Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 498 Earth OL Iron Age

Chapter 498 Earth OL Iron Age

2Fe2O3+3C will generate 4Fe+3CO2 under high temperature environment.

This equation is the key to Bifang's iron making. At the same time, the sulfur in plant ash can accelerate the liquefaction of metals and reduce the temperature required for ironmaking.

The high temperature and charcoal raise the temperature, and the plant ash lowers the temperature required. The two sets of combined punches can be used together to successfully refine qualified iron.

【WHAT THE **!】

【Why can't I understand at all? 】

If domestic audiences can still understand it, foreign audiences are already confused.

Why don't you seem to have heard of these things?

Did you really go to school?

[Why do I feel like I have never learned it? 】

[Huaxia's education is terrible! 】

【I remember we also taught it, you didn’t listen carefully in class.】

[Going to play basketball. 】

【I might be in love】

Mix all the three kinds of ash together, add water to Bifang and mix it, flatten it and make it round.

After making a piece of soil cake, Bi Fang said: "We are not doing experiments, there is no need to make the ratio so clear, as long as it is about one to one, three in one to make one piece."

[This is the DLC of Earth OL, Iron Age! 】

[So excited, there will be iron ingots soon, and there will be small iron swords soon]

[I bet fifty cents, after refining, there must be local tyrants buying it at a high price! 】

The audience fantasized that they were the lucky one, but after thinking about it, they knew that it was basically impossible.

Damn, they want it too!

【Master Mu is gearing up, I want this discus! 】

[And Boss Lin, who do you look down on, let's fight]

[Mr. Lin doesn't seem to watch the live broadcast very much, Mr. Yao is more leisurely]

[I will pay 10 million! If Fang Shen agrees, then treat it as if I didn’t say it]

Rub it, roll it, and another black cylinder appears.

This is already the third piece, Bi Fang put it aside to dry, and the time has come to noon.

Today's weather is very hot and humid, Bi Fang wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm: "It's time to eat, but let's make the pottery first."

At this time, the small pots on the ground were all dry under direct sunlight. Bi Fang removed the stove slate, placed it on the stove bridge, spread wood around it, lit the fire, poured in a large amount of black charcoal, and covered the lid.

【How long will it take to burn】

[Should be soon? 】

[No, I remember that the purple clay pot seems to be burning for a day? 】

Bi Fang made an estimate and thought it would take a long time, but it was definitely not as long as the purple clay pot.

He makes low-temperature pottery, which can be fired in about three to four hours. It will definitely be ready before dinner, and he can try the jar meat today.

"It seems that two pits of charcoal are still not enough, and we will burn another pit later."

Bi Fang looked up at the sky. Today's weather is too hot. The tall trees in the rainforest block the sky, making it difficult to judge the weather well.

"It seems to be raining again?"

The camera of the drone moved up, and everyone saw that the originally sunny and cloudless sky became gloomy again.

The audience was speechless, so the rain came so soon?

[No, it's raining again? 】

[Is there any mistake, it rained for five or six days on the 11th? It rains half the time? 】

【Will it affect pottery making? 】

Bi Fang nodded, but shook his head again, and said: "There will be a little impact, but the impact is not very big. After all, it is the rainy season. When I built the blast furnace, I was prepared for this situation. The construction of the entire shelter and blast furnace is based on the terrain. Somewhere high."

The shelter has a wall. Although the bottom of the blast furnace is below, the overall terrain is high. If the rain is not too heavy, the rain falling on that square meter alone will not have a great impact.

The clay pots were not ready, so Bi Fang still ate fish, vegetables, and two grilled chicken wings for lunch.

The taste of all wild animals can hardly avoid firewood and dryness. Even if Bi Fang brushed with fish oil, this is not a shortcoming at all in the wilderness. No matter how firewood is meat, it is still meat!

Especially for Bi Fang who ate fish for ten days in a row.


It is easy to get stuck between the teeth. Bi Fang does not know if there is a gold coupon for orthodontics in the store of the system. If there is, he must replace it with one.

However, if it is not treated by professional plastic surgery in the hospital, human teeth will have some problems to some extent, and many people do not even know that they have tooth decay.

Bi Fang has never taken care of her before. Although her teeth are neat, there are two decayed teeth, which are not obvious and have no effect. It is only after a hot drink that a cold drink suddenly causes obvious pain. Other than that, there is no other problem, and it has been going on for a long time. Not dealt with.

"Pheasant chicken has 2.5 times the protein and one-fifth the fat, which sounds good, but out in the wilderness, I'd rather it be the other way around."

Bi Fang chewed all the bones and meat, and continued to knead the cake with the rusty soil, and there was a muffled thunder.

It was raining.

It is light rain, pattering.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief after moving all the drying items into the enclosure.

All the work was stopped because of a rain, and I had a rare free time.

Bi Fang moved a stone and sat under the eaves. The water droplets flowed down the green palm leaves and landed at his feet, mixed with dust and rolled into beads. The blast furnace not far away was emitting white smoke, and the water vapor mixed with white smoke. Smoke drifted into the gray sky.

Looking up at the sky, surrounded by tall trees, I look like a frog in a well.

The drone flew out from under the eaves, continued to rise, and came to the trees. In an instant, the world opened up, and all the troubles disappeared.

The mist covered the green forest stretching for thousands of miles. Birds flew rapidly in the rain and swept out a curtain of rain. The last row of black ants entered the cave in a row. Into the warm tree hole of oneself, the big fish in the earth pit floated up and bubbled.

The blisters burst, and a bird fell rapidly and landed on the wall, shaking off the rain.

Bi Fang was pleasantly surprised by this unexpected guest, delighted in this moment of harmonious coexistence.

On the soil slope behind the shelter, the water monitor lizard looked at the sky, not understanding what was so interesting about it, and then looked down at the birds on the fence.

Not many birds land on the ground

The water monitor lizard licked the corner of its mouth, but looking at the figure at the door, it finally gave up the idea in its mind, turned around and went into the hole to hatch its eggs, sweeping the dust at the door with its huge tail.

After resting for a while, the bird jumped a few times and flew into the sky again.

Bi Fang watched it fly away until it disappeared.

"Perhaps it is also in a hurry to go home. Like the monitor lizard, there are young birds waiting for it."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Bi Fang's mouth.

In the rain forest, there is a hut sheltered from the wind and rain, and there is enough food and clothing. This is probably the most basic happiness of human beings.

"Fly with all your strength, so that when you are old and listening to the rain under the eaves, you will have those moments like a horse running through your mind, and you will not regret it."

You have traveled all over the world, you want to go to a place, even if you have no goal, but you have to believe that it will be beautiful.

Taking out the slate, Bi Fang continued to make mud cakes.

Enjoy silky smoothness on rainy days.

In the afternoon, more than 20 pieces of soil cakes, large and small, were placed on the ground, and the iron bacteria used up nearly half of them. According to estimates, these 20 pieces of cakes were enough.

He came to the blast furnace in the rain. This time, Bi Fang did not add charcoal. He moved the stone slabs away, and the flames inside were still burning, braving the billowing heat.

He held the branch and turned over the ashes. Among the five pottery, one was completely broken and turned into slag, and the other had obvious cracks on the surface, leaving only three intact ones.

"Sixty percent yield, we are lucky."

Bi Fang used two twigs to pinch the pottery out of the blast furnace, and the rain fell on it, which quickly evaporated and white smoke came out. When he touched it, he could still feel the high temperature.

With the three clay pots in his hands, Bi Fang immediately brought them into the shelter to prevent them from being washed away by a large amount of rainwater and ruptured due to thermal expansion and cold contraction.

"Early campfire-fired pottery was mainly round-bottomed to avoid sharp corners that would easily break."

"The earliest purpose-built kilns were cave kilns or trench kilns, that is, digging a hole in the ground and filling it with fuel. The hole in the ground provides the best insulation layer, so that the firing process can be better. control."

"In addition, the fish bone meal and stone meal I added also provided an open body texture, allowing water and other volatile components to leave the clay easily."

"And the coarser particles limit the internal shrinkage of the pottery body as it cools, slowing down the overall process and reducing thermal stress and the possibility of cracking."

"This is the reason why I added additional substances, but even so, I originally estimated that only one or two might be successful, but I didn't expect there to be as many as three, which is quite unexpected."

Inside the house, the three pottery were neatly placed on the ground at this moment.

The drone flew by, shooting at 360 degrees with no dead ends.

Although the appearance of the clay pot has not changed, the luster is completely different from before it was put into the furnace. The surface is obviously smoother, with a faint oily sheen, and the sound of tapping with a branch is also very clear.

After cooling down naturally, Bi Fang picked up a clay pot, put his fingers in it and turned it around, but did not notice any obvious cracks.

Pour water and let it stand, no signs of leakage.

Big hit!

Everyone was delighted.

Bi Fang lit the bonfire, cleaned the clay pot, put it in the flames, and then chopped the blanched pheasant into small pieces and put them in it.

After blanching, the blood froth in the pheasant was further removed, which restored Bi Fang's confidence, and he tried his best to prepare the chicken soup.

These days, if Bi Fang had collected a lot of good things nearby, even wild ginger!

Ginger, an artifact to remove fishy smell!

The ginger slices are placed at the bottom, the chicken pieces are placed, sprinkled with lemongrass, and finally the lid is closed, and a whole chicken is stewed at the same time in the three pots.

"The pheasant chicken is strong, and we have to stew it for more than half an hour before adding other ingredients."

Bi Fang picked up the newly found bamboo shoots and took out another strange plant, which was densely covered with small green particles.

This is

[Fuck, pepper? 】

[Wori, there are peppercorns in the mountains? Am I blind? 】

[This was found in the wild? 】

[Lao Fang found it when he was above, why don't I remember? 】

[It is indeed in the mountains. Yesterday morning, Lao Fang went out for a stroll and brought back a lot of strange things. These are not peppercorns, but wood ginger seeds]

"Yes, Mujiangzi is also called mountain pepper. It belongs to mountain products and is usually only available in midsummer. But we were lucky and encountered a premature plant."

The fruit of Mujiangzi is like smooth and round green peppercorns connected in series on weak thin stalks, and the taste is completely different, lemon, lemongrass, menthol...

Probably a mix of these smells.

Ants don't sleep, but they take eight-minute naps twice a day.

Thanks to the lord of the stinky boss!

Big guy yyds!

My Goddess!

Also thank you for your support all the time, this month I finally got 1,000 monthly tickets.

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