Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 928: Non-existent past

No matter how he observes, he can only see mixed shadows that do not know whether it is his past or his future.

The long river of time has been broken, and the past, present, and future have been mixed.

However, Yago cares more about himself than these.

His previous guess was incorrect.

He is not a "cognitive life", but now this...

Dream life?

Time to live?

Shadow of life?

No matter what **** should be called, his current state is not his essence.

In other words, it is also his essence--

His form of existence is subject to change.

It's like a bug adapts to the environment.

Or, to be more precise, it is a kind of change similar to insects-"abnormal development".

He will transform his own form of existence in a manner similar to "abnormal development".

This is his essence.

"Adapt to everything"

His answer to the emperor of the Barcelona Empire, or the ruler of the material world, repeatedly floated up and down in his mind.


Although he could not find definitive evidence, he could hardly deny it.

After all, there are too many clues.

Whether it's the phrase "come back to the ten knights with the name of Fast".

"With the name of Fast" and "Back to the Ten Knights", Yago wasn't sure how to interpret these upper and lower sentences, nor was he sure whether the previous sentence was the main sentence.

Even he didn't know whether his sentence was correct.

After all, there is also—

"Come back with Faster's name" this kind of sentence.

"Ten knights", there were originally members of the Fast family? Or is there he Yago?

He could not give the answer with certainty.


In him, when observing himself with that peculiar sense organ, he did see a hazy silver figure like a star.

However, that figure is independent.

Yago saw that the other "times" of himself didn't have the appearance that resembled the appearance of silver blood.

What does this mean?

Yago is not sure.

His "shadows", those illusory like dreams and hazy like shadows, are disordered, and he at different "times" is superimposed in a disorderly order.

Therefore, Yago can't determine which "time" it belongs to.

past? future? right now?

The past and the future may be easier to understand, but the "now" may sound strange, but Yago doesn't feel wrong.

Is he, "Diago", in the "now" time?

Or, in other words, is the "Diago" standing here now the Diago of "now"?

This was an idea that made Yago himself a little confused and a little hopeful.

The various information obtained before made Yago feel that there was a problem with his origin, and doubted whether he was the deity of "Diago".

However, if his thoughts and doubts are confirmed now...


Are you the Diago of the "past"?

Is it Diago from a certain timeline in the past?

Or "the future"?

The shadows of the uncertain timeline made Yago think this way.

However, he could not be sure.


He couldn't reach, couldn't touch those shadows.

Sounds like he should have been able to touch those shadows?

Yes it is.

Yago turned his gaze to the things on the side, beside the statue pedestal, there was a pile of shredded junk like a crock.

On the pile of earthen jars, there are many shadows overlapped.

The shadow of a complete earthen jar, like the shadow of a pile of red mud before being cast into a earthen jar...

Hazy and illusory, it also has a vagueness similar to that of Yago's body, like a shadow, and a dreamlike vagueness.

Yago stretched out his hand and grabbed the complete earthen jar.

Then, crush it.

The jar in the shadow shattered.


The shape of the debris on the ground has changed.

Most of them became like the fragments of the earthen jar that Yago had crushed.


Looking at this scene, Yago can be sure that these "shadows" are the things themselves that represent different times.


Yago turned his gaze slowly and looked at the surroundings.


Except for the earthen jar itself, other things have not changed.

You must know that various things are interrelated.

Something in the past has changed, then, unless it has no interaction with other things before and after being changed, then it will not affect the "future".

If there is a connection, then.....

In the words of the celestial dynasty, it is "to move the whole body by pulling a hair."

Lost a nail and broke a shoe;

Broken a hoof, and broke a war horse;

He broke a war horse and wounded a knight;

Injured a knight and lost a battle;

Lost a war and destroyed an empire.

In the macroscopic whole, the change of one individual will affect other individuals, leading to very complex changes in the whole.

This point, when entering the sequence of "Scourge Hunter", Yago was fully aware of it.

He was thinking about the relationship between the butterfly on the card and the ability of this sequence and the "butterfly effect".

If the past of this earthen jar changes, what will happen to the corresponding people who use this earthen jar?

Buy, make, and exchange for new containers?

How much labor does he need for a new container?

Or will the items he exchanged be the key to influence his decision in the future?

The change of basic variables will affect many factors. The huge amount of data calculation cannot be accurately calculated, so it is also difficult to estimate.

This is the so-called chaos theory, the so-called butterfly effect.

Unless the earthen jar does not interact with other things before and after the change, or does not affect a certain key.

However, it does not affect a certain key, which does not mean that there is no impact.

At least, Yago didn't find any changes in this church-like building.

What the lady "Attila" said came to his mind again.

"The long river has been broken"

"The past, present, and future have been confused"

"Does that mean?" Yago glanced at his palm.

Under "normal" circumstances, changing the past will affect many things and even change the scene of an era.

But now, changing the past of something will only affect itself, not other things.

He watched all this silently, sorting out the characteristics of "time" that he observed after the change in his form of existence.

"Time" exists by attaching to specific things, and it can also be said to be "non-existent" because "time" is the "order" and the "order" of specific things.

More precisely, these "sequences" are part of things themselves and belong to a state of things.

The conclusion that "time" exists and does not exist is drawn from this.

From a macro perspective, a change in one thing at a certain time will affect other things.

But in fact, the "time" of a thing is only its own state.

When this state is mixed together.

When the "past" and "present" are mixed together.

To change the past is to change the present.

It can be said that the "past" no longer exists.

"Everything is now"

"Everything is in the past"

"Everything is the future"

The words of that lady Attila echoed in his ears again.

Only this time, he really understood the meaning.


Why can't he touch his own shadow, "self" at different times?

Yago thought about it.

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