Long Past Dawn

Chapter 14 - Bonus chapter~ Stephen's beginning

It's Saturday! Yesss...well actually, now that I think about it, It doesn't really make a difference...for me anyway.

I don't really have 'a job'. Well, not unless hacking people and blackmailing them for money counts as one. But I don't think it does. Besides, it's more like a hobby, I started when I was 10. Just kidding! Ha! Nah, I started when I was 6.

Bet you're wondering who the heck this is, well let's start with my name. My name is Stephen.

I don't think there is much you could say about me. Last name? I haven't got the faintest idea. Hmmm what about... John ... It sounds like a good one. Ok, that's my new last name, John.

Now... about making it legal, would I need my birth certificate... identification...what? Oh, well, I don't really have any of...that stuff. Do I exist? Well...kinda. not according to the government though. Let's just forget about the whole last name thing then, I don't need one! I can just be Stephen. Like how Adele is just Adele!

My parents? Nah, I don't need any of those! Turns out that blackmailing rich people and hacking the government has quite a good pay. Who needs school! How old am I? I think... somewhere around 15 by now. Oh don't worry, I'm hardly the child genius. I haven't really had much schooling either. I would just flunk anyway. This is really the only thing I am good at.

Why not just learn things like I learned how to hack. Oh sure, well you see, that's the problem. I am not the best at learning things. You see I didn't exactly 'learn' how to hack. I just kinda... found out that I could. Since then I have made a decent amount of money, not enough to really do anything too great, still saving up for my own computer. But now at least I have some sort of home, and I always have food and clothes, they have never been a problem. Oh yeah, I don't have some sort of fancy tech. No. I just use the internet cafe four blocks down.

So, my great mission today? Hack Bruce. Bruce Wayne. Yes, that Bruce Wayne. I think I have just about figured out how too…

This monologue continues to play out in my head as I hum, my fingers tapping on the keyboard. I squint, my glasses aren't too great, not prescription. They still do a decent job though. There, I look over my short writing. It's brisk but gets straight to the point. Rather refined. I think it's quite m.a.t.u.r.e.

'hacked u Brucy boi. Brucy bat boi man. that's right I know. Now, let's talk about money. lolz, good luck with that batman.'

I'd say, it's even a work of art. I think I have had a pretty good day, it's hard to hold back a grin. Oh yes, I am gonna be rolling in cash. I think that this is the best and hardest hack yet! I am practically grinning from ear to ear as I click send. I freeze up, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Sh*t.

"Impressive," a voice says, I can tell it's a grown man. Slowly, I look over at the man. He's wearing a pair of pretty dark sunglasses, but even with them on his face is unmistakable. Bruce Wayne. Oh man. Jesus take the wheel! I need to say something, I need to do something, but my mouth is dry, my jaw is frozen. Finally, I manage to get a couple of words out, "n-nice shades..."

What the heck. What the heck is wrong with me. But, to my surprise, however, he smiles.

A little while later, I am sitting in his car. It's a pretty cool car, let me just say that. I run my hands over the leather. Nice.

Ok, let's go over the events of today. I hacked Bruce Wayne/Batman. Batman smiles and takes me for a car ride...ok that's about it so far. Nothing else really. Unless you count that really tasty scone I had for breakfast.

Batman turns to look at me once again before turning away and shaking his head saying, "impossible,"

His thanks, I know I don't look like much but wow, that's rude. But then again, I did just hack him and blackmail him. Finally, he stops and reaching into his pocket takes out a phone.

"It has come to my attention," he said clearing his throat, "that you aren't exactly... normal," Nice choice of words. Thanks for dropping my self-esteem even more. "No, you're...you're extraordinary I suppose." Ok, now that I like. I nod. "I have a place...where...I suppose us extraordinary people go, um, a secret base if you will." I find myself leaning forward. Secret base? Still, I remain quiet. "I know that your parents might not be too happy about it but," he starts.

"Mr.Wayne… Batman…sir, I don't. I don't have parents or any guardian figure. I have literally no ties, seeing as I don't legally exist." I say interrupting him.

Batman looked a bit surprised, but continued, "Ok then...ummm...if you want to consider joining us there maybe...maybe give me a call." With that, he handed me the phone.

I just nod and say "ok" but deep down, I am thinking 'I should start packing'.

Ok then let's go over this day one more time, I hacked Batman, he is happy with it and takes me for a car ride, and then offers to include me in his superhero gang's secret base. I think this might be the best day of Stephen John's...no...just Stephen's weird little life.

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