"It seems that if you want to change Syndra's temperament, you have to think about it in the long run..." Lothar turned his head to the sea, the corpses of the pirates sank to the bottom and would never surface again.


Never believe how good a pirate can be.

It is recommended to speculate on the evil of a pirate by the most bottomless standard.

—Ezreal, who was tricked by a pirate into his pants

Chapter 332 Windfall

Syndra lay on Lothar contentedly, her long pure white hair scattered across his chest.

Lothar was lying on a simple hammock made of cloth washed with ice magic, patting Syndra's back lightly with one hand, and holding a chart in the other.

Syndra feels very comfortable. She is very full now. When she found only moldy black wood bread, a pile of rotten oranges and fishy fish in the cabin galley at first, Syndra was so angry that she almost threw the whole ship. Ships were destroyed.

Fortunately, Lothar found the fragrant soft white bread and pork sausages that the captain prepared for him, and even a few unopened bottles. Lothar learned from the notes on the label that the wine was called rum. liquor.

The two drank and ate dinner. Syndra hadn't eaten meat other than fish for a long time. Most of the sausages were destroyed by her, and her mouth was full of oil.

As for that rum, it tastes weird to Lothar, compared to Freljord's mead, Noxus wine, and Ionia's rice and sake, and rum feels like a Like drinking wood, the mouth is full of wood fragrance. Although it is a little strange, Lothar and Syndra still drank a whole bottle each.

After he was full, Lothar searched the whole ship and couldn't find a tub. Judging from the dirty appearance of the crew members and the yellow-green color of the bedclothes where they slept, they usually didn't pay much attention to hygiene.

In the end, Lothar dismantled a few pieces of wood from the ship, made a tub with the help of his own dexterity and magic, and boiled water to bathe with Syndra.

Taking advantage of the spirit of the wine that has not yet receded, he simply made out with Syndra again in the tub.

When she was lingering, Syndra's face was full of the charming appearance of a girl, and she could not see her fierce nature at all. Lothar was already thinking about whether to use this method to slowly make Syndra less impulsive and violent.

Syndra lay on Lothar's body, drawing circles with her fingers on his chest, feeling the fullness in her belly, the refreshing after bathing, the aroma of wine in her mouth, and the aftertaste: "The storm seems to have stopped."

"Well, it stopped before half a stick of incense." Losar said.

"Where are we going next?" Syndra put her ear to Lothar's left chest, listening to his heartbeat, "I want to find my fortress..."

"Don't we have this ship to rest?"

"I don't like it, it's too dirty, and it's small and ugly, and have you forgotten?" Syndra poked Lothar's nose hard, "I promised to turn the fortress into a hanging garden with me. of"

"Yeah... there's still this..." Lothar smiled bitterly, "Then do you know where it is now?"

"I can't feel..."

"Then it's just a matter of luck, and there's nothing you can do if you can't find it."

"Why don't we find another fortress? I'll lift it up to the sky." Syndra suddenly had an idea, "Do you know of any fortress? It needs to be bigger and more beautiful!"

"Ah" Lothar immediately thought of the immortal fortress of Noxus Imperial City and the Frostguard Fortress above the Howling Abyss, if Syndra pulled them from the ground...

"Forget it, neither Swain nor Lissandra are easy to mess with... If they fight Syndra, who will win? I don't want to see that picture at all..." Lothar thought.

Lothar put down the chart he found in the captain's room, and wrapped his arms around Syndra: "Okay, I promise you, we'll talk about it when we get back to land first."


"You are my master, of course I listen to you." Lothar kissed Syndra's forehead, and she immediately smiled.

"Do you know where we're going?" Syndra kissed Lothar back.

"Well, I probably know the direction." Lothar's fingers wrapped around Syndra's long white hair, which always reminded him of his wife in the snow field, "We're going to Bilgewater?"

"Bilgewater?" Syndra tilted her head, "a little familiar..."

"It's a port city that has changed in the Blue Flame Islands. It's basically full of pirates and bandits." Lothar knew about Bilgewater on the map Swain gave him, and knew that it was a very unique city. The people who rule it are not the family nor the government, but a group of people of three religions and nine ranks.

"It sounds so dirty." Syndra's face was full of disgust.

"It's far from the mainland, and we won't be staying for long. I plan to go there to replenish a batch of supplies and see if I can recruit a few experienced and reliable crew members before leaving."

"Is it far from Ionia?"

"Very far."

"That sounds pretty good."

Losa ashamed: "How much do you hate your hometown..."

Lothar is now very glad that Syndra has a bad memory. If she still remembers that she and Karma went to the air fortress to crusade her, it is estimated that when she first met after her amnesia, she would be bombarded by Syndra with all her might.

"Okay, sleep, we're going to Bilgewater tomorrow?"

"Why do you want to take this wrecked ship? Wouldn't it be faster to fly directly over it?" Syndra didn't seem to want to sleep, and she got a little excited after drinking. the lower body.

"We don't have anything on us now, and Bilgewater used to have something as a capital to buy things."

"Can't you just grab it? Can a group of rabble dare to resist?"

"It's better to be careful, what if there are some powerful people hiding there?"

Syndra stared into Lothar's eyes, silent.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you still thinking about your Xia?"

"Huh?" Lothar was stunned.

"Don't lie to the master!" Syndra said earnestly, "If you still want to save her, just say so!"

"I was clearly thinking of Ashe, was she thinking of Xia?"

Lothar thought for a while, and he seemed to have to face this kind of thing sooner or later, so he simply followed Syndra's words: "Well, it's a bit..."

"Why? Is she prettier than me?"

"Neither...she's a vastaya, very different from yours..."

"So what you like about her is not the same as what you like about me"

"Uh... that's understandable." Lothar tried to enlighten Syndra, "You are all very special to me."

"Like the difference I feel when I hold you and when I hold Yuumi?"


"I understand!" Syndra said with certainty, "You like to treat me as a beloved master! To like Xia is to treat her as a cute pet! Right?"

Lothar was speechless, nodding stiffly.

"I'm sorry, Xia." Mengchen in Lothar could feel it. If he said "no", Syndra's mood would immediately take a turn for the worse. Maybe the ship was sunk.

Syndra looked relieved and hugged Lothar happily: "That's great! I knew it, then let's sleep! Good night!"

Watching Syndra fall asleep with a contented smile on her face, Lothar also stopped her fingers playing with her hair.

Lothar knew that what he was holding in his arms was not a delicate beauty, but a time bomb that could explode at any time.

Lothar's hand on Syndra's delicate skin felt like it was sticking to a hot potato, unable to grasp it but unable to give up.

"Hey... let's take one step at a time..." Lothar embraced Syndra and fell asleep peacefully with an uneasy mood.

He remembered what Luo Thirty said to him: "Believe in fate."

"Fall...Lothar! Is there anything to gain?" Syndra flew to Lothar's side. She was using magic to drive the ship to break through the waves at an extremely fast speed, trying to reach Bilgewater as soon as possible according to Lothar's words.

However, there was not much food on the boat. Syndra threw away all the black bread and fish that made me want to vomit. She said that she would not eat those things even if she died.

Lothar found the fishing net on the boat and tried to catch fish by himself. He pulled the rope net and said happily: "Well, it is very heavy, and the harvest is a lot. There should be fish you like to eat."

"Then quickly fish it up!" Syndra raised her hand, and the fishing net belts she slept under floated, bringing the harvest to the deck.

"I really caught a lot of fish." Lothar looked at all kinds of fish on the deck. I don't know if it was because the boat was moving too fast, but just a few bags of fishing nets caught hundreds of different species of fish. , and even caught a turtle.

"Losalosa! There's a big fish there! It's big! I want to eat that!" Syndra excitedly pointed to a big green fish lying on the deck, and she knew it just by looking at its tail. At least the size of a man.

Lothar and Syndra walked up to the fish and undid the thick net that was tangled around it.

"Wait... isn't this a fish?"

Lothar's eyes widened.

The upper body of the fish is clearly a young girl.


The upper body is a human, the lower body is a fish, fighting a creature.

—Bilgewater's popular riddle

Chapter 333 Mermaid

"What is this? A monster?" She heard a woman's voice.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before..." She heard another man's voice.

"I'm not a monster..." she thought, "I'm a Tidecaller..."

"Can she eat?"

"You want to eat people?"

"Isn't her lower body a fish tail? It looks delicious."

"What kind of savage! He actually said he was going to eat me!" She began to panic.

"Anyway, her upper body is also human, maybe it's the vastaya race that we don't know about?"

"Yes, yes! Fortunately, some people are still rational! I can't eat it!" Her heartbeat calmed down a little.

"But I'm hungry...and she looks really delicious, is she really human? Isn't she a fish disguised as a human? I seem to have heard that some sirens can transform into beautiful women. seduce seafarers and eat them."

"Would you like to check"

"How to check?"

"I check the upper body, master, you check the lower body."

"No! You go to the lower body, and I will do the upper body!"

"Wait, what are they talking about? What examination?" She suddenly felt her caudal fin being grabbed by a pair of hands, and her fingers touched her scales from bottom to top.

That's not all, another pair of tender hands touched her face, pinching and trying every facial feature on it.

"Don't touch the fins... ah... it's itchy there..." She felt uncomfortable, but couldn't stop the two hands from attacking her body.

"Her scales don't have mucus and they don't hurt to the touch, but they're real scales, she doesn't have legs, and the tail isn't fake."

"Her face is so slippery to the touch, just like she has a membrane, and these fins don't look fake."

"Well... the **** is also part of the tail, but why is it so upturned?

Sample. "

"Ah! It's itchy! There... it's very sensitive!" she shouted in her heart.

"Why does she still have breasts? It's obviously a fish, and these fins look like a cardigan..." Those tender hands grabbed her **** hard, "Well, it's so soft, yes real."

"Ah! It hurts!" She felt that her tender hands were not rubbing at all, they were almost pinching.

"Well... Since she has long **** and buttocks, she should have those too, but she doesn't have any legs, and her tail can't be divided into two halves. Let me find it..."

"No...no! That place is hidden under the scales! It can only be opened with a mate!" She felt a finger pry open her secret scale, about to reach inside.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and a wave of water erupted from her.

Lothar and Syndra were caught off guard. They were hit by the water waves and were shot and flew out. However, Syndra quickly stabilized her figure in the air. Lothar also used icicles to stick to the wooden wall and was not photographed off the boat.

"Do you feel the magic wave?" Lothar jumped back into the boat and asked Syndra.

"No." Syndra shook her wet hair and looked angrily at the direction of the waves, "That bastard! How dare you attack me!"

"I didn't feel the precursor of magic fluctuations, but magic erupted immediately. This casting speed must be correct from Vastaya." Lothar remembered what Xia had said to him, even if it was a strong human mage, use Even magic can't make Vastaya's heart move at will, "But she only used water to pat us away, is there no malice?"

The two stared at the vastayan mermaid girl stepping out of the cabin, surrounded by flowing water waves, deep magical power emerging from her young body.

"I..." the Vastaya girl seemed to want to say something.

"Go to hell!" Syndra didn't want to talk nonsense with the Vastaya girl at all. In her heart, this guy's getting her wet was enough to sentence her to death.

A darkest orb appeared out of thin air.

While the orb was still being formed, the Vastaya girl looked at her face, as if feeling the terrible power hidden in the orb.

But she is Vastaya, and in her eyes, the time it takes for Syndra to cast spells is enough for her to respond in advance.

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