Lord Chu’s Wife is Wild

Chapter 160 Our Sihan's vision is good

Fu Xianyun nodded slightly, and exclaimed, "I didn't expect that there are such strange vegetables in Huangyang Town."

Lu Sheng didn't say anything, just smiled, turned and went back to the counter.

Yu Linglong looked at her back and said with a smile: "No wonder Sihan is unmoved by Fu Yiyi. Looking at it today, Miss Lu is indeed much more likable than her. I also like Miss Lu quite a lot."

Fu Yiyi is the adopted daughter of the Fu family and the daughter of a friend of Prime Minister Fu. Her original name was Liu Yiyi, but because both her parents died when she was young, she was brought back to the Fu family by Prime Minister Fu, and she changed her name to Fu Yiyi from then on.

Compared to Shangguan Ling'er, she is Chu Sihan's serious childhood sweetheart.

They live under the same roof, study in the same private school, and often discuss knowledge together.

It's a pity that Chu Sihan treats her just like he treats Fu Sisi, treating her like a cousin.

Everyone in the Fu family knew Fu Yiyi's thoughts on Chu Sihan, only Chu Sihan didn't know.

Knowing that his wife didn't like Fu Yiyi, Fu Xianyun smiled helplessly, and said, "Wishful feelings can't blossom and bear fruit after all."

He watched Fu Yiyi grow up. Although she is not her own sister, she is similar to her own sister.

In the past, he also hoped that she and Chu Sihan would finally get married.

But he is a man, and he also has his own dear wife, so he understands how a man looks at his dear one.

The way Chu Sihan looked at Fu Yiyi didn't have any emotional fluctuations, it was no different from the way he looked at him.

It was also because of this that he knew that the reason why Chu Sihan allowed Fu Yiyi to get close was not because of his interest in her, but because her surname was Fu, that's all.

"Fu Yiyi heard that Ms. Lu is a folk girl, and she gossips with her mother behind her back every day, saying that she is a village girl, and she must not be able to read. I heard it all."

Yu Linglong curled her lips, "In terms of appearance, Miss Lu is not inferior to her at all, and I just read Miss Lu's handwriting, and it is better than yours, so we, Sihan, have a good eye!"

She and Fu Yiyi looked at each other and hated each other.

She's just an adopted daughter, relying on Prime Minister Fu and Mrs. Fu to love her, she's bossy all day long, it's annoying to watch.

Fu Xianyun chuckled, "Okay, isn't mother looking for some good families for her? There should be news soon. When she gets married, you don't have to be angry."

He was also afraid that his wife would be angry in the capital, so he asked for orders to take up the post here.

Both mother and father loved Fu Yiyi. After all, the death of Fu Yiyi's parents was to save his father.

"I'm afraid she doesn't want to."

Yu Linglong made a piece of sweet and sour pork tenderloin for her son, and continued to speak: "If Si Han doesn't get married, she won't give up. If you don't believe me, you can see it when the time comes."

Regarding this matter, Prime Minister Fu and Mrs. Fu were also very troubled. After all, Chu Sihan's marriage could be regarded as being hand-picked by the national teacher and could not be dismantled.

Moreover, Prime Minister Fu couldn't let Fu Yiyi be Chu Sihan's concubine, after all, this was the only child left by his best friend.

Furthermore, even if Fu Yiyi didn't care about fame, Chu Sihan had to be willing.

The problem is, Fu Chengxiang once asked Chu Sihan to marry Fu Yiyi as a wife in a joking tone, but he shook his head and refused.

Obviously, Chu Sihan has no affection for Fu Yiyi.

For this nephew, Fu Lei understands his character too well, he is stubborn and stubborn, and once he decides something, he will stick to it and implement it to the end.

Furthermore, even though he was the prime minister, he did not dare to provoke Chu Sihan easily.

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