"It's really troublesome." Olaf spat impatiently, but still shoveled the snow one by one.

Water and ice and snow kept building up, limited enough to put out all the fires, but enough.

Lothar carefully looked for the gap in the fire wall: "Less combustibles...no obstacles...where to pass...the thinnest place...found!"

The hard work paid off, and Lothar finally found the weakest part of the fire wall.

"Everyone! Come here! Throw the water and snow here!"

Hundreds of furnace households immediately moved. They were originally from different tribes, but at this moment they showed a very good tacit understanding. No one panicked, no one lost their will, and everyone was inspired by Lothar to survive. effort.

Finally, a gap in the wall of fire was torn open, and a fire-free passage was opened.

"Go in this direction! Climb in when you see a round snow curtain! Don't be afraid if you see trolls! Shamans and warriors will protect you!" Lothar roared these words repeatedly, and the furnaces looked like The fish that broke free from the nets got out of the fire wall as quickly.

"Huh..." Lothar let out a long sigh of relief and fell on the snow.

His voice was hoarse, but his nerves could not relax.

The sound of the battle in the distance has not stopped, and the snowstorm, fire and beast roar have never stopped there. Lothar knows that Ashe is still leading the warriors to fight hard.

"Damn, how many trolls are there!" Lothar turned to Olaf and said, "Olav, go to the front to help too! I'm not worried about Ashe."

"Hey!" Olaf looked reluctant. "Killing trolls is so boring."

"This time is different." Lothar said sternly, "There are so many Iceborns, Fireborns and Shamans in Ashe and the others. It stands to reason that the battle should be over soon, but until now, the troll's The number may be very large, and it is not impossible for hundreds of heads!"

"Hundreds of trolls!" Olaf's eyes flashed with excitement, "That's a bit interesting, okay! I'll take a look! If there are really many trolls, I'll join in the fun!"

"Please." Seeing Olaf agreeing to go, Lothar breathed a sigh of relief. With Olaf's help, it would be much easier than Ashe.

Olaf took off the two tomahawks from his waist, twisted his neck and moved his muscles and bones, and said to Lothar, "Aren't you going to help your mother-in-law?"

Lothar smiled bitterly: "Forget it, I'm afraid it will drag me down... I'll be here waiting for the good news of your victory."

"It's done!" Olaf patted Lothar on the head, "I'm going too!"

The berserker roared towards the distant battlefield.

Lothar remained where he was, and could only watch him leave.

He clenched his fists and slammed into the snow.

"What are you doing?" A cold female voice sounded behind Lothar.

Lothar frowned and looked back at the tall black-haired girl: "Didn't I ask you to take it to the shaman?"

"There are too many people, I don't want to be crowded with the barbarians..." Wei En let out a breath of white steam and looked at the fire in the distance, "Can you win?"

"It's just a troll, what's the problem." Lothar said this without any confidence, "This sneak attack is so strange, I've never heard of a troll doing this, it's like suddenly becoming smarter. Cut like..."

"A troll..." Vayne recalled her experience of being hurt by a troll, and she will never forget the unreasonable brute force far beyond human beings in her whole life.

If that terrifying beast had an intelligence comparable to that of a human...

Vayne shuddered, she didn't even want to think about it.

"What are you doing sitting still, get up." Vayne reached out to Lothar, trying to pull him up.

But Lothar didn't hold Vayne's hand, on the contrary, he quickly leaned down, lying on the ground.

Wei En's hands froze in the air, and she said awkwardly, "What are you doing..."

"Shh!" Lothar shouted for Vayne to be quiet.

Vayne was a little pissed, but she reacted quickly - Lothar seemed to have found something.

Lothar's ears were pressed against the snow, and in addition to the coldness soaking half of his face, he also felt something strange.

Some footsteps, some behemoth footsteps.

Lothar stood up, his face very ugly: "There are trolls near us."

Wei En was startled, then quickly raised his crossbow, back to back with Lothar, observing the surroundings vigilantly: "Where?"

"The front left of you, probably on the side of the ice curtain, is very close to us, there are two ends."

Vayne's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily: "Can the magic hood made by that shaman block the trolls?"

"I don't know." Lothar said in a low voice, "There are only five or six warriors over there, and none of them are Iceborn. It is impossible to fight two trolls. Most shamans can't fight, and he must maintain totem magic."

"Then what?"

"It's up to us." Lothar took out his knife from his hunting pocket. "If the shaman's magic is broken, two trolls will be enough to kill everyone over there."

Wei En was silent for a while, and then the silver teeth gritted: "Okay! Fight!"


The furnace households all got into the protective cover of the ice curtain unfolded by the shaman, and the thick ice crystals surrounded them, and their hearts that had been hanging were finally released.

"We are safe, and the shaman will protect us."

"Thank you, Lothar."

"Yeah, thank him so much, and may Avarossa bless him."

"What are you talking about, the reincarnation of Avarosa, isn't our war mother Ashe his blood alliance? She will naturally bless him."

The crowd began to talk about Lothar constantly, and the boy who had not been very prominent in the tribe seemed to finally have some prestige.

But soon, their discussion came to an abrupt end.


I don't know who shouted, and everyone looked at the place where the voice came from. Through the transparent ice curtain, people could clearly see that two hideous-looking trolls were walking towards them.

Each head was two or three people tall, clearly adult trolls.

The crowd could not help but riot, and the shaman who maintained the magic of the totem pole said loudly: "Everyone, don't be afraid! These beasts can't get in!"

The trolls had already walked outside the ice curtain, and they let out a few low-pitched roars, looking at the hundreds of delicious human flesh inside the ice curtain, their saliva kept dropping.

"Roar!" A troll couldn't help it. It raised its fist high and slammed **** the ice curtain.


The ice curtain remained motionless.

Seeing that the ice curtain can indeed resist the attack of the troll, the crowd could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The second troll also began to raise his fists and slammed the ice curtain with each punch.

But no matter how the trolls smashed it, the ice curtain was still very strong, only a little bit of ice **** was smashed off.

Not only the people in the ice curtain were relieved, but also Vayne of Lothar, who was hiding some distance away.

"It seems that the shaman's magic is quite powerful, we don't have to go out for the time being." Lothar leaned in the snow and whispered in Vayne's ear.

Vayne's ears were tickled by Lothar's breath, and she moved slightly away from Lothar: "Is it necessary to say such a thing?"

As soon as Wei En said her words, she saw a troll in the ice screen looking in her direction.

Lothar hurriedly covered Vayne's mouth.


If I were to evaluate the troll's combat power, all I can say is - you'd better run as far as you can when you see this thing, trolls can crush steel objects with their bare hands, and it's obviously stupid to go head-to-head with it. .

But you don't have to outrun it, adult trolls can run at full speed as fast as a cheetah, and they have great stamina, often running for hours on end without resting.

At first glance, the only way to save one's life seems to be to pretend to be dead, but unfortunately, this is also useless. Trolls eat basically everything, whether it's living or dead, and they can even eat mud rocks when they're hungry.

--Excerpt from Ezreal's "Valloran's Travels: The Freljord Chapter 3: The Natural Environment"

Chapter 84 Frost Guard

The troll looked around for a while, as if he didn't find Lothar and Vayne, scratched his head, and continued to beat the ice curtain.

"The troll's senses are very keen, don't take it lightly." Lothar continued close to Vayne's ear, her lips almost touching it.

Although she wanted to push Lothar away, Vayne didn't say anything. She knew the importance, and she and Lothar monitored the movements of the trolls in the distance.

The two trolls smashed for a long time, but they still failed to break through the ice curtain.

Wei En's nervousness subsided a little, and she said, "Maybe trolls aren't that scary..."

Suddenly, Lothar's face changed, and he listened again.

"What's wrong?" After learning the lesson, Vayne also whispered as close to Lothar's other ear as possible.

Lothar raised her head, and Vayne was surprised to find that Lothar's eyes changed.

There are puzzles, surprises, and more, thinking.

Lothar approached Vayne's ear, gritted his teeth and said, "Frost Guard."


A total of ten frost guards appeared.

Each of them was wearing pitch-black full-body armor, and no skin was exposed.

They held all kinds of weapons, battle axes, spears, bows, flails, and even staffs, but most of them were a dark broadsword.

Their helmets are peculiarly shaped, with the left and right sides raised like horns.

Such a strange weapon, in the Freljord, only symbolizes one force - the Frost Guard.

When the Frost Guard appeared in the crowd's field of vision, there was a dead silence inside the ice curtain, and then there was a cry of near despair.

"Frost Guard!"

"Why are they here!"

"Shaman, can you stop them?"

The shaman's expression became extremely solemn. His magic might be able to block two trolls, but could he block ten Frost Guards?

He didn't know what to do.

The shaman took a deep breath, chanting ancient prayers, the power of magic spread along Anivia's totem pole, and the ice curtain became thicker and harder.

"Don't worry, the shaman will protect us!"

"There are two more trolls outside, and they will definitely fight the Frost Guards!"

"That's right!"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, after seeing the Frost Guard, the two trolls did not roar and rushed forward, but bowed their heads respectfully to them.

Everyone, including Lothar in the distance, couldn't understand the current situation.

Only Vayne was still confused, her mouth was close to Lothar's ear: "What's wrong?"

Lothar calmed down and explained, "I've never heard of trolls cooperating with humans."

"But they are the Frost Guards. I know a little about them. They are very powerful."

"No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to tame a troll." Lothar said very confidently, "Unheard of!"

"It seems that there are a lot of things you haven't heard of tonight." Seeing Lothar's uneasy look, Vayne was also a little flustered, "But they must be cooperating like this now. Can that shaman hold on?"

Facts quickly gave Vayne the answer.

Ten Frost Guards dispersed, surrounding the entire ice curtain.

The two frost guards holding staffs went straight to the front of the ice curtain. They raised their staffs and thrust them into the ice curtain.

Everyone could see in disbelief that the Frostguard's staff was as easily inserted into the impregnable ice curtain as a shovel inserted into the snow.

Black ominous cold air emerged from the staff, and the ice curtain began to crack.

Blood flowed from the corner of the shaman's mouth, but he did not give up, bearing the hopeful eyes of hundreds of furnace households, he tried his best to maintain the ice curtain.

But the black cold air was like a huge devil's claw, and soon completely covered the entire ice curtain.

The frost guards gently pulled out their staffs, and at the same time, the ice curtain shattered under the desperate eyes of the people.


The shaman spat out a mouthful of blood and fell straight down.

The few Avarossa warriors drew their weapons and stood in front of the trolls, but they knew it would be extremely difficult for them alone to fight two trolls.


The trolls pounded their chests excitedly, and if it wasn't for the Frost Guards, they might have rushed to feast on them.

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