Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 651 You Can Eat Soil

Chapter 651 You Can Eat Dirt

After crossing countless glaciers and trekking through dozens of kilometers of ice sheets, we finally arrived at the real Greenland.

The rocks are as hard as ice, and the light gray soil under the thick snow layer is so kind that people can't help kneeling and kissing.

The earth is the home of human beings.

Bi Fang leaned against the stone, feeling slightly dizzy, which is a symptom of hypoglycemia.

"I haven't eaten for three days."

In front of the camera, Bi Fang said these words calmly, accompanied by a burning pain in his stomach. He was quite tired and leaned on the stone, closed his eyes, and took a simple rest.

Having broadcast live so many times, this is his longest record of not eating. A large amount of gastric acid secretion cannot be neutralized, making his stomach feel like a ball of fire is stuffed, burning hot and stinging.

"How long can a person live without food? In fact, I can't give a specific answer. In 2006, Mitsutaka Uchigoshi, a hiker in Japan, unfortunately fell down the mountain during a mountaineering trip. He could only drink rainwater when he could not move. Survived 24 days."

"In 2011, Peter Kelsberg, a Swedish man, was caught in an avalanche while driving. He survived for 2 months in his car completely covered by snow by eating snow."

"David Bryan, an ugly magician, lived in a transparent glass box by the Thames in 2003. He broadcast live 24 hours a day. He only drank water and did not eat anything. He persisted for 44 days before he came out. After he came out, his weight Lost 20 pounds, but other physical indicators are basically intact."

"This shows that if the human body does not eat, it can survive for a long time only by drinking water, but it will definitely be very weak."

【Stop talking, I'm already feeling hungry】

[I was so scared that I quickly picked up three bowls of rice]

[Three bowls? I can't kill you]

[I tried it when I was losing weight. I was very hungry on the first day, but I could bear it. On the second day, I couldn’t control it, and my body easily felt cold. On the third day, I suddenly didn’t feel hungry anymore, but my body was obviously weak and I had no strength at all. My body would automatically get up early without setting the alarm clock at all, and fell asleep easily. 】

【Haha, it's easy to fall asleep, I'm afraid I won't be able to fall asleep】

[Hypoglycemia is very dangerous, it is easy to pass if it is not supplemented in time]

"It's not good to lose weight by not eating." Bi Fang opened his eyes, glanced at the bullet screen and reminded, "Skipping meals, or eating less, will automatically enter a low metabolism state, that is, 'you can live with just enough' status."

"In 1944, Ansel Keith of the University of Minnesota in the U.S. conducted a starvation experiment. It was a rather inhuman experiment, and the process was relatively complicated. I won't say much about it, but there is a controlled experiment in it, which can be understood as Eat normally, then starve, then eat normally, does it sound like a normal diet to lose weight?"

Many viewers nodded subconsciously.

After all, it is impossible to go on a diet forever, and the diet will always return to normal later.

"Dizziness, hair loss, edema, fear of cold, light, sound, blurred vision, persistent tinnitus, unresponsiveness."

A series of words suddenly popped out of Bi Fang's mouth, and finally he said: "These are all sequelae after the experiment, and there is no exception for anyone who participated in the experiment."

[? ? ? 】

[What the hell, so serious? 】

"The experiment is extreme. Of course, our daily weight loss will not be so serious, but we also need to be vigilant. The calorie formula we have always known is actually wrong. Many people think that reducing calorie intake is weight loss. This is wrong, because intake and Consumption has never been equated."

"Everyone has a balance system in their body. If we eat less, the body will enter a low energy consumption mode and reduce consumption, which means lowering body temperature, strength, and the ability of the brain to regulate. You will be weak, irritable, and depressed."

"It's easy to reduce consumption, but difficult to increase it. Once you adapt to the low consumption mode, even if you eat the same amount of food as before, you can't increase your metabolism back, unless you do a lot of exercise in a short time."

"So when you eat normally again, you consume the same amount of energy as before the diet, but the consumption has not increased. Instead, the body will store more energy, that is, fat. This is the rebound that many people will encounter."

[Fuck, suddenly realized]

[No wonder my sister loses weight every time, she loses weight in less than a month, and gets fatter, again and again]

【Show it to my girlfriend (dog head)】

"To lose weight, you still need to exercise more. While increasing your metabolism, maintaining a normal appetite is enough. You don't need to change your food structure specially, and it's best to eat slowly."

"Many times, the responses of the stomach and the brain are inconsistent. The stomach is full, but the brain does not realize that it is full and keeps sending hunger signals."

[True, before the brain reacts]

After resting for a while, Bi Fang stood up again, stepped on the ground, and a sense of fulfillment turned into a trace of pride filling his whole body.

"This is the real largest island in the world. It communicates with the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It faces North America across the strait to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the south, and Iceland in Europe to the east through the Denmark Strait."

"In the cold Greenland, snowflakes are flying all year round. Even in midsummer, the weak sunlight can't melt the snow on the ground. What's more, in the long polar winter nights, the sun always hides under the horizon and refuses to show up, making the climate even colder , the snow is getting thicker and thicker.”

"For hundreds of years, the coldness of Greenland has not changed significantly. The mountains of ice and snow cannot bear the strong pressure, and gradually turn into light blue transparent ice, covering the entire land of Greenland, with a thickness of more than 1,500 meters. More than 3000 meters."

Bi Fang pointed to the mountains not far away, which were covered with thick snow. He didn't know whether it was a rocky mountain or a glacier. There was no difference between the two in terms of appearance.

These huge glaciers will slide down the sloping mountains to the vast ocean, and gradually break apart through the combined effects of ocean currents, tides, waves, and sunlight, making loud noises, breaking into huge clumps, and drifting with the current.

Along the way, the sun, wind and rain, and waves eroded them into various shapes, like brilliant pyramids, mountains, and bridge holes, all of which are amazing and extremely spectacular.

Some of these icebergs are thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters high, just like a small floating island.

However, this is only the height that people can see. Under the water, it still hides seven or eight-tenths of its body. Its huge size can be imagined.

"Arctic icebergs will separate from the glacier and drift independently. They can last for two years and swim 3,000 kilometers in the ocean."

"When it reached the warmer waters, it finally couldn't survive and melted away, disappearing without a trace."

"But in the Baffin Bay area, when the icebergs are showing their sharpness, they often bring endless disasters to the ships of polar explorers."

"But that has nothing to do with us."

Bi Fang's magnificent tone suddenly relaxed.

"I'm starving to death right now, I just want to eat some food, dirt is fine."

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