Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 495 The Archer Paradox

Chapter 495 The Archer Paradox

The bow is a widely used hunting tool. Bi Fang made it once before the migration of geese and birds.

At the same time, I still have blue archery proficiency skills, so I feel really sorry if I don't make one.

The style of bow and arrow is still "father and son bow".

There is a smaller bow tied on the back of a larger bow. Although it is not as strong and durable as the whole cutting of better wood, the advantage is that it does not require high materials for the tree and is easy to make.

"The wood that can be used to make good bows in the rainforest is rare, because the trees here generally grow very fast. Anyone who has studied biology should know that the longer the growth cycle, the higher the quality of the things grown, and vice versa. established."

The geography teacher in high school knocked on the blackboard every day in class and shouted why the Northeast Wuchang rice tastes better, because the growth cycle is long and the soil is fertile.

Bi Fang still remembers this.

The wood in the north is much better than that in the south, and it is the same reason.

Hundreds of years ago, the wood used to build the palace was basically felled from the Daxingan Mountains in the north, and finally flowed all the way down the river.

The father and son bow overcomes the problem of not having good wood through a unique structure, which is very suitable for this environment.

After working for several hours, it was around nine o'clock, and Bi Fang also felt sleepy. He had to get up early every day and do a lot of physical activity, so he was very prone to sleepiness at night.

There is a saying that is good, many people nowadays just eat too much, so they can think about what they have and what they have, and they will be fine if they are hungry for two meals.

Bi Fang yawned, put the 80% completed bow and arrow on the ground, and said in a daze, "I'm sleepy, I'm sleepy, the broadcast is going down today."

"Bye, brothers."


【You are obviously a fucking man】

【Am I a man if it’s a man on the data? You are discriminatory! I want to sue you]

【You guys are really interesting】

【There are so many fools】

The 11th day of survival in the Banna Rainforest, more than half of the 21 days of survival missions have passed.

In the early morning, the water monitor lizard crawled out of the cave early. As a cold-blooded animal, it has to bask in the sun every day to raise its body temperature.

The terrain around the shelter is relatively open, maybe that's why it is so persistent and drags its family here?

Bi Fang ignored the water monitor lizard basking in the sun, got up to wash up, took care of personal hygiene, and turned on the live broadcast.

"My bow and arrow was almost finished yesterday, and I perfected it again this morning, and now it can be finalized and tested."

Bi Fang raised the longbow in his hand, which was very similar to that of Yanniao. Two branches formed the body of the bow, and some hemp rope made of bark fiber was used as the bowstring.

This is not the final bowstring, just to test the effect of the bow by pulling on the string.

Bi Fang took out a "test stick" less than one meter long and about 70 centimeters, cut a notch at the top, and then cut another one every 12 centimeters or so.

Then place the grip of the bow on the tip of the stick and pull the string to the first notch.

"Each notch represents how much the bow is bent, and now I'm going to check the bow and if everything looks ok, then move on to the next notch by pulling the string."

"But once you find that some parts are too bent, you need to trim it at both ends so that it can bend as well as other places. Similarly, too little bending is also a problem."

"When making a bow, don't skip this process. These details will affect the overall balance of the bow, ensuring that the arrows you shoot will not float, but fly straight forward, and finally fall to the ground under the action of gravity."

In this way, Bifang checked the bow's bending step by step until the string could reach the last notch on the stick.

Next shorten the length of the rope and test the second small bow.

After testing both bows, one big and one small, they were assembled together and tested again. After some adjustments, they were all successful, and there was no problem with Bi Fang's production.

The bow and arrow were also prepared last night, Bi Fang dried it and took it out.

"If you are a novice, don't expect immediate success in hunting with a bow. The first thing you need to do is to get a lot of practice and become familiar with the bow in your hand. Learn how to load, draw, aim and shoot at different distances. Only when you have confidence can you fight in practice.”

Bi Fang, who has system skills, is naturally rich in experience. He has always felt that solidifying skills is a big problem.

Any skill, as long as it appears on the panel, will not become unfamiliar and clumsy due to the passage of time and long-term non-practice.

He was a piano master ten years ago, but he is still a piano master if he hasn't practiced for ten years.

Bi Fang aimed at a big tree, and after shooting several times, he retrieved the arrow and headed towards the jungle, following the animal trails in the forest.

"I don't seem to have talked about archery skills?"

【Never said that, cover your face】

【Yes, I saw the flying arrows of poachers swishing】

"Have you heard of the archer paradox?"

【Oh, I know this, that is, the second arrow shot will never catch up with the first arrow! 】


【Ah, is that so? 】

[I always feel something is wrong. . . 】

【Ah, that's Zeno's paradox, right? The tortoise. . . 】

"I've never heard that the second arrow can't catch up with the first arrow." Bi Fang twitched his mouth, "I think what you said should be the philosophical paradox that Achilles can't outrun the tortoise, which is exactly the same as what I said relation."

"The archer's paradox is that when shooting an arrow, as long as your arrow is pointed at the target when it is strung, it will miss."

What the hell?

Am I wrong?

At this moment, standing in front of the screen, millions of viewers want to dig out their ears, wondering if they just heard it wrong.

If you aim at the target, you will miss the shot, are you kidding me?

How many people have been exposed to professional archery practice?

Not even one percent, so the live broadcast room was completely blown up at this moment, and I felt that Bi Fang was talking nonsense.

Even people who have been exposed to professional archery feel that it is nonsense.

【How can it be? How does the archer aim at the target? 】

【This unscientific】

[Have you really started to learn metaphysics? 】

[As soon as I came in, I saw the anchor bragging, can this also be recommended on the cover? Did you buy it for money? It's all shady]

[? ? ? 】

[Nonsense, I went to the archery gym in the club yesterday to experience it. I have never heard of such a thing. You don’t know about your own club, old Fang? 】

Bi Fang spread his hands together: "I'm not talking nonsense. I can be responsible for what I say. If you don't believe me, you should check it out. However, the archer's paradox does not exist in modern archery, but you have never played traditional archery."

He didn't expect the audience's reaction to be so strong, but he could understand it.

People who have never played bow and arrow think it is unreliable, and those who have played bow and arrow, emmm, will also think it is unreliable.

Because modern archery has overcome this problem, this situation will not be encountered at all.

"Has anyone checked?"

The audience dubiously opened the webpage and entered the Archer Paradox word by word, and after a while.

[Fuck, there really are. . . 】

【There is a problem in this world】

[It must be Fang Shen who activated the mighty force again, changing the physical rules of this world! 】

Bi Fang didn't care too much. Netizens often made jokes about him, but he also cooperated and said: "Whoever has this ability will come to the live broadcast."

"Normal people will subconsciously think that when shooting an arrow, the arrow should be aimed at the target, but in fact, any traditional archer's arrow on the string is biased to one side. Accurately hit the target."

Most of the people in the live broadcast room stopped talking and listened with ears pricked up. Only a small number of people did not inquire and judged blindly based on their own feelings.

"You will think that the bow and arrow are shot straight forward, but in fact, in the high-speed camera, the bow and arrow swim out like a fish."

Bi Fang drew out a long arrow and bent it in a certain arc, indicating the good elasticity of the bow and arrow.

"Because of the limitation of our bow drawing method and the structure of the bow and arrow, whether it is a Mediterranean-style bow or a Mongolian-style bow, there will be a certain amount of friction, which will cause the string to bounce back to the left and to the right."

Bi Fang drew his bow and set an arrow, demonstrating what Mongolian style and Mediterranean style are.

In the Mediterranean, the bowstring is drawn with the three fingers of the right hand, and the arrow is placed on the left side of the handle. Left-handed people draw the string with three fingers on the left hand, and put the arrow on the right.

The Mongolian open bow is equivalent to the Mediterranean left-handed open bow, which is the mirror image of the above set of movements.

However, in the Mongolian bow, the arrow of the right-handed archer should be placed on the right side of the bow, and the string should be pulled with the thumb of the right hand.

However, due to the relationship between one finger and the bow, the thumb is easily scratched, so the so-called thumb pull appears, but this thing has existed since the pre-Qin period, and it was called 韘 at that time.

"I've watched a lot of TV dramas with ancient costumes, but I've never seen anyone pull the bow correctly, and even have the pinching arrow style, pinching the arrow feathers to shoot, this should be the move of ancient humans and some primitive tribes, the accuracy is poor, it is more applicable Shooting balloons over her boyfriend's head at the playground."

The audience almost laughed out loud.

【How do actors compare with Fang Shen? 】

[Boyfriend is in danger! 】


【Are you Xiahou Dun too? 】

"However, although the arrow will shake its head and brain, there are two points on the arrow that do not sway left and right, and that is the node. The connecting line of the node will point to the final position of the arrow. In other words, only if the node of the arrow is aligned with the target line to hit the target."

"The position of the nodal point of the arrow depends on the mass distribution and deflection of the arrow, that is, the elasticity, as well as the draw force and draw distance of the bow."

"With the same bow, if you shoot another arrow, the wave nodes will change. So even if you are a veteran, you can't shoot right when you grab an arrow."

【Study is abolished】

[Then why is it never mentioned in the archery gym of Laofang Club? 】

【Yes, I can hit the target even if I hit it directly】

[Fuck, have you all been there? 】

[Nonsense, only you haven't been there]

[Wait for me, buy a ticket now! 】

"Because you know the reason, modern bows and arrows will definitely be improved. Anyone who has played with a compound bow should know that the bow handle of the compound bow protrudes on one side. With this protrusion, you can shoot directly at the target without thinking about the paradox."

"The falling arrow rest also has a protective effect. It falls at the moment the arrow is launched, reducing the impact of external forces. Now the arrow will no longer swing left and right, but swings up and down."

"In short, if you build a bow and arrow in the wild with your bare hands, then you must lean to one side when shooting, otherwise you will definitely miss the target."

Fuck, I just found out that the second chapter was not released.

Sorry, sorry, forgot the timing. Almost lost full attendance.

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