In the city of Rome, a hundred lords gathered, and these Roman lords held a two-hundred council meeting in the spacious theater. The current territory of the Roman Republic is limited to the Italian peninsula, surrounded by other civilizations.

"In this national war, our Rome will fight the second empire of Persian civilization, the Parthian Empire, in the Battle of Kalai. Our commander is Krassus, one of the great Big Three, with about 40,000 people in seven Roman legions. After ten times the strength of the army, it will be 400,000. The opponent is the famous general of the Parthian Empire, Surena. The Parthian Empire is less than 20,000 people, but it is composed of heavy cavalry and archer. Ten times that, there are about 10,000 heavy cavalry. For us, this is a desperate force."

"Historically, the well-fighting Krassus lost to the cavalry of the Parthian Empire, and was defeated and killed. What we have to do is to protect Krassus as much as possible. He is one of our heroes in Rome, and his death will give us Rome has brought great losses."

   The lords of Rome encountered a more difficult situation than the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  The Roman Legion, dominated by heavy infantry. Their opponents were a group of Eastern cavalry that were unfamiliar to them.

   "My subordinate, Scipio, will lead a team of heavy infantry to protect Crassus at a critical moment. We already know the cavalry tactics of the Parthian Empire and we can try to crack it."

   "The lords of the Persian Empire will also try to maintain their superiority. The ancient Persian civilization had four unified empire periods, where heroes gathered. Unfortunately, the population of the Persian Empire is more than that of our Roman Republic."

   The lords of Rome looked solemn, but they still regarded the lord "The Last Romans" as their allies and led a 250,000 Roman legion.

   "In this battle, our number one lord in Rome may gain the attributes of Krasu. In the same way, the number one lord on the Persia side may gain the attributes of the famous general of the Parthian Empire."

   The lords of Rome thought that they might get the characteristics of Crassus, one of the three giants of Rome alongside Caesar, and they couldn't help being a little fanatical.

  England, a team of long archers assembled, as well as militias armed with spears, hooks, bows and arrows, and individual crossbows.

"This time the battle of Orleans in the Hundred Years' War is going on. The enemy is Joan of Arc of France. Her reputation may make her a royal hero. Be careful of her. The lord of France may even get her characteristics. ."

   "What might be her characteristic?"

   "It probably made the soldiers of France fanatical."

  The war between England and France is a Hundred Years War series, extremely long, and the lords of England faced a very famous hero-Joan of Arc.

  Eastern steppes, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland held the Battle of Orsha. One side has 400,000 soldiers and horses, and the other side has 300,000 soldiers and horses, and the two parties who have had grievances are ready to fight.

   The lords of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Kingdom of Poland can recruit Cossack cavalry, and a large number of Cossack cavalry will be assembled to fight to the death.

   "In history, our Grand Duchy of Moscow failed, but according to my information, the Polish lord has not recruited high-level Polish wing cavalry. What we need to be careful about is the opposing plate cavalry."

   Ekaterina, as the lord, called on hundreds of lords of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

   Just as the Eastern Han Dynasty had to deal with two civilizations, the Grand Duchy of Moscow had to deal with two civilizations at the same time.

   But there are some differences. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland formed a coalition on the same battlefield.

   The Eastern Han Dynasty was divided into two battlefields.

   The Grand Duchy of Moscow is a ghost in Northeast Europe, always peering into Europe. The Cossack cavalry and Boye cavalry (noble cavalry) of the Grand Duchy of Moscow made many European lords fear. In particular, the Grand Duchy of Moscow has the largest group of lords in Europe.

   "The enemy of our Mamluk cavalry is the Sipahi feudal cavalry of the Ottoman Empire and the Yeniceri Legion, but we will definitely win the Battle of Adana."

   Egypt City, the lords who turned into Mamluk warriors gathered, thousands of excellent war horses!

   The whole world has begun to be chaotic because of national wars, and different civilizations have resolved their grievances in history.

  Even African and Native American chiefs began to fight each other. They missed the opportunity for development in history, but in "Lord", all civilizations have the opportunity to rise. The number of natives and lords in Africa and America is equally astonishing.

   In other words, non-chiefs also have a chance to defeat the European Emperor.

  The premise is that they have to pass the Rome level.

   Zhou Yafu was summoned by Chutian from Hedong Nine Towns, and Xiliuying also returned.

   In place of Zhou Yafu in Hedong Jiuzhen is a deputy general and a small number of recruits.

   Chutian formulated a strict urban defense system.

   The main force is concentrated in Xiacheng.

A third-level town can recruit one hundred professional soldiers and one hundred villagers to maintain law and order; a second-level town can recruit fifty professional soldiers and one hundred villagers; a first-level town can recruit 25 professional soldiers, fifty Each village only maintains 10-50 villagers.

   The vassal villages and towns have far fewer troops than Xiacheng, and Chu Tian basically doesn't worry about betraying himself by the vassal villages and towns. The strength of Xiacheng can easily suppress the rebellion.

   After Zhou Yafu returned, he reported to Chutian: "Please pay attention to the Battle Spirit Town in Yangdu County, they may become a threat."

   Zhou Yafu not only obeys orders, but also analyzes the situation with his own thinking.

   "I have instructed Liu Sandao that if necessary, he can lead the 3,700 people who stayed in Xiacheng northward to support Xueyue Town."

   Chutian has also considered the threat from Yangdu County.

   This threatened him to be eliminated sooner or later, but not now, with Taishan Thief Changyu as his backing, Chu Tian was temporarily unable to go north to attack Yangdu County.

   After the national war ended, Chu Tian tried to find a way to eliminate this threat.

   "There may be a historical general in Yangdu County. I don't know who he is, Liu Sandao may not necessarily stop him, even if Liu Sandao has more troops..."

   Chutian had no choice but to believe in Liu Sandao. The order he gave to Liu Sandao was to defensively. When Chutian went to participate in the national war, he assisted in defending Xueyue Town and suppressed the small lords nearby to prevent them from uniting during the period when he led the elites to leave.

   "Does our Second Army have its own flag?"

   At the time of the countdown to the national war, a lord under his command reminded him that he should prepare a banner.

   During the national war, all player systems were cut off, and the only way to communicate was in primitive ways-flags, wolf smoke, carrier pigeons, cavalry, drums.

   The importance of the flag can be imagined.

   As the interim commander of the Second Army Corps in the Eastern Han District, Chutian needed to decide the totem of the flag.

   "What totem do you use as a battle flag?"

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