Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 690 Winter Swimming

Chapter 690 Winter Swimming

The white cracks spreading like spider webs can still be clearly seen on the cleaned ice surface, and the river completely seamed by ice exudes an astonishing chill.

Bi Xianglai is a person who dares to think and do. To the astonishment of the audience, he took off all his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts.

The cold wind was still bitter, and when the cold wind blew, the capillaries naturally showed a physiological reaction, shrinking rapidly to reduce the heat from escaping, and Bi Fang felt as if his body was wrapped in a blanket of ice like needles.

Not to mention swimming, it takes a lot of courage for normal people to enter the water.

Every breath is uncomfortable, and the cold air pours from the throat straight into the lung cavity, as if every alveoli has condensed a layer of frost at low temperature, but compared to being exposed to the cold wind, the next action will be more bone-piercing.

It has been more than two weeks since I came to the North Pole, and the time has entered November from mid-October. For people in most areas, this time is not too cold, but once it rains, it is not enough to put on a shirt Yes, I can already feel a bit of coolness.

Seeing Bi Fang's actions at this time, many people subconsciously shrugged their shoulders and got goosebumps all over their bodies, as if they were the one standing on the screen and being blown by the cold wind.

Especially when looking at the whitened ice surface from a first-person perspective, the coldness almost overflows, suffocating.

[Madan, I feel like my teeth are chattering. 】

[Every time I see those people swimming in winter, I suspect they are aliens]

【Is it really not going to freeze to death? 】

There was light rain falling outside the window, and a slightly chilly wind blew into the office. Even though he was wearing a coat, Yao Jun couldn't help shivering, and put down the cold drink in his hand.

Good for you.

Yao Jun wrapped his coat tightly, and involuntarily made him take out his phone and flipped through the contact list.

Tonight's night is extremely cold, and he needs a big sister who has a big heart and can warm people's hearts to watch the live broadcast together.

Ordinary viewers can only bear it alone in tears.

[Too fierce, Fang Shen is so high! 】

[What is a macho (tactical back)]

[Let me warm the ice with a sincere heart! 】

Bi Fang held his breath, and instead of jumping directly into the ice from the shore, he walked up barefoot.

No one knows how strong the ice surface is. Although there is a crack, if it doesn't break open, if you jump on it rashly, a slippery foot may cause your ass to bloom.

His feet turned red quickly under the low temperature, Bi Fang shuddered, and then started to walk lightly. When he came to the center of the river, the sound of ice cracking sounded again, like a cracker.

Tiny ice shards burst out along the huge cracks. When Bi Fang was about to reach the limit, Bi Fang slightly tiptoed, and finally gave a hard pause, and the entire ice surface collapsed.


The clear river water splashed up and down on the ice surface, quickly forming a layer of frost.

Silver bubbles filled the whole world, Bi Fang resisted not to close his eyes.

The blood vessels seemed to have icicles flowing through them, further condensing, expanding, and piercing the elastic blood vessels at low temperature.

A cold poisonous snake wrapped around the spine along the tailbone, jumped up at an extremely fast speed, and entrenched deep in the brain.

As if an electric current was flowing, the body almost instinctively wanted to open its mouth to breathe, but it was tightly covered, but after all, it inevitably swallowed a mouthful of river water.

The thermal conductivity of water is 30 times greater than that of air, which means that people in water can dissipate heat 30 times faster than in air at the same temperature.

Fourteen degrees Celsius of cold water, the body temperature is already zero degrees.

Ten degrees Celsius of water feels like minus four degrees Celsius.

Eight degrees Celsius is the cold feeling temperature for winter swimming. The body feels just the opposite, it is minus eight degrees Celsius, giving people extreme feelings of strong cold, tingling, pain and numbness.

Most natural waters will start to freeze at four degrees Celsius, and the body feels minus sixteen degrees.

3°C water temperature feels -20°C.

2°C water temperature feels -24°C.

1°C water temperature feels -28°C.

0°C water temperature feels below -30°C.

In the Arctic, where the temperature is tens of degrees below zero, the frozen river is undoubtedly the last gear.

The biting cold almost cracked Bi Fang's mouth, but the cold water flowed down his throat to calm him down.

Normal winter swimming is undoubtedly to warm up, to expose yourself from a comfortable temperature, to wake up every cell and every pore of the body to adapt to the cold, but Bi Fang did not, because while swimming in winter, he also had to By the way, demonstrate the survival of falling into the water again.

Without acting rashly, Bi conveniently sank into the water quietly, and the silver bubbles in sight slowly disappeared.

[Why is it not moving? 】

[There will be no surprises, right? 】

[I heard that someone who fell into cold water will have a trunk reflex due to the stimulation of the cold water, which will make you hyperventilate continuously, cause a rapid increase in heart rate, and may cause a short-term shock. The old party can't be in shock, right? 】

[Fang Shen, Fang Shen, are you still there? Fang Shen, blink if you can see it]

Even if you blink, you can't see it.

Bi Fang couldn't help complaining.

The first-person camera has an intelligent recognition function, which can complete the picture by itself, and blinking will not affect the viewer's viewing angle at all, unless the eyes are closed directly.

But in the face of the audience's worries, Bi Fang still scratched with five fingers and made an OK gesture, indicating that there is nothing wrong with him and he still has consciousness.

This made many viewers breathe a sigh of relief, as long as there is nothing wrong, but Bi Fang's motionless posture still aroused everyone's doubts.

Why not act?

But Bi Fang didn't make everyone wait for too long. The first moment of entering the water was undoubtedly bitingly cold, and then he instinctively wanted to breathe.

Therefore, those who fall into the water must control their breathing to avoid panting, and after a short period of cold, they have to face the danger of hypothermia.

Once the excessive hypothermia occurs, it will also be life-threatening.

After the initial cold passed, the blood had to flow back and expand to send out the heat continuously, the glycogen in the body began to decompose in large quantities, and at the same time consumed a huge amount of oxygen.

But Bi Fang felt that he felt better at this time.

In the case of being completely still, Bi Fang can persist underwater for more than eight minutes, which is already a rather terrifying value for normal people. On the other hand, Bi Fang's physical fitness is constantly improving, and he can keep training. Oxygen uptake is very exaggerated results.

It's just that in cold water, the blood flows at a high speed to heat, and the time will undoubtedly be discounted, but three or four minutes is still very easy, but even so,

After feeling that his body was no longer so piercing, Bi Fang started to act. He raised his head first, but found that the cave where he fell into the water had disappeared at some point.

The scalp of the audience suddenly went numb.

Bi Fang was washed away by the river!

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