Lord of the North

Chapter 179 Mercenary Hall

"By the way, my lord, we have found an open land in the east of Erbia according to your intention, and opened up a pasture there. We can try to plant pastures in the spring."

Gareth thought for a while and said again, this is what Jason ordered before heading to Lucca City.

Because there are mostly mountains and forests near Tieya Town, and there are relatively few open lands, it is not suitable for expanding the pasture.

"Did Fox pick the place?" Jason asked.

"Yes, Fox himself took people out to find the site, and determined the livestock that are suitable for raising in the climate of Iron Fangling."

Gareth nodded. The indifferent woman felt a little threatening to him, but her strength was average, and this feeling was strange.

"What did she choose to breed?" Jason nodded. Since Fox chose it himself, there should be no problem.

"Black sheep, goats, northern warhorses, and northern pheasants, she tentatively decided on these four types of breeding objects." Gareth replied: "Fox said that the difficulty of raising these types of livestock is relatively low, especially Northern pheasant."

Mountain cattle are a kind of cattle unique to the northern mountain forests. The meat is delicious, but there are not many wild ones.

"Did she say how to maintain the operation of the ranch?"

"I said that she plans to let the local residents work in the ranch. At that time, they will take care of the black sheep, mountain cattle and northern pheasants, and then the northern war horses will be in charge of her own training, and now she has started We have started preparing for this matter, and we will wait for you to come back to allocate funds, and then officially launch the plan.”

Gareth continued to say, but the current obstacle is that there is no money, because Jason is not around, and the iron teeth town government cannot decide on a huge amount without authorization.

But now that Jason is back, that's no longer a problem.

"I brought back a lot of supplies and funds this time. I will write a letter later and let Fox go and get the three thousand gold coins and use them first."

Jason nodded again when he heard the words. He didn't know Fox's practical ability very well, but he still trusted Gareth's ability.

"Yes, my lord." Gareth bowed his head and agreed.

"How is the preparation of General Harris' bow cavalry battalion?"

Jason asked again,

Before he left, he allocated a lot of funds for the construction of the bow riding battalion. I don't know if he has made a prototype during this period of time.

"When I went to Iron Tooth Town last time, the training ground of the Archer Battalion was already under construction, and the selection of soldiers had already begun, but after such a long time, I don't know how far they have gone."

Gareth replied apologetically, he was already busy with Erbia's affairs, and Iron Tooth Town was not a place for him to worry about.

"That's it..." Jason praised in his heart. The work efficiency of Lang Nat and Harris was quite high, so he was relieved.

In the past, he always thought that Lang Nat was only powerful, but it seems that his positioning will be raised in the future.

Talking while walking, they came to the town in a short while, and all the residents would bend down to pay respects when they saw Jason, because it was this young man who allowed them to find their home on this land.

"Go and arrange the guards of the convoy to have a good rest. In addition, there is a big guy in the carriage at the end. Let the soldiers not be nervous, it won't hurt anyone."

After arriving at the barracks, because the soldiers didn't have a good rest along the way, Jason ordered, then thought about it and said again: "Then get some beef for it and send it there."

And on the last carriage was the moon wolf king, because Jason thought its appearance was too conspicuous, so he hid it in the carriage and brought it back.

It should be very uncomfortable to hold it all the way, so we need to get some delicious comfort towers.

"How long do you intend to stay here, sir?"

After everything was ordered, Gareth came over and asked softly.

"Let's rest here for two days before returning to Iron Tooth Town." Jason exhaled and said, they are very tired now, and plan to rest here for an extra day: "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

"There is nothing particularly important, but I just want to remind my lord that Irbia's meat reserves are running out." Gareth replied a little embarrassed.

The town of Erbia has just been built in recent months. The residents do not have enough purchasing power and still need government assistance.

Although there is a large amount of food supply purchased by Jason, so that the residents will not have no food for the winter, but the meat stored here is too little, resulting in half of the winter, and the meat reserves in Erbia are not much.

Without enough meat intake, the residents' body resistance will drop, and the medical conditions in this world are not very developed, and a serious illness in an ordinary life often means the end of life.

So in the north, the death rate in winter is very high, but fortunately, Jason pays more attention to the living conditions of residents, and this year such tragedies have been greatly reduced.

"This is not a big problem. I will start to solve this matter when I return to Iron Tooth Town. After a while, I will call someone to inform you. When the time comes, you will bring someone to participate."

Jason pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then answered softly.

He suddenly remembered the ice lake winter fishing plan that had been shelved before. He had sent someone to inspect the huge ice lake. There were a lot of fish in it, and the fishing nets were already prepared.

It's just that because those wars were delayed, and I went to Lucca City afterwards, this plan was left behind.

However, that glacial lake has an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers. If it is operated properly, it should not be difficult to catch tens of thousands of kilograms of fish.

The problem is that Jason doesn't know much about the specific process of winter hunting. Although his hometown held this event every year in his previous life, he only remembers some general procedures.

"Yes, my lord."

Although Gareth didn't know what medicine was sold in Jason's gourd, he still chose to believe him. After all, Jason would not joke about this kind of thing.


Early the next morning, Jason asked Gareth to take him to the mercenary hall in Erbia.

This matter involved a lot, and Jason believed that this mercenary organization would have a relatively large development prospect, so he paid more attention to it, maybe it could also bring a lot of help to the territory.

It's just that Gareth thinks that this kind of scattered organization is difficult to manage, so he only controls it, but does not guide its development.

However, he has gathered the various mercenary groups that were originally scattered in the commercial area, and built this mercenary hall at the entrance of the commercial area.

Or because it was not taken very seriously, this hall looks a bit shabby on the outside, and there are actually merchants who openly sell alcohol inside.

It's almost turning into a different kind of pub.

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