Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 553 Excited Black Bear

Chapter 553 Excited Black Bear

The total number of open hunts for black bears is one hundred.

Once the number is reached, the ranking will be settled.

It was the morning of the fourth day.

A total of more than sixteen black bears were killed, and everyone mustered up their energy and prepared to fight hard in the days to come.

Some hunters even carry a large bag of supplies and live in the forest. After hunting a black bear, they don't plan to go back to the town to repair and set up a tent to continue hunting.

Fortunately, it was no longer there, otherwise the strong smell of sweat would definitely be smelled.

Many people even had a strong bloody smell on their bodies, and they didn't care that the smell on their bodies was smelled and attracted by large carnivorous beasts.

Japan has no wolves, no tigers, such nimble and threatening super predators as lions, and the only large beasts that exist are black bears and brown bears.

It's fine if you don't come, but if you can come, the hunters who are sharpening their knives are looking forward to it.

The sunny days for many consecutive days made today's weather hotter than the previous two days.

The soil exposed on the surface and exposed to the sun can be crushed into powder particles with a pinch, and slides down the fingertips.

Bi Fang grabbed a handful of sand from the ground, came to a high ground, stepped on a huge rock, looked at the forest at the foot of the mountain, and slowly squeezed out the fine sand in his hands.

Watch it drift in a certain direction before dissipating in mid-air.

"The southeast wind, and the wind is very small."

Bi Fang looked at the sun and squinted his eyes, as if his body was about to catch fire. Every skin cell was howling under the high temperature. He turned on the kettle and poured all the water on his head. The breeze blew through and took away some heat. .

Bi Fang wiped his face and said: "Most wild animals are far more afraid of humans than humans are of them, even large animals, so black bears generally stay away from humans."

"As I have said before, black bears have very sensitive senses of smell and hearing. They can smell half a kilometer away with the wind and hear footsteps 300 steps away. Therefore, if you want to get close to them, it is best to go against the wind. Not a tailwind."

"If the wind is down, the smell will come to the black bear one step ahead of you. Out of caution, it may leave early, making our hunting more difficult."

It is not advisable to wait in place. After killing a black bear somewhere, it is time to change places.

This stems from the black bear's strong sense of territory.

Throughout nature, as long as the carnivores above medium size basically have precedents for attacking humans, however, their attacks are rarely for food.

Carnivores in nature have their own relatively fixed diet, and they rarely eat food other than the diet.

For example, although lions will hunt and kill carnivores such as leopards and hyenas, they will not eat these animals unless they are hungry.

The same is true for black bears. They are also very afraid of strange things, and they will actively avoid them under the drive of instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

However, the black bear is a solitary animal with a strong sense of territoriality.

Usually territorial animals, they are full of hostility and aggressiveness towards guys who break into their territory.

"I said that the day before yesterday."

Bi Fang pursed his lips and began to climb the slope.

After exercising for a while, his spirit has completely awakened, and his muscles have begun to regain strength.

Muscle weakness usually occurs immediately after waking up, but is relieved after a short period of activity.

This is because the muscles and nerves of the human body are not fully awakened. The more sound you sleep at night, the more obvious you will feel tired in the morning.

After ten minutes of walking, which is equivalent to doing a set of warm-up exercises, Bi Fang has returned to his normal physiological state, and he is eager to try.

Five hours of sleep is not insufficient. If necessary, without sleep for three days and three nights, Bi Fang can also keep his physical fitness above a certain level.

This is almost the basic quality that every special soldier must have.

And after training, most elites can enter deep sleep in seconds, using the least sleep time in exchange for a greater degree of rest.

But that is a special situation, the nerves are kept tense all the time, and after extreme fatigue, the brain is emptied and fell asleep quickly.

Generally, they sleep an integer multiple of a sleep cycle.

For example, one and a half hours, three hours, four and a half hours, etc., one time to allocate the time for changing the guard.

Right now, Bi Fang doesn't need to do that. He still feels tired like a normal person when he wakes up in the morning.

It seems that there is a more advanced method of polyphasic sleep. The plan of sleeping for 30 minutes every 4 hours and sleeping for a total of 3 hours in 24 hours can improve cognitive ability more than sleeping for 3 hours at a time.

It is said that Da Vinci's sleep method is even more outrageous. This sleep method is to sleep for 15 minutes every 4 hours of work, 24 hours a day, that is, to sleep 6 times of 15 minutes a day, which adds up to one and a half hours, which can save more time.

But Bi Fang himself had never tried it.

This way of sleeping is because I want to see Hades as soon as possible, oh, Da Vinci, is it to see God?

Bi Fang can be regarded as a half-health master. He only thinks that insisting on polyphasic sleep will only disrupt the body's circadian rhythm, leading to adverse reactions such as physical and mental fatigue, anxiety, and decreased immunity.

As a daily way of life, people in this state will perform much worse than normal.

Other than that it doesn't do much else.

If it is the children's shoes that need to make up homework in the last two days of winter and summer vacation, you can try it, and create a miracle in one night.

Stretching his shoulders, Bi Fang stepped on the rocks and kept going at a fairly fast speed in the forest, turned over the hillside in front of him, and then continued.

"Under normal circumstances, the territory of an adult black bear ranges from 10 to 40 square kilometers."

"This data, most people may not have a specific concept, but you only need to know that 10 square kilometers is equivalent to the size of 1,400 standard football fields."

[Holy shit, so big? 】

[Laughing, I have a concept of a standard football field, but I have no concept of 1,400 football fields]

Bi Fang changed the subject: "However, there are too many black bears in Japan, and humans occupy most of the territory. Under the pressure of the same kind and humans, the territory of a black bear may not be that big."

[Has the black bear started to roll in? (funny)】

[Scroll, roll all of them! 】

"In addition to straying into the territory, there is another situation where black bears actively attack animals they encounter, and that is female black bears with cubs."

"Female black bears with cubs are extremely 'calf-protective', so if people encounter them at this time, once the black bear feels threatened by the cubs, it will take the initiative to attack."

Generally speaking, it is in these two situations that black bears will take the initiative to attack humans. At this time, black bears are very dangerous, and they are in a state of rage when they appear on the scene.

For hunters, this is quite unfriendly.

Mastering the initiative to attack is very important in hunting.

"Of course, for no reason, at least from a human point of view, there have been incidents of black bears attacking humans."

"However, such attacks mostly occur in summer, that is, before and after the mating season. Animals in love are dominated by hormones. Like humans, they are very excited and fanatical, and they view the surrounding affairs differently."

"One thing to note is that the mating season of black bears in different regions is also different."

Bi Fang bent down to push aside the grass, and a piece of steaming dung appeared in front of everyone.

Deep-sea harpoon teeth can swallow prey larger than itself. In the abdomen of a 19 cm long fork tooth, an 86 cm long black sword snake mackerel was found, which is 10 times heavier than the predator

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