Riven walked ahead, found a very humble hotel, and rented a room first.

"That...I have no money..." Luo said embarrassedly.

Riven raised her eyebrows. "You don't have any money to return to town?"

"I'm going to come in and find another job to make money."

"Well... forget it, it won't stay for a few days, stay with me temporarily." Riven took the key from the boss and walked upstairs.

"She asked me... to live in a room with her?" Luo's heart beat unsatisfactorily.

Entering the room, Riven put the luggage on the table: "There is only one bed, do you want the bed or the floor?"

"The floor..." Luo, who didn't expect to be alone in a room with Riven so soon, was a little dazed.

Riven poured herself a cup of tea: "I have no problem living with me, but you are not allowed to touch my things, this is the rule, can you follow it?"

"Um..." Sitting in front of Riven, "What the **** are you looking for me for?"

Riven drank the tea. "Brotherhood thing."


"Don't you think it's strange that we encountered a fraternity so close to Suli Town? There are guards in the town, but they blatantly looted near the town." Riven said.

Luo was a little ashamed. He was so distracted in the past two days that he didn't notice these things at all. He only reacted after hearing Riven's words: "You mean..."

"I suspect that the people of the Brotherhood want to take advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival to attack Suli Town." Riven's eyes flashed brightly.

After thinking for a moment: "Do they dare? Suli Town is so big, there should be a lot of people in the guards, and they don't think about the consequences?"

"They are a group of outlaws, and the consequences are never in their consideration." Riven poured herself another cup of tea. "I worry about their weapons."


Riven nodded: "It's a weapon from Noxus, and many were left in Ionia after the war."

"A few rifles should be fine, right?"

"But the two groups of robbers we encountered on the way were armed with rifles. I also tried to ask the leader of the second group where they got these firearms, but he didn't say anything."

I remembered that Riven did ask the little boss a lot today: "I didn't expect you to notice so much."

There was no smug look on Riven's face: "This is not normal, I suspect that someone behind the Brotherhood is providing them with firearms, not that they found it themselves. If there is such a person, then the Brotherhood may be Get a weapon more powerful than a rifle."

"More powerful than a rifle? Like?" Luo didn't know much about firearms.

"Cannons, fire throats, chain mines... are all heavy firearms capable of sieging cities, and there are even more terrifying things..." Rui Wen's eyes flashed a trace of imperceptible pain.

"You know a lot, how did you know it?" Luo tried to make a cliché.

Riven didn't answer: "If the Brotherhood really intends to attack the city, then we must stop them."

"You want to protect Suli Town? Why?" Luo didn't understand Riven's motives.

Riven stared at the tea leaves floating in the cup.

"Why, are you going to help me or not?" Riven said bluntly.

"I really can't ask anything..." Luo thought helplessly, he really didn't want to participate in this kind of thing.

But his heart did not obey his brain.

"I help."


The future war is no longer just a battle of pure cold weapons.

The future is the age of firearms.

— Noxus firearms developer

Chapter 243 Investigation

It's raining.

Falling with oil-paper umbrellas, the rain was not heavy, so the vendors on the street did not close their stalls, and pedestrians went shopping with umbrellas, and a little rain did not dampen their enthusiasm for the festival.

"As expected of a festival party, there are so many things to sell." Luo glanced at a shop selling women's accessories, "It's a pity that I don't have the money, or maybe I can buy Riven a gift and thank her for helping me pay for the room. "

Luo Xiang Xia, she should really like this kind of lively gathering.

"It's a pity that this is a human gathering, and Xia is not here..." Luo sighed, he had been in Suli Town for two days, but Lilia's vortex seeds still hadn't been delivered, "It was Lilia who came out there. What's the matter? But I don't know where she is..."

Confused about the road ahead, he fell back to the hotel.

Riven was already in the room, her white hair was dripping with water, her clothes were soaked, and it looked like she had come back from the rain.

On one side of the room was a wooden tub filled with water, the stove below was burning, and steam was rising from the water.

"Are you okay? Why didn't you use an umbrella?" Luo asked, "Is it wrong time for me to come back?"

"My umbrella is broken. It's just a little rain. It's okay to wash it later." Riven didn't seem to care much. "How's your news?"

Luo looked at the drop of water falling from the tip of Ruiwen Riwen's hair: "You should wash it first, be careful of catching a cold."

"I'm fine."

"It won't take long to take a shower." Luo walked out of the room, "I'll wait for you outside for a while."

"No need," Riven called out, "I'll talk while I wash you."

"Huh?" Luo looked at Riven in surprise.

Riven stood up, picked up her luggage, walked to the wooden barrel, and moved the screen in the corner to the center of the room, blocking Luo's view.

"What am I thinking..." Luo shook his head, sat down at the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

He didn't really like the astringency of tea, but it was available everywhere in Ionia, the only difference being the choice of tea leaves.

On the other side of the screen came the sound of clothes rubbing against the skin, and Luo saw Riven hang her wet clothes on the screen, and then began to pour water to heat it.

"Tell me, how's it going?" Riven asked.

Riven doesn't look Ionian, and she might get in trouble to find out, so it's all up to Luo Lai.

Luo drank the tea and stared at the clothes on the screen: "I have inquired about the guards and various hotels and inns. During this time, the number of caravans that came to Suli was slightly less than last year, but only small caravans, large ones. The caravan came as usual."

"It's pretty much what we thought." There was the sound of putting out the fire from Riven, and then the sound of climbing into the tub, "The Brotherhood won't attack large caravans, because they usually have more guards, and they have a lot of money for looting. It might not be worth it.”

Luo continued to pour tea for himself, trying his best to ignore the faint sound of water from Riven's side. "The guards said that there have been many bandits near Suli recently, and many hunters who came out of the mountain heard gunshots."

"Sure enough, what about the fishermen?"

"I also asked, and the fishermen said that they had not seen any traces of warships. They just said that it seems that the whale breeding season has recently advanced, and they often hear loud whale calls."

"Whales? That doesn't matter." Riven gasped, as if the bath was comfortable. "Are there guards on guard?"

"Without asking too much, they just revealed that they did increase their security during the rally."

"Don't they take the initiative to clear the bandits nearby?"

"At least there is no way during the rally. There are too many people coming to Suli during the Mid-Autumn Festival. There must be enough troops stationed to defend and maintain order in the town."

"In this way... it seems that they think it's just that there are more bandits temporarily."

Luo heard the sound of Rui Wen stepping out of the tub, she quickly wiped her body, took out her clothes from her luggage and put them on.

The screen was opened, and Rui Wen came out with her luggage, then took off the wet clothes hanging on the screen and put it aside.

"You just soak for a while?" Luo asked.

"Just wash it clean, it's meaningless to soak for a long time." Rui Wen carried the luggage back to the bed and looked for something inside.

Luo glanced at Rui Wen's luggage. She seemed to be very concerned about her belongings. She took it with her wherever she went. Every time she took something, she would block Luo's sight with her body.

"Speaking of..." Luo looked at Rui Wen's back, just after taking a shower, she was wearing only a single shirt, the hem just reached her thigh, and a cloth was tied around her waist. From the back, she could see the curves of her waist and hips at a glance. .

"It's so cute...don't think about it..." Luo looked away, and Ruiwen gave him a very similar feeling to Xia. When she was with Xia, Luo also didn't want to stare at her all the time.

"Are you going to wash? The water is still hot." Ruiwen said suddenly.


"Go wash it too. You didn't wash it yesterday. You should be dirty after running for two days."

Luo actually never worried about his own hygiene. He used ice magic to remove sweat from his body. Xia also taught him a lot of vastaya ways to cleanse his body, such as asking the river to wash himself or using some kind of eucalyptus leaves. wipe yourself.

"By the way, I don't seem to have been in a hot bath before..." Luo recalled, "Xia has said that she has the opportunity to take me to the hot springs in the mountains."

"Then I'll go wash." Luo walked to the other side of the room and closed the screen.

The water in the bathtub was still steaming, and he took off his clothes and soaked it in. The strange feeling made him feel comfortable: "It turns out to be so comfortable... I wish I had known..."

"I've also investigated outside the town," Riven said. "The south of Suli is the sea, and it is impossible for the Brotherhood to attack through the sea."

"Why not?"

"Because warships are very expensive, especially large warships. The cost of a fleet that can carry hundreds of people is sky-high. If the Brotherhood were so rich, they wouldn't have to be bandits."

"You know quite a bit about the weapon army, have you ever been a soldier before?"

Riven said nothing.

"Sorry, did I ask something I shouldn't ask?"

"No, it's nothing," Riven continued. "There are hills to the east. I've seen it. The terrain is very poor. There are steep slopes everywhere, and there are no roads. It is impossible to transport siege equipment."

"The way we come to Suli Town is to face the north, right? Will it come from there?"

"I don't think so. There are many caravans that choose to go there. If the Brotherhood transports siege equipment there, it is unlikely that they will not be discovered."

"Then only the west side is left."

"Well, the coastal line in the west, although there is no road, can bypass the mountain, the terrain is gentle, it is very ideal."

"Want to remind the guards?"

"Do you think they'll listen?" Riven asked rhetorically.

"Mostly not..."

"Then don't need it for now."

"Yes." Luo looked at his chest, two tattoos, one red and one blue, gleaming underwater. "In the end, it's not entirely certain that the Brotherhood will attack Suli, and there is no conclusive evidence."

Riven didn't answer.

"Rui Wen?"

"You are right, maybe everything is just me being nervous." Riven said, "Tomorrow I will go to the west to explore in depth, I hope you can come with me, a mage can help me a lot. Big. But I have nothing to repay you, and you can not go."

Luo always felt that Riven's tone of voice was a lot less energetic.

"Can I ask you a question?" Luo said.


"When we were robbed by the Brotherhood, why didn't you kill once?"

Riven was silent for a while: "Didn't you also kill people?"

"That's because I don't think you killed anyone, is there any special reason?"

"I don't like seeing dead people," Riven said. "That's it."

Luo sighed secretly, his cliché failed again, Riven's defense was tight, and she couldn't ask anything about her at all.

"The rain has stopped, I'm going out to buy something." The voice of Riven carrying her luggage came from the screen. "Tell me your answer when you come back."

Riven pushed open the door and left, leaving alone in the tub.

"Even if you say that, I don't have anything else to do now except follow you..." Luo closed his eyes, took a breath, and sank his head into the tub.

A little bit of Riven smell.


During the Mid-Autumn Festival, all guards pay attention to maintaining order in the town and severely punish those who cause trouble.

Bandit suppression is temporarily postponed for one month.

—Order of the Mayor of Suli Town

Chapter 244 Before the war

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