Long Past Dawn

Chapter 75 - 70~ Alive Again

July 5th, 01:29 EDT, Cadmus

Scarlet's face smiles at the four boys as she closes her wings and the air pushes them out just as the building collapses on her.

"No way..." Kid Flash mutters as he looks at the building. "Why would she..."

"Damnit! That's so stupid! We would have gotten out without her having to play hero!" Robin yells but the end of his voice breaks slightly.

"What will we tell the League?" Aqualad asks, looking downcast and away from the building.

"What we'll tell the League!?" Kid Flash yells, "You're acting like she's.. she's dead!"

"We must expect the worst from something like that..." Aqualad says solemnly and no one speaks.

"At least we have the moon..." Robin says.

"See?" Kid Flash questions, drawing Superboy's attention away from the building and using his thumb to gesture. "The Moon."

They can only stand and take it all in, but then a figure appears in its light, cloaking him in shadows. Superboy squints slightly, trying to see who it is. As he slows and comes down to the ground it becomes obvious it's Superman.

"Seems we won't have to wait to tell them..." Robin says to the group.

Martian Manhunter, Zatara, Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado fly behind the Big Blue Boyscout. Followed by Captain Atom, Hawkman, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, and the first Green Lantern. The second Green Lantern brings a platform for the Leaguers who can't fly; Black Canary, Aquaman, Batman, and Green Arrow.

As Batman steps up to Superman, Flash zooms in, standing to Batman's left.

Superboy steps up first, gaining scrutiny in Superman's eyes, but not stopping as he lifts the torn front of his suit, revealing the same S that is mirrored on his own costume. Superman's eyes widen in shock, while Superboy's features soften. Only for Superman's gaze to turn hard and cold, bringing on an annoyed look of confusion on Superboy's face.

"Is that what I think it is?" Batman questions.

"He doesn't like being called an "it"." Kid Flash says stepping up and putting his left hand to face towards Superboy as speaks.

"I'm Superman's clone!" Superboy speaks up, gaining a shocked look from Kid Flash. While Martian Manhunter looks to Captain Marvel, Flash looks to Green Arrow, and Aquaman and Black Canary can only look on in shock while Wonder Woman can only look around as if looking for someone.

Batman's eyes zero in on Robin's. "Start talking."

Robin lowers his head but still starts talking. He explains everything, how Scarlet got them there all the way to her pushing them out of the building. The League looks at them with shock and Wonder Woman has pain in her eyes.

After the explanation, both Green Lanterns have Blockbuster trapped inside a sphere, while Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Captain Atom fly alongside them.

"There's no sign of D- Scarlet in there," Wonder Woman says solemnly to Batman.

"What!" Kid Flash yells, "But we- We saw her get crushed!"

"Reality is often disappointing," A gruff voice says and everyone turns to see where it came from, out of the shadows steps a familiar figure.

Scarlet Angel stands covered in dust and a bit of blood but other than that in one piece. "Miss me?" She smirks.

Wonder Woman walks over to her and hugs her, "Don't ever do something that stupid without telling someone like that ever again."

"Not like I died," She replies but her eyes are tired.

Superman is having a conversation with Martian Manhunter. Nothing is said for a moment, then Manhunter places a hand on Superman's shoulder, causing Superman to meet Superboy's gaze. The clone's look is curios, while Superman's is hard. The clone looks away, then glances back, seeing Superman look down and away from him before finally turning and walking towards him.

Superman sighs as he meets his cross-armed clone. "We'll, uh, we'll figure something out for you. The League will, I mean." he corrects himself quickly. "For now I better make sure they get the Blockbuster creature squared away." then he flies away with a swish of his cape. Leaving Superboy following him with shocked, hurt, and confused eyes.

"Cadmus will be investigated," Batman says drawing the teens' attention to him, Flash, and Aquaman as they walk towards them. "all levels but let's make one thing clear-"

"You should have called." Flash pipes up, even catching Batman's attention.

"We were lacking something called cell service," Scarlet refutes the claim but it's more a comment than an argument, she's too tired for that right now.

"End results aside, we're not happy." Batman growls. "You disobeyed direct orders and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

"I am sorry, but we will." Aqualad states strongly, even Robin steps up slightly.

"Aqualad, stand down." Aquaman attempts to command the older teen.

"Apologies, my king," he even makes reverence as he speaks, then his voice goes firm once more. "but no." this catches an eyebrow raise from the King of Atlantis. "We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together on our own, we forged something powerful, important."

"If this is about your treatment at the Hall, the four of you-" Flash tries to understand where they're coming from but is completely off.

Scarlet Angel doesn't hesitate to correct him. "The five of us, and it's not."

"Batman, we're ready to do what you taught us, or why teach us at all?" Robin speaks the quietest out of the group, but as he steps up to speak to his mentor it's obvious that he feels just as strongly about it as they do.

"Why let them tell us what to do?" Superboy questions, his arms uncrossing as he too steps up. "It's simple. Get on board or get out of the way." all four of them were watching him, but they all turn back towards their mentors. Standing tall, proud, and defiant.

"We are our own people, you can't stop us no matter how hard you try because justice finds a way. Always," Scarlet Angel says, the spark of fire is back in her eyes and she stands tall.


July 8th, 8:04 EDT, Mount Justice

Green Lantern and Captain Atom are flying large pieces of equipment around the Mountain. Four days ago I didn't even know this place existed but now I'm standing in the Center with Superboy, Robin, and Aqualad, now dressed in civilian clothes. Batman, Aquaman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, and Captain Marvel are also here.

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League," Batman tells us. "We're calling it into service again. Since you are all so determined to stay together and fight the good fight you'll do it on League terms." All of us watch as Batman walks slightly away from the center of the room. "Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary's in charge of training. I will deploy you on missions."

A pair of sunglasses covers Robin's eyes, clearly there to protect his identity, speaks up. "Real missions?" he checks.

"Yes, but covert," Batman confirms stepping back to be closer to the boys before him.

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff." Flash speaks up from behind Kid Flash's right shoulder. "There's a reason we have these big targets on our c.h.e.s.t."

"I thought it was just comical," I smirk.

"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman continues as he ignores my comment, then turns his head towards Batman to continue the flow of conversation.

"The six of you will be that team." Batman states.

"Six?" I question, raising my eyebrow slightly.

Batman only looks Robin's shoulder and all of us turn to see Martian Manhunter stepping out of the shadows with a green-skinned, red-haired teenaged girl. "This is the Martian Manhunter's niece. Miss Martian."

She raises her left hand, giving them a small wave and smile, then a shy "Hi."

"Hell yeah, another girl," I say as I look over at her.

Kid Flash looks down to Robin as he puts one hand on his hip, and Robin looks up at Kid Flash.

"Liking this gig more every minute." he steps up, somewhat blocking her view of Robin and Superboy. "Uh welcome aboard, I'm Kid Flash." using his thumb to point at himself. "That's Robin," he steps to the side and giving Rock n Roll sign. "Aqualad." Aqualad gives a small nod but says nothing more. "And that's Scarlet Angel, though we all call her Scarlet for short," I smile at her. "It's cool if you forget their names."

I sigh and roll my eyes and walk over to her, only stopping to punch Kid Flash in the arm. "Ignore them, the Kid seems to think with the wrong head," I say to her and Kid Flash makes an offended face.

"I'm honored to be included." Miss Martian says sincerely, clasping her hands in front of her.

Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash also walk to talk to her. However, Superboy stays behind, something I notice he also has a downcast expression. "Hey, Superboy come meet Miss M!" I call out.

Superboy walks over to the rest of the team; Miss Martian uses her shape-shifting ability to change her shirt color from white with a red X to black with the same red X, even going so far as to remove her cape. She looks down before speak. "I like your shirt." she admits Superboy gives her a small smile, which causes Robin to nudge his elbow into his c.h.e.s.t with a smirk on his features. While Kid Flash zips to his other side with a bright smile.

"Boys," I laugh. We're a team now and this will be great.

"But before I forget," Batman says to draw our attention to him. "There will be someone else to stay at the cave though he will be working more with computers."

My eyes widen, could it be...? "His name is-" A familiar shape comes out from behind Batman.

"Stephen!" I yell in excitement as I jump at the figure and wrap him in a hug.

A deep laugh and I look up into his face. His glasses are still too big and his brown hair is as curly as ever. His glasses slide down slightly and he wriggles one hand out of my bear hug to push them back up. "You've grown," he comments when he sees how we're almost the same height now.

"Of course," I say stepping back, "It's been three years."

"Strange I thought you said three months last time," He laughs and I can tell that even though he laughs he did miss me.

"Ok, are we supposed to know who he is?" Kid Flash asks Robin and Aqualad, the first shrugs and the second shakes his head.

I turn to them and so does Stephen, "This is Stephen he's a good friend of mine, he's crazy good with computers so we're in good hands."

Robin inclines his head slightly to Aqualad.

"Today is the day." He says proudly. And we all know it's true.

Batman waits for us to finish having our moment before he speaks again. "We've arranged for Scarlet, Miss Martian, Stephen and Superboy to be living in the cave as of now. When you're ready we can show you to your rooms."

Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad share a look. "We'll let you get settled in them," Aqualad says as he steps back.

"And I'll be seeing you later," Kid Flash tries to say flirtily to Miss Martian but I just roll my eyes. I have a feeling my want to punch him daily will only grow.

"Follow me then," Wonder Woman says as we follow her and she, in turn, leads us each to our rooms.

Miss Martian goes first, then Super Boy, then Stephen and after a bit more of a walk Wonder Woman stops in front of a door. "And here's yours."

I nod and step forward as the door opens with a familiar beep but Wonder Woman says one last thing, "Oh, and Dawn," I turn to look at her, "Just know I'm always here for you."

I silently nod and step into the room before the door closes behind me. The room is a lot like the one back at the warehouse, same bed, same door on the other side I assume leads to a bathroom and the same shelving unit. The only main difference here is that instead of brick the walls are made of cut stone. I like it.

I look around and notice they've already moved my stuff over. Considerate of them. I walk over to one of the shelves and I see the familiar photo in its frame sitting on one of the shelves. Me, mom and... The person I assumed was my father...

I sigh and sit down on the edge of the bed before I fall onto my back. What a mess my life is right now.

A knock at the door brings me from my thoughts and I sit up. "Come in."

I'm slightly surprised when the door opens and Stephen comes in holding a laptop. "This a good time?" He asks.

I just nod and he comes to sit next to me. After he fixes the laptop on his l.a.p and adjusts his glasses he speaks, "So while you were gone I uh..." He clears his throat and tries again, "I know how Jikan's death bothered you so while you were gone I kept on looking deeper into Cadmus and I think I found some stuff you might want to see."

Jikan... Pain flashes across my eyes for a moment before I look over at the screen. From what I can see it looks like a file. But my eyes widen as I start to read the words on the screen, "It says that Jikan wasn't her real name. It was a code name given to her by one of the head scientists on the project who was Japanese..."

"It- It didn't show her real name... sorry..." Stephen says a little sheepishly but I don't even take note, all I can do is keep reading.

This... This only starts to scratch the surface of her but even then I feel like I've never known more about her... "She was one of twelve original test subjects but she was the only one to survive the original testing... While her physical looks match that of a seven-year-old she was grown in a lab in only... Five days!"

This is... Stephen picks up from where I left off, "Her age was also part of the project, to see how the formula would react depending on the host's physical age. The other test subjects also varied in age and gender, it says that she escaped by freezing six staff members and making her way out through the vents."

I shiver as I think about her going through those dark, cramped vents while being all scared and alone. "And that's it... Sorry, they got it all locked up pretty good..." Stephen says as he looks away but I don't care, this is more than I ever knew before.

"Whatever they're doing down there..." I say aloud after a moment as more questions than ever whizz through my mind. Like what was that formula? Is... Was she a part of Project Godslayer? Just what is Cadmus planning? "It didn't just stop with those twelve or even me... They're going to keep on going, I know that for sure."


Star City Docks; July 17th, 23:16 PDT

In the cover of the night, two people are unloading a truck. As they remove the first long, flat, container an arrow drops between the two of them. Red fletching showing off and the tip blinks bright red before releasing gas. The two stumble and the container goes flying, popping open to reveal a high-tech gun. Which slides to the feet of one of their associates. He takes aim, the barrel gaining three red streaks. He looks at the construction set up over his head, finally zeroing in on Speedy, who seems to have fully ditched the hat.

"You again!" He yells at the teenager. "I'm starting to get insulted Green Arrow's not messing up my operation personally." then narrows his eyes as he aims for Speedy.

The hero dives right grabbing onto the support column next to him, just barely staying in front of the shots. As the man shoots at the bridge that he nearly grabbed he drops down one level and runs across that bridge instead. The man shoots just in front of the teen, who changes his momentum so he flips as he nocks an arrow and releases it. Shooting it right down the barrel, causing it explode in the man's hand, even shredding his suit.

"Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?!" he yells even more angry at the 18-year-old. "Scorch the Earth, boys," he commands.

The other four raise their guns to do just that, but a blur comes through and two of them are suddenly left weaponless. The other two turns towards where the blur ran off to, only for their guns to be knocked out of their hands. Robin swings into an opening in the crates with his happy cackle. Bring their attention right to Aqualad.

Aqualad drops down with his water-bears turning into wh.i.p.s that hit the smugglers full force. Knocking them into the back of the truck and to the ground, unconscious.

The first man lifts a chunk of concrete and throws it at Speedy who is also using the crates to his advantage as he waits to strike with his already placed arrow. He comes to a stop, bracing himself in a downward diagonal with his foot on one of the crates as he launches an arrow that explodes as it hits the man's massive shoulder. It doesn't stop the metahuman from throwing another piece of concrete at Speedy. However, this time Speedy jumps out of the way, readying another arrow as Aqualad jumps where Speedy was with a mace and sword formed from his water-bearers. Chopping the concrete in two. Giving Speedy the opening to hit Brick with a gas arrow.

Speedy walks to the slightly out of breath Aqualad as he releases the magic that lets his water-bearers take shape. "The cave is perfect. It has everything the team will need." Aqualad tells Speedy.

"For covert missions," Robin says dropping down behind Speedy. "You know, spy stuff."

Kid Flash runs up the crates and lands just shy of the edge with inverted half. "And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian," he says excitedly. "But I saw her first."

"Not to mention Scarlet," Robin adds again, "She's way cooler than we all thought when we first met her."

"Again," Kid Flash says, "I saw her first."

Nobody comments on how weird his logic is seeing as he came last when they all first met her.

But the gas wasn't enough to take out the man, which is made clear as he lets loose another war cry and throws another piece of concrete at the four. Speedy, Robin, and Kid Flash all dive out of the way, but Aqualad remains firm. Taking out the concrete with twin maces. Speedy uses two arrows that stick to the man's c.h.e.s.t and release three spurts of flame to knock him back. Though the villain just chuckles. "Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job." Speedy pulls another arrow taking aim. The man stands tall his arms out wide. "Go ahead." Speedy grinds his teeth as he shoots this arrow. Which hits and for a moment nothing happens, then foam releases from the capsule and sticks to the man and traps him in it.

Kid Flash skids to a stop crouched under Speedy's aim, just in case. "High-density polyurethane foam. Nice."

Speedy turns and walks away, but in order to fully get out of the docks, he needs to walk past Robin and Aqualad. Who stand on either side of two crates that create a path that will lead right out of the docks, if you know the way.

"So, Speedy, you in?"

"Pass," he says strongly but does pause to give them the answer. "I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your Junior Justice League is a joke." Aqualad stops leaning against the crate. "Something to keep you busy and in your place." Speedy growls looking right to Robin before walking off. "I don't want any part of it." All three can only watch as their oldest friend, and the one the three of them looked up to not only turns it down but insults it as well.

"Let us go back," Aqualad says solemnly.

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