Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 615: TIME Cover Character

Chapter 615: TIME Cover Character

After leaving the airport, Mu Jialun stopped asking about Bi Fang's test results. At this time, he was still stuck in the scene just now doubting his life, walking behind Bi Fang, muttering slightly.

"Prejudgment. How to predict"

Looking at the wide avenue, Bi Fang did not go home, but went to the hospital with Richard and others to visit the two injured companions.

After two months of rehabilitation and treatment, the two are basically fine, but they still need to be carefully observed.

It was a pleasure to see all the people coming to visit.

After confirming that the two of them are almost recovered, and they will be discharged from the hospital after a few more days of observation, everyone stopped bothering and found a restaurant near the hospital to solve the problem of dinner.

After running around all day, everyone is hungry.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Mandy, who was waiting for the meal, got up and left the seat.

"If they hadn't been injured, they should have a share of the honor at this moment." Looking at Mandy's figure, Bi Fang thought of the two on the hospital bed again, feeling a little sad.

The exposure of Dolphin Bay is life-threatening. Although the essential purpose of everyone is not to profit from this documentary, it is an indisputable fact that after the announcement of the documentary and the fermentation of these times, the emergence of interests has become an indisputable fact.

Everyone present was concerned about the popularity, so the entire Dolphin Bay was given to major video sites for free, and everyone was allowed to forward it on social media.

The number of broadcasts on the whole network has exceeded 2 billion, the number of views on MeTube has exceeded 360 million, and the number of views on Island B has exceeded 21 million.

Although it doesn't look like much, and there is a big gap between the top ten in history, the most essential problem is that this is a two-hour documentary, and only a week has passed.

Without exception, those with billions of views are all short videos within ten minutes, and the statistics are all the views of the month.

Two billion views does not mean that more than two-sevenths of the world's people have watched Dolphin Bay, and perhaps not even one-tenth, but it is still a statistic worthy of encouragement.

It seems that Dolphin Bay will become the most played video among all Bi Fang's independent edits. Although there is no systematic statistics on the whole network, there are currently four edited videos that Bi Fang himself has played over 100 million views on Island B. Among them, Goose The bird's trip is the highest, ranking first, exceeding 140 million.

The number of broadcasts on Island B is calculated based on the ID, not counting once after reading it once. The total number of registered users on Island B is only 300 million, 140 million, and it is still growing, which is equivalent to one for every two users. I saw it, it was a miraculous performance.

There has always been a joke on Island B, saying that the only person who can beat Bi Fang's broadcast volume is Bi Fang himself.

I thought this sentence was just a joke, but now it seems that this is actually a motto.

Among the top ten most played videos in history, Bi Fang's own has more than seven, and all of them are long videos of more than 90 minutes.

Among other things, the few people present, even the electrical experts who work behind the scenes, have a large number of fans on Twitter because of Dolphin Bay.

But because of their injuries, the two completely missed these and became "victims" during the exposure process.

Bi Fang just felt sorry for the two of them, and it was the two of them who suffered the most, and the result was nothing good.

Richard and Jarrett have not forgotten the two, they both appear in the clip, but they still inevitably become the background board.

Richard rolled up the pasta with a fork and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed: "They won't care about that."

"Before you helped us, we didn't expect to succeed." Jarrett picked up the steak with chopsticks, biting and swallowing.

Contrary to what many people think, most Westerners can use chopsticks, and they can use them very well.

This steak was the best meal Jarrett had in the past two months. In Japan, instant food was served every day, and it was even more embarrassing in the later stage. No one even wanted to sell instant food to them.

The venison and wild boar that Bi Fang couldn't finish eating were secretly donated to them. They were old and old, and the taste was incomparable to that of farmed beef cattle.

It was so rare and delicious that Jarrett forgot how to use a knife and fork and used chopsticks directly.

"Don't be too sad." Richard patted Bi Fang on the shoulder. "Both of them are members of the Ocean Organization. I know their character. The release of the documentary is already the best reward for them."

As someone who has experienced it, Richard knows what Bi Fang is thinking.

In the eyes of the world, heroes seem to be great only when they make selfless dedication.

Selfless dedication is great, but if we can give due rewards, more and more people will dare to contribute.

Bi Fang himself didn't care about this benefit, but the two lying on the hospital bed were just ordinary people with a wife and children, and they wanted bread and milk.

"Hey, look, what did I find?" Mandy came back from the bathroom and threw something on the table, the voice of surprise interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Everyone followed the flying shadow and found that it was a magazine.


Under the huge black title, a handsome face that everyone is very familiar with came into view.

Keke held up the magazine, looked at Bi Fang in amazement against the light, and then looked at the cover above, and found that the person and the photo were similar.

Mandy also leaned over, opening her mouth into an O shape: "Wow, Bi Fang, isn't this you? You've been featured in Time Magazine!"

"It's amazing!"

Everyone praised one after another.

When Bi Fang took over the magazine, he was also surprised that he could actually be the cover character of Time Magazine?

"TIME", one of the world's most famous weekly magazines.

It is extremely authoritative and has a long history. It has witnessed the vicissitudes of the world for nearly a hundred years. The magazine is also very well produced. The cover design seems simple, but its photography level and design details are handled by experts. It is a very good book. influential magazine.

However, TIME is not strictly a weekly magazine, because it also has a two-week period.

The 23rd is Sunday. Obviously, after the incident happened, TIME quickly made Bi Fang a cover, and the time was very tight, so they didn't take any special photos. They just intercepted Bi Fang in a certain scene. image of.

Backed by the sun, the light and shadow are blurred, adding a mysterious color.

The specific scene was intercepted, and the background was deleted, but Bi Fang himself did not recognize it.

As an anchor, I was surprised to be featured in such an authoritative magazine, even if it was just an ordinary weekly magazine.

This is an honor that Mr. Bei Yede has never achieved. At this moment, Bi Fang has won it.

"I think you should be a part of the Person of the Year!" Jarrett even said boldly.

The annual man of the year is more beautiful than the weekly magazine.

The tradition began in 1927, when Time magazine editors were wondering what to write about during a week without big news.

Since Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic Ocean for the first time in that year, Time Magazine did not put him on the cover. At the end of the year, the editor thought of a way to remedy this embarrassment. Person of the Year.

From the perspective of an adventurer, Jarrett thinks that Bi Fang is better and has a greater influence, so he deserves to be on the cover of the year!

Hearing this, Bi Fang laughed out loud, as if he didn't care too much about it, he just took it as a friend's blessing, but he also planted a little hopeful seed in his heart.

Is it really possible?

Many people have participated in ordinary weekly magazines, from entrepreneurs to celebrities, and the annual weekly magazine has undoubtedly higher gold content, and it is a real man of the hour.

"Fucking is finally over! I just want to go home now." After nibbling the last piece of beef, Jarrett raised his beer, "come, Cheers!"



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