At this time, Qin Feng was also looking at the territory.

The territory has changed greatly, with countless buildings one after another, the most of which are… Large warehouse.

In order to hold the resources, Eliza built almost tens of thousands of large warehouses.

Of course, it still can’t be installed.

But some of the rarer materials have already been packed in.

What Qin Feng didn’t expect was… The effect of the training ground can actually trigger the aura of experience.

Just hanging up for a few hours, I gained tens of millions of experience points.

It can be said that Qin Feng just hangs up every day to gain experience points, which is enough to make other students embarrassed.

Of course.

The ancient elf royal archers are all crown troops, tens of millions of experience points, but they have not been allowed to reach the full level.

At this time, Qin Feng also directly summoned all the ancient elf archers.


A very large phalanx appeared in front of him.

In [War], 10w people can already maximize the original square of the system.

The elves’ breathing was faint, and in Qin Feng’s sight, their bodies were a little weakened.

Already in a state of invisibility.

Qin Feng also took a deep breath.

This is the troops!

Although the scale is only 100,000 people, it is nothing in the game [War].

However, in the novice map, there is absolutely invincible existence!

Qin Feng is confident that with his current combat strength, with these 100,000 troops, he can single out the entire world!

Immediately afterwards, he began to extract proficiency.

“Dingdong~ You successfully extracted [Proficiency] * 94 billion, and all [Ancient Elf Royal Archer] have reached the full level!”


The system sound falls.

The elf shooters also suddenly flashed with countless golden brilliance.

And Eliza in the territory also blinked her bright eyes, slightly surprised.

100,000 crowned troops, instantly full level?!

You know, the experience points required to upgrade the crown class are extremely high.

Generally speaking, if a 10,000-scale crown class wants to reach the full level, even if it has countless experience potions, it will take at least several months!

How terrifying is the proficiency pool of your own lord?

And Qin Feng smiled at the girl, also looking at the attributes of the elves.

【Ancient Elf Royal Archer】

Description: Marksmen from the Ancient Elf Empire, they have experienced hundreds of battles, and their shooting skills have approached the limit. After serving the royal family, he also has extremely high concealment skills and high combat discipline.

Grade: Thirteen steps

Level: 300

Physical/Magic Damage: 59800-61170

Defense: 24400

HP: 303.8W




At this time, Qin Feng also saw the attributes of the ancient elf shooters after reaching the level.

He also felt that something was outrageous.

Qin Feng was just an ordinary player in his previous life, and until his fall, the most powerful class was only a super class.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to improve the training level.

The full-level crown class is terrifying!

The attack power of each elf shooter directly reached about 60,000.

With this value, even Qin Feng gasped.

Twenty thousand ancient elf shooters volley…

Even if it is a whiteboard, it can hit more than 1.2 billion damage points in one second.

Of course, Qin Feng naturally has various auras, equipment, and buff bonuses, and the damage value of the hit is dozens of times.

And the health value is also directly pulled to more than three million.

This value… Even if it is a legendary boss, if the level is low, it may not be able to kill to death.

Qin Feng also instantly threw all the superb equipment into their equipment slot.

So far, the equipment columns of the ancient elf shooters are: four [Crimson Masks (Shenxuan Level)] and… Four Legendary Ninth-Order [Crimson Masks (Legendary Level)].

There is no rule in [War] that only one piece of the same equipment can be equipped.

However, for the same equipment, special attributes cannot be stacked, only offensive and defensive values can be superimposed.

Just like the [Crimson Mask], the god-level will increase the fire attribute damage by 300%, and this attribute can be perfectly superimposed.

However, reducing the enemy’s fire attribute resistance, as well as the active skill [Flame Gaze] behind, cannot be superimposed.

And after Qin Feng triggered the [Advanced Harvest Aura], the number of [Crimson Masks] was simply not too much.

He successfully devoured 4 Divine Xuan-level and 18 Legendary-level ones.

After the equipment slots are filled, the fire attribute damage of the elf shooters is directly filled.

At this time, Qin Feng also calmed down and carefully calculated the bonus that his current troops enjoyed.

And then.

He quickly figured out a number – 9530%!

This is also an indiscriminate bonus, and if you go against enemies in the evil camp, you will also get an additional 2400% light attribute damage bonus.

If you are in a territory, you will also receive a bonus from the territory item.

Simply outrageous!

In addition, there are at least three full blood and blue resurrections, 20% dodging brought by wind speed magic, immunity to dark magic below the eighth order…


Rao is Qin Feng, and he was completely shocked when he thought of this.

It turns out, unconsciously, is he already so powerful?

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

“Dingdong ~ National Notice: Emergency Rescue Mission [Swaying Starlight] appears: [Starlight Knights] is under attack by evil creatures, and all players can go to the rescue through the portal in the map!”

“Dingdong ~ National Notice: …”




Qin Feng was also slightly stunned.

Emergency rescue missions…

It is a relatively rare event in the game, generally speaking, the probability of triggering is very low, and correspondingly, the rewards will naturally be very rich.

And there are also many indigenous forces in [War], such as dwarves and elves, in addition to the lords, there are also some natives who came to the war continent a long time ago.

And this Starlight Knights …

Qin Feng remembered that it was an extremely powerful and huge organization, with a sphere of influence spanning the entire universe.

They often travel in and out of various extremely dangerous areas, tens of billions at every turn.

Moreover, they also opened up the military merit system to everyone in the universe.

As long as they complete the tasks they issue, they can be exchanged for military ranks.

With a military position, firstly, the territory will be protected by the Starlight Knights, and secondly, it will be able to command their troops.

In the previous life, a strong man of a cosmic country once mixed into the position of soldier leader, and as a result, the entire cosmic country benefited from this, and almost took off.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng opened the map and looked at it, and the portal was not too far away from him.

He muttered slightly, but finally decided to take a look.

After all, now that the students of the new hand map are collectively offline, no one can grab it at all.

Qin Feng was ready to set off with his troops.

This time, he brought ninety thousand ancient elf shooters and left ten thousand for Eliza just in case.

The girl’s skills are obviously not suitable for combat, and now she is still facing the third-order lord mission of the catastrophic event, it would be funny if there was something good in the territory.


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