leech is too fierce]

[I remember being bitten by a leech when I went to the paddy field when I was a child, and my grandfather just patted it lightly and it came down]

[Should it be said that it is a leech in the rainforest? big and fierce]

[Actually, the big ones are easier to deal with. I've seen small ones that can get right into people's bodies.]

Bi Fang raised his eyebrows, a little unexpectedly, he failed.

The probability of this is not high, and there is nothing around him that can burn, otherwise it will be enough to burn it with fire.

Without too much hesitation, Bi Fang directly let the drone deflect the camera, then stood up, and said very calmly: "If the saliva doesn't work, you can take your own or your companion's urine and pour it on the leech. The leech will let go of itself."


The audience gasped and poured urine directly?


Bi Fang didn't feel any psychological discomfort. It's normal to deal with urine in the wilderness. When there is really no water to drink, urine is a luxury.

Unfortunately, the position where the leeches are attached is on the side of the palm of the left hand, which is not easy to handle.

So Bi Fang took a bamboo tube as a transit point.

In the live broadcast room, the audience could only see Bi Fang's shirtless body facing away from him, and the red mud on his body became very mottled under the rain.

After a while of rustling, the camera turned to the front and saw Bi Fang pouring the liquid from the bamboo tube directly onto the huge leech.

"Urine and salt are the same effect. Many molluscs have a lot of water in their bodies. Once salt is sprinkled, the osmotic pressure will change dramatically, and the water in their bodies will be lost quickly, causing severe damage, and they will automatically give up the attack."

Sure enough, urine is used more than drool.

As soon as it was sprayed, the leech had a huge reaction and began to struggle.

Perhaps it was because he had been busy all afternoon and didn't replenish water so much. The concentration of inorganic salts in Bi Fang's urine was a bit high. To leeches, it was no less than falling into sulfuric acid.

The body swayed violently a few times before falling to the ground and crawling towards the muddy water.

After the treatment was completed, Bi Fang didn't care about cleaning and stopping the bleeding, let alone the idea of ​​revenge. He threw the bamboo tube in his hand into the river and rushed towards the camp. As for the bamboo tube, let nature degrade it.

In the dark rainforest, the sound of running water can be heard everywhere.

The rain fell into the forest and left like pillars along the leaves, forming small streams in the forest, which shows how heavy the rain is.

When Bi Fang just left the river, he even felt that the water in the river had risen a little bit.

"Everyone, don't panic when you are on your way." Bi Fang kept moving forward in one direction, and the rainforest was completely dark at this time.

If it hadn't been for this road many times, Bi Fang felt that even he might get lost, without him, it was too dark, and he couldn't use a torch at this time.

The surrounding trees are all the same tall, with vines everywhere, there is no difference at all in the eyes of ordinary people, even the most experienced hunters can't tell the difference.

Fortunately, the distance was not far, and the original markings were still there. After a while, Bi Fang successfully returned to the camp.

"Phew! I finally came back. It seems that I made the right choice to build the roof." Bi Fang wiped the red mud on his face, making his face smudged.

The rain had already soaked his hair, and the water dripped down his chin quickly.

The rain in the rainy season is so caught off guard, and the signs are rarely noticed, and it is often too late to find out.

Bi Fang rinsed and took out the fire in the bark box, dug out the filled fire pit again, lit the flame, the high temperature immediately dispelled the cold, and the comfort spread along the limbs and bones.

The rain fell on the palm leaves on the roof of the shed, and rolled down, connecting dots and flowing down the slope.

The rainforest in the rainy season and the rainforest in the dry season are two completely different places. Rivers can rise on the ground here, and trees may grow thick aerial roots overnight.

Therefore, as early as when choosing the camp, Bi Fang could build the camp on a higher ground to avoid being directly submerged by water.

"At any time, everyone should not leave a burning fire pit. Make sure that someone is watching, otherwise it is very likely to cause a forest fire, and a gust of wind may blow the sparks to the withered leaves." Bi Fang stretched out his hand to warm the fire , At the same time, the water on the body is evaporated to dryness.

All kinds of animals are sheltering from the rain, and there is a rare peace in the rainforest.

Bi Fang inserted the bamboo tube directly into the fire pit and let the flames boil it.

"The boiling point of water is only 100 degrees. We may throw it in directly, and the bamboo tube will not be burned. At most, the outer skin will be burnt black. This is a convenient way to boil water, but now I have to treat the wound quickly."

"In order to facilitate blood-sucking, leeches secrete an antithrombin enzyme while biting. Under the action of this enzyme, even if we safely remove the leech, the wound will continue to bleed."

Bi Fang showed the audience the wounds bitten by leeches. There were no obvious wounds, but the gurgling blood couldn't stop gushing out, which was very scary.

If it hadn't been for the rain, Bi Fang would never have returned to the camp bleeding, which would have attracted ferocious beasts, but it didn't matter if it rained, as all traces would be washed away by the rain.

Bi Fang picked up a pot of clean water from a bamboo tube that had not been fully heated, and slowly poured it on the wound to clean it.

"The only good news is that leeches are non-venomous, so there is no serious danger of being bitten by them, only a part of the blood is lost. But the wound may be infected, so disinfection is the most important."

"And some people will have allergic reactions after being bitten by leeches, such as red spots on the body, itching, swollen lips and eyes, dizziness, difficulty breathing and other symptoms, so they should seek medical treatment immediately."

From being bitten to now, Bi Fang didn't feel any discomfort, it seems that he is quite lucky.

"If there is only a small wound, you can wash the wound with iodine, alcohol, or a five percent sodium bisulfate solution."

"Without disinfection tools, you can also burn bamboo leaves into carbon ash, or mash young bamboo leaves and apply them on the wound to prevent infection and stop bleeding."

Bi Fang kept some bamboo leaves when he set up the camp. They were rolled off the bamboo poles. He didn’t think too much about it at the time. They were completely spare, and they were put under the bed.

Take out some bamboo leaves and put them on the slate, light them with charcoal fire, and watch them burn up in the flames.

Bi Fang directly pressed his palm into the ashes, feeling itchy all over. Fortunately, the ashes physically blocked the wound and stopped bleeding.

"I once read a survey of leeches in the LZD area. The researchers randomly surveyed the officers and soldiers stationed there, and found that 61% of the 50 officers and soldiers in the company were bitten, and 100% of them were bitten when they were on duty in the field. ; Leeches cause officers and soldiers psychological fear accounted for 70%."

Even Chinese soldiers are afraid of this little thing, let alone ordinary people.

This is also one of the reasons why Bi Fang does not go into the water easily. Maybe you go down with bare feet, and when you come up again, you will already have a leg of black leeches, big and small, sucked up.

Not to mention that leeches can be big or small, as well as parasitic, which can burrow into the flesh, which is even more terrifying.

The audience shuddered, and the hairs on their legs stood on end.

[Oh my god, what Fang God said made me shrink my toes successfully]


[The rainforest looks beautiful, but if you really go there, you will be disgusted to death]

[I still wanted to go on a trip, good guy, this operation by Lao Fang successfully dispelled my thoughts, it's too scary]

[Where is this rainforest, it is clearly a green hell]

【Curator Zhou crying in a storm】

Bi Fang smiled: "That's not the case. The scenery is still very beautiful, and the Banna scenic spot is all on the periphery, so there will be no danger. Otherwise, Director Zhou may regret agreeing to my coming."

After the bleeding stopped, Bi Fang pulled the bark frame aside and began to check today's harvest.

A total of eight large bamboo shoots, four fish.

Among them are two catfish and two carp, which are common fish in the Banna rainforest.

The sizes are all impressive. The smallest carp is as big as the palm of your hand, and the length of the other three is close to the length of your arm. If you save a little, one carp can be eaten for a day, and it is more than enough to serve with bamboo shoots.

If there is no accident, at least for three or four days, Bi Fang will not have to worry about food, and he can still eat quite well.

"It's a pity that today's rain is a bit heavy. When the rain stops, the river water is likely to rise sharply. Before it infiltrates, the original fishing ground is no longer usable and needs to be reopened."

"But it doesn't matter, it's only a few hours. Now that there is enough food, we can dig wider and deeper fishing grounds and catch bigger fish."

Bi Fang's face was full of joy. Hungry, he spread the palm leaves on the ground and began to handle the big fish.

There are so many microorganisms in the rainforest, and the climate is hot, the dead fish will soon be uneatable, so they must be processed quickly and made into smoked fish.

It is more convenient for catfish. It does not need to remove the scales, but it is more troublesome for carp.

Bi Fang took a long time to scrape with a stone dagger, and it was still quite messy, leaving a few scattered fish scales.

"We don't want to throw the offal around. On the one hand, it has a strong smell and it's not safe to leave it on the ground. On the other hand, these offal are also good bait. Whether it's catching animals or spreading them in the fishing ground, it can increase the harvest."

Surviving in the wilderness, catching prey is equivalent to owning the principal, and those who are good at using all resources can make quick profits and build up their advantages.

There is no doubt that Bi Fang is such a person. With this harvest, it will be very difficult for him to be hungry in the next nineteen days.

Opening up all the fish, Bi Fang cut off the fattest belly of their bodies.

"Fish belly is rich in fat, which can help us replenish energy, but I don't lack this now, but I want to extract the oil from them."

"Biological oil has many functions. It can be used as a flammable torch, and it can also help us make some other items, such as mixing with plant ash to make soap."

"With soap, we can wash our bodies every day, and it also has antibacterial and antibacterial effects, which is quite necessary in the rainforest."

Bi looked delighted, everything was going in a good direction.

Clean the fish and insert it with a bamboo skewer. Bi Fang is going to try grilling fish today.

At the same time, he also took out a handful of "weeds" from the bark box, and tied them to the fish under the eyes of the audience who didn't know why.

Regarding the source of the investigation report, Yang Zhenzhou et al. "Ecological Investigation of Blood-sucking Leeches in XZLZD Area".

The flower magpie is the only non-mammal that can recognize itself in a mirror.

In addition, sacrifice a new book, "The Pengo Lie Family in the World of American Comics", in exchange for my follow-up subscription

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