"Report! According to the latest news from the Dark Squad, the last time Konoha Rebel Orochimaru disappeared was southwest of the outskirts of the Forest of Death, and since then there has been no news and no more clues. After

reporting the information to Sarutobi Hinata, a dark ninja took out a sorted information scroll from his arms and respectfully handed it to Sarutobi Hinata.

"At the same time, there is also the battle between Mo Fan and Red Dou and the Great Snake Pill, and in the battle, Mo Fan used a secret technique that was comparable to a draw with the Great Snake Pill, and then because of the duration of the secret technique, he was at a disadvantage."

The dark ninja cleared his throat and spoke again.

"But fortunately, our dark team arrived in time, fortunately forced the big snake pill to escape, which saved the lives of these two people, but it also wasted precious time chasing time."

This dark department's statement is obviously to throw the pot of failure to chase the big snake pill on the heads of red beans and Mo Fan, in order to cover the dark team, otherwise this time the big snake pill is chased and lost, and the return in vain will definitely attract scolding, and the last sentence is a bit of an invitation to blame and avoid responsibility.

"Mo Fan should be because the side effects of the secret technique are too great, now these two are still recuperating at the tower of the Death Forest, does Lord Hokage need me to call these two to report the information?"

The dark ninja seemed to be afraid that Sarutobi would not believe his words, and asked if he needed to bring Mo Fan and Red Dou to report in person.

"No need, let Hongdou continue to host the second round of the Zhongnin exam there."

Simply scanning the scroll reporting information on one side, Sarutobi placed it on the table and walked towards the window to look out.

"That Naruto-sama, do we need to stop the Chūnin exam and search for the Rebel Shinobi Orochimaru with all our might, I think he must still be hiding in the shadows of Konoha..."

the half-kneeling Dark Department proposed at this time, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Sarutobi Hinata.

"No, the Chūnin exam can't be interrupted suddenly, which will make the other hidden villages see the clue, thinking that today's Konoha can't even carry on the Chūnin exam normally, so the Chūnin exam can't be terminated."

Then Sarutobi turned around and added another word to the Dark Ninja.

"However, the tracking of the big snake pill can't be stopped, and immediately mobilize the extra manpower in the dark department to look for the movement of the big snake pill."

The dark department, which received the order of the ape flying sun, immediately responded, and disappeared into the Hokage's office in an instant.

"Orochimaru, what exactly do you want to do this time back to Konoha..."

Sarutobi muttered and sat back in his chair, looking at the scroll on the table and not knowing what he was thinking, but from his solemn expression, it could be seen that he was very attentive to Orochimaru's infiltration specifically in the stage of the Chūnin Exam.

Three days have passed since the second round of exams, and the final end time is only two days away.

Candidates who can reach or are still alive and get the two scrolls have already entered the finish line one after another, and they can start the next stage only after the exam time is over.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for passing the second round of the Chūnin exam."

Hongdou, as the main examiner of the second round, was congratulating the candidates who had already assembled in the audience at this time.

And on the background of the red bean is Konoha's upper Shinobu or Sand Hidden and Otohi's upper Shinobu, and in the middle of them stands the third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki.

After this second round of exams, a total of 78 candidates and a total of 21 candidates can successfully assemble here.

However, among so many people present, Mo Fan, who was also one of the examiners, did not show up, and the reason was that in the recovery from his injuries, the only red bean who knew the truth, and the relationship with her and Mo Fan naturally would not be told to outsiders.

"Next, Naruto-sama will introduce the third round of the Chūnin exam, please listen carefully."

The examinees heard the Hokage about to speak. Immediately raised his spirit, stood up straight and looked at the ape flying sun.

"Ahem... This is followed by the third exam, and I have to make one thing clear to you before I introduce it.

Ape Fei Ri coughed a few times, cleared his throat, and looked at the examinees in the audience and said slowly.

"That's the real purpose of this exam, why should you unite with the Allies to take the exam..."

Sarutobi slashed the brim of Hokage's hat, paused and continued.

"It is for the sake of friendly coexistence among the allies and raising the level of ninjas, which is the real meaning, and it will be troublesome if you misunderstand, but this exam can also be said to be... War between the Allies in miniature. This

point was said very frankly, but then he will tell the reason why this arrangement is impossible, which is nothing more than to prevent real combat conflicts between countries, and show its strong national strength from the new generation, highlighting that the strength of Cain Village is enough to better complete the commission, and with the commission, there are more economic resources.

This situation also makes the strong country stronger and the weak country weaker, and at the same time, the strong country forces the weak country to take the exam is also the hidden purpose of the exam, which can better clean up the excellent seeds of the other party.

However, weak countries are not fools, this kind of purposeful examination, the other party only sends people with average strength to participate, really excellent talents are hidden and slowly trained, this can also be regarded as a statement to the face of the big country.

"Why are we people fighting to the death?"

There are some bold candidates, such as Canine Tooth, who directly asked about the ape flying sun.

And the words of the ape flying sun are also very simple, that is, only a real life and death struggle can show the true strength of the country.

However, if Mo Fan heard this kind of words, he would definitely shake his head with a smile, in fact, to put it bluntly, it was still a large amount of forbearance, and it was most suitable to take this kind of other purposeful exam.

Why didn't I see these big countries let Zhongnin also engage in such a show, what kind of joint ninja exam, it is nothing more than reluctance, Zhongnin is the most important war readiness resource for a ninja village.

"Then why claim to be friendly?"

Tiantian frowned a little and asked about the ape flying sun.

"I said it from the beginning, let me not misunderstand, think that using killing to maintain the balance is a fight for the sake of dreams and prestige."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present quieted down a little, most of them thought that this was indeed the reason, and they really fought to the death to fulfill the dream of Zhongnin.

But again, this obviously false reason, that is, these births and education are acceptable to those who have received ninja training.

"Got it!"

Naruto clasped his hands around his chest and shouted triumphantly, not knowing what he understood.

"What about you, compared to this, quickly talk about the content of this exam that gambled your life."

Like ninjas from other villages, such as I-Ai Luo from Sand Hidden Village, I Ai Luo didn't leave any face for Sarutobi Flying Sun, and his gloomy face was obviously annoyed by Sarutobi Hinata's nagging.

"I'm very sorry, Naruto-sama, I, as the referee, will explain the situation..."

said Moonlight Blast, who burst out from the side, half-kneeling and slashing at the ape flying sun.

"Well, over to you..."

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