Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 477 What should I do if I accidentally catch a second-level animal?

Chapter 477 What should I do if I accidentally catch a second-level animal?

The fourth day of Banna Rainforest Survival.

Bi Fang sat up from the rattan bed, stretched his waist, and it was another day full of energy.

With an empty stomach, he cooked another pot of fish soup and stewed the remaining few bamboo shoots.

【Ah, eat fish again】

[It's still milky white! 】

[It smells so good. 】

The audience just woke up in the morning, and their stomachs started growling after seeing this scene.

Bi Fang roasted the surface of the fish first, and then stewed it to make a milky white soup. Unfortunately, the deliciousness is delicious, but it has no taste.

"No salt, no spirit." Bi Fang smacked his mouth, almost fading out of the bird.

Without salt, there is no energy. Today is the fourth day of Survival in the Rainforest. All I eat is fish, no animal blood, and the sodium content is very limited.

There are a lot of wild vegetables in the rainforest, and there is a stable supply of meat, but unfortunately it is all fish, so we must find a way to get some salt chacha.

"Let's go to the river to see if the fishing ground we dug the day before yesterday is still there. If not, we have to dig a new one."

Yesterday I had abdominal pain all morning, and I felt better after taking medicine at noon. In the evening, I simply stewed three bamboo shoots soup, plus stinky cabbage and frangipani, pure vegetarian.

Almost a whole day was wasted, and there are more things to do today.

In the morning, Bi Fang came to the river again. As expected, the torrential rain overnight caused the entire river to swell a lot, and the upstream stream widened a lot.

So Bi Fang used a stone shovel to dig a deeper and larger fishing ground, more than half a meter deep and a full three square meters.

And weaved a stronger fish cage, which can be entered but not exited, and then sprinkled with Houttuynia cordata and fish viscera that has been fermented all night.

"After processing the internal organs of the fish that day, I wrapped them in leaves and buried them in the soil. Wow, it smells so bad." As soon as Bi Fang opened the leaf bag, a strong fishy and rotten smell gushed out crazily. pungent.

"It has already started to rot and ferment, much faster than I thought, but it is just used to attract more carnivorous fish."

Throwing all the rotting fish viscera into the fishing ground, Bi Fang filled all the bamboo tubes in the bark frame with water, a total of ten.

He was going back to take a shower, and the soap that happened to be made was also finished.

After doing all this, Bi Fang, who regained a stable source of meat, found the traps made before according to the tree marks along the way, and found that many of them were washed away by the rain and were scrapped.

Throwing away the bamboo traps that were swollen and swollen by water, Bi Fang shook his head: "Many traps are triggered, and they will be scrapped immediately if they are damaged by external forces. Forget it, there are a lot of fish in that river anyway. We don't need to make traps anymore."

Look at the traps set up earlier, put the bad ones there to degrade naturally, and remove the undamaged ones artificially. As a result, when I saw the last one, I really got something!

A huge, squirrel-shaped black guy got a foot strapped!

[Nimma, what a fat squirrel! 】

[Squirrels are so fat? 】

[This is not a squirrel, is it? It's dark and not autumnal. 】

The audience's eyes widened. They had never seen a black squirrel this big. The body alone is 30 to 40 centimeters, close to the size of a cat, and the tail is more than half a meter. The whole looks bigger than a dog!

Sure enough, it is still a rainforest raising rats!

Where can such a big squirrel be raised in a normal place, the audience suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

[Such a big head, can you eat a whole meal, right? 】

[I have never eaten squirrels, only bamboo rats, the taste is very delicious, so happy]

[Squirrels are so cute, so you can eat squirrels]

[Just said it was salty, isn't it delivered to your door? laugh.jpg]

"Damn it, how did you catch it!" Bi Fang was not as happy as the audience imagined, not only not happy, but even a little nervous.

Holding the tree stick tightly, he leaned towards the trap cautiously. When he saw someone approaching, the huge black squirrel immediately frowned and bared its big buck teeth. Unfortunately, in the eyes of everyone, it didn't seem threatening at all, but looked a little cute instead. .

[Ah,,, what's the matter,, this squirrel has a virus? 】

[It's not about protecting animals. . . 】

[Can squirrels also be protected animals? 】

"This dark guy is a giant squirrel. All squirrels in China can be raised, but it can't, because it is a national second-level protected animal!"

Bi Fang didn't set up lethal traps because he was afraid that such a situation would happen. It would be bad if he accidentally injured a protected animal. Simply restricting his actions would be fine, as there was a chance of rescue.

[Fuck, isn't it, this guy is a second grader? 】

[The white-legged buffalo is the first in the country, and the giant squirrel is the second in the country. I wonder if this is Lao Fang's luck? Or is protecting animals so common? 】

[It's over, I won't be able to see Lao Fang's live broadcast in the future, I'm sitting in prison, watching with thousands of eyes]

[Fang Shen~~~ Sad! ~~】

"Don't talk nonsense, what's the matter, many fishermen will also catch protected animals. Could it be that they are breaking the law? As long as they don't harm them, they can be released directly into the wild and they will be fine."

Holding the stick, Bi Fang slowly approached the giant squirrel, and the giant squirrel exploded even more violently.

Seeing this, Bi Fang moved more slowly, fearing that the other party was not physically injured, but that something was wrong with his mind.

Finally, the stick was slowly pressed against the giant squirrel's head, and it fell to the ground little by little.

Although the giant squirrel looked as big as a dog, its body was no bigger than a cat, and Bi Fang could hold it down with one hand. He took the opportunity to get to his hind legs, trying to untie the vines.

"The locals call the giant squirrel a tree dog, which shows how big it is, and it is also called a big black mouse, because it is as flexible as a mouse and is also very black."

When the camera zooms in, the audience can clearly see that there are many teeth marks on the tree vines, and many fibers have been bitten out. Unfortunately, the tree vines are too thick, and Bi Fang discovered the giant squirrel before it was bitten off.

While touching the trap, Bi Fang also smiled: "Fortunately, it met me first. If it is met by a python or something, it will be dinner on the plate."

【If you really want to be eaten by a boa constrictor, it's not all your fault. They lived well in the trees, but they were caught suddenly. 】

"Hahaha, you're right, it's all on me."

Bi Fang smiled, and after untying the trap, he took two steps back before letting go of the stick.

Almost at the same time as the stick was withdrawing, there was a squeak, and a huge black shadow flashed in front of everyone, and when it was discovered again, it had already arrived on the big tree, sitting on the branch and baring its teeth at Bi Fang The mouth was split open, revealing the brown hair on the chest.

The little guy is quite arrogant.

Bi Fang picked up a small stone and hit the little guy on the head with a flick. The giant black squirrel screamed, panicked, jumped one after another, and disappeared into the jungle.

Bi Fang laughed out loud, just thinking it was funny.

[It's over, I found out that Fang Shen likes to bully small animals, I won't be killed, right? 】

"What bullying small animals, I am a friend of animals, I just helped it, let it know that human beings are not a friendly creature, so that it will know to go around next time it sees it."

"In the future, when you travel, don't feed wild animals casually, especially small animals that you don't know. Many times, they will have a wrong perception that humans are friendly, and they will continue to beg for food next time."

"But an animal is still an animal. It can't recognize the difference between this person and the next person. If it encounters a poacher, it's over."

Bi Fang thinks this is a bit sad, but it is the most correct way for normal people. Don't let these creatures think that everyone is kind, which is the greatest kindness.

After letting go of the giant squirrel, Bi Fang had dismantled all the traps and returned to the camp.

"If you catch an unknown animal that may be a protected animal, don't panic. What you have to do is to check the Internet as soon as possible, and judge whether it is a member of the national first-level or second-level protected animal list through the location. If you are not sure, You should also contact the relevant departments in time."

"The discovery of national rare and protected animals is under the control of the Forestry Bureau. The Forestry Bureau also has telephone and online channels, and then waits for professionals to come to identify them. Don't feel troublesome. Protecting rare animals is the duty of citizens. It is not possible. You can also call 110."

"Besides, it's also right to contact the zoo. And if you find that the place is a national protected animal habitat, you can release it directly if you find that the other party has no obvious signs of injury."

After briefly explaining what to do when encountering suspected rare wild animals, Bi Fang returned to the camp and split open the bamboo tubes that had been evaporated to dryness yesterday.

Breaking open the bamboo tube, the audience immediately saw the round creamy yellow soap deposited under the bamboo tube.

Not only the appearance, but even the shape is a round bamboo tube, which looks exactly like a modern industrial soap!

[It really came out? 】

[You can send it to me if you don’t run out, looking forward to.jpg]

Bi Fang squeezed the soap, and it was much softer than the ones bought in the supermarket, like a piece of lard, but harder than simple lard, smelling it, it also exudes a lemon fragrance.

He got some water, moistened the soap, and after lathering, he rubbed it directly on his body.

"In the rainforest, if possible, it's best to take a bath every day. The best time is in the evening, that is, when you finish your day's work. Pay special attention to washing your armpits, groin and other parts."

"These parts are most prone to rashes due to the stimulation of long-term sweat collection during the day. The back of the ears also need to be cleaned. If there is not enough water, then you should reduce the amount of soap and shampoo."

After wiping one side, Bi Fang picked up a bamboo tube and poured water from top to bottom, sweeping away the bad luck accumulated for many days, completely refreshed.

"If you use natural soap like I do, you can simply rinse it off and it will degrade quickly, but if you don't and you bring your own, whatever it says on the packaging, it must be in the Dig a hole twenty-five meters away from the water source and pour water into the hole."

"As for using it directly in the river, it shouldn't be. You don't know if it is really environmentally friendly. Businesses will deceive people. Even a small piece of soap may damage the entire environment."

After washing up and having lunch, Bi Fang cleaned his teeth with branches, put out the fire pit, held the sticks, took a more portable funnel bag, and set off toward the depths of the rainforest.

[Old Fang, where are you going? 】

The audience was puzzled as to why Bi Fang suddenly ran out fully armed.

Holding a spear, Bi Fang explained: "During lunch, I thought of a good way to find salt, but it's a bit dangerous."

"But if all goes well, maybe we won't have to worry about salt."

"Now we're going to try and see if we can rediscover the bison we met on the first day."

Six thousand plus today.

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