Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 675 Glory and Dreams

Chapter 675 Glory and Dreams

The sled Sansha are three excellent tool dogs in extremely cold regions.

The main reason is that the extremely harsh local natural environment is not suitable for the survival of other animals that can serve as labor force, nor is it suitable for wheeled vehicles.

Using sled dogs as a means of transportation can be said to be tailored to local conditions, or it can be said that there is no way.

Dog breeds mainly include Siberian Dog (Husky), Alaskan Dog, Greenland Dog, Samoyed Dog, Norwegian Elkhound and so on.

These sled dogs all have one thing in common - they have a double coat, which allows them to maintain their body temperature in cold weather with heavy snowfall.

But Bi Fang also likes to exploit, he generously took out his food reserves - a few frozen fish and two fat puffins.

Almost as soon as Bi Fang opened the zipper, Sansha smelled the smell of blood, jumped up and down excitedly, and threw himself on Bi Fang, almost knocking him down.

Bi Fang was too excited to make cooked food, so he could only feed Sansha raw.

As soon as he threw it down, Sansha leaped into the air, took all the fish in his mouth, and started to eat it, which showed how long he had been hungry.

He collected some hay nearby as firewood, and Bi Fang kept half a puffin and stewed it for today's breakfast.

Well, although it is not yet dawn, it is indeed breakfast.

After eating, Bi Fang packed up his things, checked Sansha's belt buckle, and after confirming that although it was a little worn, it was still usable, he fixed the three together with a rope.

Afterwards, the materials were tied to the three dogs respectively, the backpack was given to the hyperactive husky, the short spear was given to Alaska, and the remaining sundries and sleds were given to the Samoyed. Bi Fang only left a spear and Dagger emergency.

Sansha, who was full of food and drink, had no patience at all for doing some work. He was a working dog who loved to work. He looked heartless and seemed to regard Bi Fang as his new owner.

After unloading the burden, Bi Fang felt a lot more relaxed, took the rein with one hand, and led Sansha on the road.

Bi Fang originally thought that he would use the three idiots directly to pull the sled, but after thinking about it, he should forget it. He is hunting now. If he uses a dog sled, if the speed is too fast, it will be easy to miss too much information about the prey. Choose to go on foot.

Once in the state, Sansha was quite obedient, restrained his temper, and didn't run around wildly. After all, Fang Fang might not be able to hold them alone.

On the snow, Bi Fang was in a good mood. After all, he had harvested three free tool dogs.

It's just that the appetite is a little bigger, but as long as the musk ox can be caught, everything is not a problem.

"Do you still remember what I said at the beginning, the story of two adventurers meeting who conquered Antarctica first?"

[Oh, I remember, Amundsen and Scott! 】

【Who wins the comer】

[I know, it's Scott! 】

【.You're so lonely, it's obviously Amundsen, Scott is frozen into an old popsicle, and it's still buried in Antarctica】

"That's right, it was Amundsen, and a large part of the reason for the difference between the two was actually caused by the guys behind us."

The audience squinted at the three idiots in front of Bi Fang, and couldn't believe it. What's the use of just these three guys?

The drone flew to Goudan's side. Goudan had never seen this thing before. He was a little surprised for a while, and stared at it with a pair of light blue eyes.


Very energetic.

The corner of his mouth twitched when he got up early in the morning to watch the live broadcast.

"Scott and Amundsen chose two very different working animals. The former used ponies, while the latter were huskies, a type of sled dog."

"Compared with sled dogs, ponies are defeated in all directions under extreme conditions. Pony needs to consume forage, and its cold resistance has not been verified in the polar environment. In the later stage, the Scott team can only rely on human power to move forward. , In the harsh natural environment, this undoubtedly laid the groundwork for the tragedy."

"The subsequent blizzard and kerosene leak only made matters worse. In addition, the personnel in Scott's team suffered from severe frostbite, because they did not use traditional fur to keep warm, and the preparations for keeping warm were not enough."

"In addition, after Scott was unable to become the first person to go to the South Pole, the psychological blow and injuries on the way back also reduced the will to survive. Even if they can come back alive, most of them will be permanently disabled. This is the case with polar expeditions. cruel."

"But compared to Amundsen, the number of huskies he carried was far greater than the number he actually needed. More huskies would be constantly replaced to preserve the strength of the dog group, and the dogs that could not keep up with the physical strength would be killed to serve as food for humans and other dogs."

[Ah, as food? 】

[Will cannibalism cause epilepsy virus? . . 】

【It's too hard】

[A tool dog. . . It can only be this way】

[Just because the wrong tool animal was chosen, the final result is very different. 】


Bi Fang gave an affirmative answer.

It is really a place that no one expected, and it has already determined the success or failure of the two.

Pony, or Huskies?

For explorers, on the endless Antarctic continent, food, temperature, supplies, these survival elements are all maintained on one thing - the choice of means of transportation.

In the case that the other conditions were not much different from those of the competitors, the competition was evenly matched, but fate played a merciless joke on Scott.

Eight years ago, Scott actually went to the South Pole, when he also used huskies to pull sleds to explore.

But in his view, on the Antarctic continent where food is extremely scarce, the high food intake corresponding to the high amount of exercise of Eskimo dogs is really unbearable.

Therefore, in the choice of means of transportation, he basically did not choose Eskimo dogs. Instead, he brought a large number of strong and hungry purebred Siberian ponies, 3 crawler tractors for oil supply, and his superstitious secret weapon: human pull sled.

For Amundsen, as a dog training expert himself, his understanding and affection for dogs are unparalleled by ordinary people.

During his past exploration of the polar regions, the Eskimo dogs were almost like being relied on by him as an offensive and defensive Great Wall. He brought nearly 100 huskies who are good at pulling sleds during the expedition to the Q end of the South Pole.

As the most important means of transportation for residents living in the polar regions before mechanization, Eskimo dogs have thick fur, amazing cold resistance, loyal and strong character, and reliable working ability. In Amundsen’s view, they are undoubtedly reliable partners . Even the more robust ponies are still the same.

At almost the same time, Amundsen and Scott set off successively.

On the ice and snow Antarctic continent, the two expedition teams started a battle of honor where they could only move forward but not retreat.

No one knows what is waiting for them ahead. On the cruel Antarctic continent, life and death are the norm.

Ice and fire, glory and dreams.

But in the end, Scott lost everything.

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