Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 574: Tiangra

Chapter 574: Tiangra

Early the next morning.

A police officer from the Security Office knocked on the door of the chief's office holding a pile of documents.

As soon as you enter the door, you can smell an unpleasant smell. I can't tell what it is, but it will definitely make people frown.

It was a mess inside, with balls of waste paper everywhere, and a half-rolled sleeping bag could still be seen under the desk.

The new employee couldn't help admiring the boss's efforts, and respectfully put the file bag on the table: "Director Matsumoto, this is the information you asked me to get from the Tokyo Hunting Season Guard Office, and it's all here."

"Put it there and get me a cup of coffee."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga, who just got up from his sleeping bag, yawned, took out his mobile phone to take a picture, and found that his dark circles were getting thicker.

"Really, I'm in my forties, and I still have to work overtime every day, yawn~"

In order to defend Taiji Town, Kiyomi Matsumoto had to lug his sleeping bag and sleep directly in the office these days, so that if the matter could not be resolved, he might be able to keep his job because of his hard work.

Steaming coffee was brought to the table. Kiyomaga Matsumoto unpacked the document bag with one hand, and took a sip of the coffee with the other. The heat burned his mouth, instantly waking him up.

"Sure enough, the coffee should be hot."

Pursing his lips, Matsumoto Kiyonaga sat upright, his aging bones made a soft noise, but fortunately he didn't twist his waist, he took out the documents in the file bag, turned to the column of Kii Peninsula, and put all the information in it take out.

The hunting season is organized by the Tokyo Police Agency. Although Japan does not have a capital, it is Tokyo after all. The level is more than a step higher, and it is directly supervised and managed by the Japan Police Agency.

Kiyomaga Matsumoto relied on connections to obtain such a document in less than a day, otherwise it would take a few days for a normal application.

Taking out all the files inside, Kiyomaga Matsumoto began to check.

First of all, those who are not in the Kii Peninsula can look at it later. Although Japan is not big, it is more than 3,000 kilometers from south to north. It is impossible to drive there in a day. If you want to go to Dolphin Bay outside the Kii Peninsula, at least To be measured in hours.

If this is the case, then it is really impossible to sleep, and people can be exhausted to death.

Looking at the Kii Peninsula, there are six hunters, among the six hunters... huh?

Kiyoshi Matsumoto froze for a moment, turned quickly, and his pupils gradually dilated. There were only six hunters in total, but three of them had an accident?

These days Matsumoto has no time to watch this kind of entertainment program at all. Although it is very exciting, but in middle age, he has passed the age of pursuing excitement and passion. He is not interested in such a live broadcast. Such a coincidence?

How many people had accidents in total?

At any rate, it was a police officer. Kiyomaga Matsumoto immediately realized that something was wrong. Three of the six people had an accident, and the accident rate reached 50%. If it was really that terrible, it would be absolutely impossible for this program to continue.

He took out his mobile phone and checked it online. It doesn't matter if he doesn't check it, but it's even worse if he checks it. There are only three hunters who have accidents, and they are all in the Kii Peninsula!

Not right, absolutely not right!

has a problem.

The pages turn.

Bi Fang, Mu Jialun, Bosen.

On the Kii Peninsula, the only three people left made Matsumoto Kiyomachi frown. Just looking at the photos, he thought that Bi Fang was Japanese, but after looking at it, he realized that he was from China. After thinking about it, he realized that he seemed to be I have a little impression, it seems that he was promoted a few days ago, and he is a very good bear hunting master.

Are all foreigners?

Looking at the rankings again, Bi Fang ranked first, Bosen ranked second, and even Mugalen ranked fifth.

What the hell are these guys!

Now Kiyocho Matsumoto can be 100% sure that among the three contestants, there must be someone who has a problem, and the intensity of the distribution is too high.

There were thirty-five hunters in total, and one peninsula included three of the top five, including all hunters who had accidents, and the accident rate was as high as 50%.

Are you special?

Matsumoto Kiyonaga instantly realized that the breakthrough was right in front of his eyes.

Who is it! ?

The three people on the Kii Peninsula didn't know that they were being targeted by a police chief, and they were still acting.

Each acted in his own way.

Bi Fang is playing Taiji Town, the audience, and the host.

Berson was playing an old old hunter, a martyr in his old age, a man in his prime.

Mu Gallen is... I don't know what he is acting, maybe he is frightened to take the first place?

However, there were still quite a few people with keen intuition in the audience, who faintly sensed that Bi Fang seemed to be hiding something from them.

Without him, the slack is too obvious, and the sense of rhythm is wrong.

It loosens up and tightens up, and the audience relaxes just after they are high, and suddenly tightens up again when they are swearing, and so on.

The chaotic rhythm is very uncomfortable, like a giant and a dwarf dancing rumba.

I didn't feel much at first, but Kelian has been like this for more than a week, and many old fans have noticed it.

After all, there are so many live broadcasts, there is still a little bit of tacit understanding.

It's less than a month away.

It was a scorching summer day, but Bi Fang was able to lean against the tree calmly.

Today is also a day for watering.

No way, I am busy at night, so I have to reduce the intensity of exercise during the day. Only in this way can I not feel obvious fatigue.

Fatigue is hard to fake. Others will know that your kid has done bad things at night.

Even so, Bi Fang didn't know how long he could pretend.

There are many ordinary people in the world, but ordinary people do not mean stupid.

Sooner or later, an abnormality will be discovered, and all Bi Fang can do is hurry up.

some corner of the mountain.

Burson has indeed become more and more used to life under the camera, and even began to mingle with the audience.

"It's great to be young. I never thought before that a hunter like me could have fans. There are still so many fans."

Bosen was very happy, especially looking at the gifts on the screen, he even felt that he was earning a lot more than his old profession.

Being able to hunt and kill black bears openly and earn free money really makes one wonder if anyone will do it in his old profession in the future.

"I'm a little tired today."

Mu Galun sat on the ground, and after eating barbecue at noon, all the blood flowed from the brain to the stomach, making Mu Galun want to sleep even more.

I don't know how Bi Fang did this every day.

No matter what.

Things will happen if you drag your tired body to hunt, so let's take a rest first.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga yawned and rubbed his eyes, this was already how many nights he had been busy all night, so he could only take a short nap at noon every day.

After nearly half a week of busy work, Matsumoto Kiyoshi finally had some clues.

Among the three, two people's experience is relatively easy to check, and they are all on the surface, only one.

"Berson, served in Tiangra."

"What kind of company is this?"

Kiyomaga Matsumoto was stunned. He had never heard of such a large multinational company.

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