Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 891: Elves and wizards

"However, because most of the flame seed is too deeply connected with the flame **** to eliminate the flame god, the elimination of these flame seed itself will not be a complete solution."

"Seal, expel."

"These flame species, which occupy various forms of creatures, have been sealed with all their power, and even their consciousness has been firmly locked in their bodies, and they have been expelled to the other side of the world, without sunlight and without the cold of any creatures. place."

"A severely cold zone that is diametrically opposite to the essence of the flame god."

"If it goes well, the flame seed will always be frozen."

"Unfortunately, it didn't go well."

"In a sense, the elves who'completely' solved the enemy's enemies have ushered in'prosperity' again."

"The transformation and symbiosis have become the mainstream of the elves."

"For a time, all parts of the world were filled with all kinds of symbiotic elves."

"And one of the original largest factions, the elven faction that tried to turn the source of power to the long river of time, was unable to obtain results, and part of it changed its direction and turned to poetry, music, and art to please other elves."

"At one time, the art of elves flourished."

"However, there is still a part. Some of the elves are still in the original plan to turn the source of power into the long river of time."

"They chose an intermediary—"


"The stars far away in the sky."

"The irony is that the art of poetry, originally used as a means to please other elves, has a good affinity with this road."


"They opened up a path called destiny."

"Through the stars as an intermediary, indirectly obtain information and power from the long river of time."

Having said this, the middle-aged man with silver hair and silver eyes glanced at the thoughtful girl, and said without any change in his tone:

"When a race begins to show arrogance, then they are not far from the end."

"After thousands of years of screening, the mankind that has developed silently has also begun to act."

When Elsa cast his sight, the middle-aged man uttered in a gentle, deep and soothing tone, like a prelude to an epic piece:

"Humans who bear the power of various monsters with their weak bodies, and explore and summarize various methods to retain these powers, have gradually developed a "bloodline" based on the materials of the remains of the ruins of the city. the way."

"Gradually possessing power, and to a certain extent, can produce bloodline wizards in batches. Naturally, these original bloodline wizards have not let go of the elves."

"They started secretly trying to steal the blood of the elves."

"After that, they came into contact with the complexities of the elves, and even the knowledge of the Symbiosis and Transformation schools of the same origin."

"Just like what I said before, there are no strengths, even the body is the weakest, easily eroded and assimilated, leaving them with no'best choice'. These wizards who uphold pragmatism will try anything. A way to strengthen one's own strength."

"After getting in touch with the knowledge of the elves, the power of wizards, the power of humans, began to swell rapidly."

"The speed of expansion makes even the elf unable to react."

"The wizards are also very aware of their own weaknesses and their weaknesses as human beings."

"The wizards did not choose a frontal war."

"The small number of human wizards, through provocation and disputes, caused the elves to set off civil strife."

"At this time, at this node, they even came into contact with the core things of the elves."

"The natural **** who first sheltered the elves."

"The strong affinity with the forces of nature that the elves have comes from this one."

"Remember what I just said?" Smiling, the middle-aged man looked at Elsa.

Elsa pondered for a moment, as if thinking of something, she suddenly raised her head:


"Yes, selfish."

"Under the transformation of the elves, they possessed the notion of selfishness. This natural **** was dissatisfied with the long-term'imprisonment' of the elves."

"In a violent action provoked by a dead man among wizards, the elves of unknown circumstances carried out a ‘suppression’ of the nature god."

"--This is also the plan that the elves have been brewing for a long time to completely transform this natural **** for their own use."

"However, the wizards are also aware of this plan."

"The power of faith, the path developed by the elves, was used in the hands of the wizards on that natural god."

"The consciousness of the nature gods of the elves is mixed with the consciousness of several wizards and dead men."

"Then, He took back the gift."

"For a time, all power systems are the elves of the ‘gifted’ who have established natural affinity. Their power has collapsed."

The silver-haired middle-aged man raised his hand, and the brooch in his hand turned into silver and the dots of light dissipated.

"The power of the elves collapsed. At this time, the wizards, other alien races and monsters suppressed by the elves began to compete for status one after another."

"Including human beings, except for wizards."

"Although the wizard's path does not require special expertise, the risk of death due to the power of blood is not something everyone can afford."


"The materials in this direction studied by the elves give a new path for the human beings who are gradually deviating from the status of livestock rations."

"These humans began to worship the gods, worship the gods, seek refuge, and perhaps power from the gods."

"Before the death of the gods, this path of faith is undoubtedly a good choice."

"It's just that after the collapse of the elves' empire, when the wizards gradually piled up the numbers, and the wizards who grew up by capturing and using the blood of powerful creatures gradually wiped out the alien species and opened up homes that belonged to human beings. These gods worshipped. , Organizations that worship gods and even place gods above the interests of the human race are so dazzling."

"However, the wizard at the beginning did not have a good enough way, and did not have enough power to defeat this church that relied on the gods of nature."

"Even, most human beings are under the rule of these churches."

"The wizards can only look like this, watching human beings return to another form of slave life."


"The moment when the means to seal the power of the gods was developed."

"Gods originate from the world, they are the condensate of power in a certain area of ​​the world, like a rule-like thing."

"During the crusade against a different species at a time, the wizards found a weak god. Although this **** cannot be killed, it will lose cognition and consciousness after being defeated and reorganized."

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