Chapter 917 Giant

Barry poured beans into the bamboo tube, and uttered all the information he knew so far, and he didn't even dare to mix any of his own guesses, for fear that it would affect Bi Fang's judgment.

Andrea on the side made more professional supplements and explanations based on Barry's words.

The two talked and added, from the disappearance of the lion king Cecil to the investigation and discovery that all the cubs of Cecil's lion group had disappeared, and they explained everything.

Combining all the information with the seriously injured lion in front of them, the onlookers became more and more frightened.

This majestic lion was undoubtedly the leader of the disappearing Cecil lion group at this time.

The opponent took away all the cubs and the lion king, and killed many female lions. This is almost destroying the entire lion group!

Only when the Lion King is strong enough can the number of lions he guards prosper, otherwise they will continue to decline or even disappear.

Lionesses in a pride are basically stable. They generally stay in the same pride from birth until death, but occasionally they can accept new arrivals and serve as anchors in the pride.

In the current situation, the leading lion king died, there was no one to protect him, and all the cubs disappeared. Even the lioness herself lost a lot. The "new lion" accepted by other ethnic groups.

[The other party is very purposeful. As long as the lion king Cecil is there, I suspect that the employer is the first to hunt. But why they want to kill Cecil, I don't understand, but this is all my guess. 】

After hesitating for a moment, Andrea still added something.

[Too professional, I don’t understand, do you have a big explanation]

[Probably someone should pay first, and then organize the hunt? 】

[Ah, isn't it all like this? 】

[No, many poachers hunt their prey first and then find a buyer]

【Inside the Income Temple】

Cecil is not some unknown character.

There have been many male lions in this vast grassland, and the most of them are homeless wanderers, including young people who have not experienced much in the world, some middle-aged adventurers who still exude charm, and some who have been killed by others. Defeat the old lion that drives away.

These vagrants sometimes travel alone, surviving in desperation, and sometimes form a male support group. Before the members of one of them conquer another lion pride, they are good buddies through thick and thin, wandering around the grasslands, tracking migrating prey groups .

As a lion with its own group, it can only be seized by defeating at least one male lion of the same kind. It is younger, stronger, and more attractive than most stray male lions. .

But among the lion kings, there are also ranks.

Some male lions are so capable and charismatic that they can even control other lions in the vicinity, and can maintain two "homes" at the same time.

What's more, for example, Scar, the lion king in the Masai Mara grassland, was in charge of five lion groups at the same time during his peak period. He ruled for as long as 9 years, and finally died of injuries. He was one of the few lion kings who died well.

There are also those who can be famous for having more than one enemy, such as Morun, the lion king. Its name means "warrior" in Maasai, and it is well-deserved. Alone with one lion, with one against four, win the battle together, and become famous in one battle.

Or do not rely on ability to rely on appearance, East African mane king Kalamas, it is not known for its achievements, but for its shocking hair. Most male lions have manes that only grow around the neck. The mane of the sparse male lion is even more pitiful, while Kalamas is just the opposite. Its mane surrounds the entire neck, and even the abdomen has a handsome mane. This is only the case in extinct lions. Appeared on the Cape Lion.

These talented lion kings who are more powerful than ordinary lion kings can be called "legendary lion kings". Not only can they have their own group, but they can even have a group of "fans" among human beings.

And the lion king Cecil, it is also one of the legendary lion kings.

It can fight, Cecil has cut down a lot of wandering lions, and has a great record, and once won one against two.

It is majestic, and Cecil's face value is very high. Not only is the mane very thick, it wraps around the neck perfectly, and it is black at the same time, very domineering.

Although he is not as good at fighting as Morun, and not as handsome as Kalamas, Cecil has both advantages. He is a comprehensive lion king, handsome and able to fight, and has always been the star lion king of this grassland.

But for wild animals, individual fame is not a good thing.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, let alone a rare animal that is favored by poachers.

The more famous they are, the higher the price they can sell. Most of the legendary lion kings almost died at the hands of poachers. This is why the death of Scar the Lion King is so rare.

Right now, there is a great possibility that there is a wealthy employer who is eyeing this heroic and powerful legendary lion king.

And there may be more than one employer.

Bi Fang suspected that the person who wanted to hunt the lion king was not the same person as the one who wanted the cubs of the lion king, but they might have been handled by the same poaching gang.

The capture of cubs is obviously meant to be raised in captivity, not killed.

Those who like to keep male lions in captivity undoubtedly think that they are superior to lions in terms of psychological behavior and choose to keep lions as pets.

The person who wants to hunt the lion king undoubtedly has a weaker psychological behavior. He thinks that the lion is extremely powerful, so he needs to kill the lion to prove that he is stronger and to show off his achievements.

The former is more like a capital owner, while the latter is an ordinary middle class.

It's like the king will not kill a lion himself to prove himself, he will only keep it in the back garden, and the warrior needs to prove his bravery.

But judging from the methods Barry said, it is very likely that the same organization was responsible for handling the tasks of the two employers.

Just when Bi Fang felt that he had vaguely grasped the context of the development of the matter, an unpleasant smell mixed with the earthy smell in the air, and the smell of blood drifted into his nasal voice.

The smell is very specific, much like strong body odor.

somebody is coming!

Bi Fang immediately realized this, and continued to slow down his breathing. He was disguised as a bush, and his whole body seemed to grow from a tree. He inhaled and exhaled, following the rhythm of the wind.

The fine leaves rubbed against each other and made a rustling sound, and the broken leaves on the ground continued to break, making a crisp clicking sound.

It seemed that something huge was wading a wide path among the tall shrubs and grasses.

Hearing the sound, the lion struggled even harder, but there was nothing he could do. He could only slowly and feebly drag out a small section of slip marks on the ground.

Everyone in front of the screen held their breath and did not dare to speak out. Even if they knew that their voices would not affect the reality that was happening, everything was subconscious.

The drones all stayed quietly between the branches of the trees, without a trace.

Bi Fang drew out the dagger, looked at the shadow above his head, and after confirming that there was no reflection, he cautiously poked out, and with the help of the reflection from the blade, he spied a corner of the comer.

Fuck, is this a giant?

Bi Fang's slanted eyes suddenly widened.

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