Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 934: The Long Way

The sound that rang in my ears came from the surrounding shadows—from the darkness, from the huge bell above the dark bell tower around.

The self-talk that rang in his ears came from the giant clock.

Yago turned abruptly and looked at the bell tower.

It is Master Lu.

It was indeed Master Lu's voice, and it was also the tone of Master Lu's speech.

So is the babbling habit of talking to himself.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yago walked towards the clock tower.


As if echoing his approach, the pitch-black giant clock hanging on the top of the clock tower began to sway slightly.

The unexplained throbbing in Yago's heart became more and more intense.

However, when he came to the bell tower, he stopped.

In the original ruined temple, or the ruined temple he had seen before, the place that Ms. Tower called the "corridor of stars", the bell tower, he couldn't walk up.

I don't know how to go up, and I can't do it.

And now, he probably knows why.

Shadows are intertwined in the body made of silver blood.

Yago, who has become another state of existence, can clearly sense...


To the top of the tower, "climbing" in the general sense is not acceptable, and it takes time.

It takes a long time to reach.

In other words, the giant clock at the top of the tower is located at another time, at a certain time in the past or in the future.

In the physical sense, the climbing behavior in the general sense cannot reach the top of the tower.

But...the current self, as the "time dream shadow" life self, can do it now.

As if the dark silver body with overlapping shadows and stars, following his will, he turned from a headless posture to a dark silver crow and flew up to the top of the tower.

A strong sense of confusion, a strong sense of crisis.

It's like walking on a bridge that is about to collapse or has collapsed for the most part. As long as one step is misplaced, the result he will encounter is death.

Although I don't understand why I feel this way, Yago has no chance of backing off.

After stabilizing his thoughts, Yago flapped the illusory wings of shadows and stars, and flew towards the position of the clock tower in this tightrope-like sense of crisis.

During the flight, Yago "sees" a picture.

One by one, dressed in gorgeous robes and handsome enough to make any man and woman ashamed, released a series of magnificent or weird strange lights and shadows, smashing several weird humanoid creatures burning with flames or condensing frost.

There is even a beautiful lady who raised her hands. Following her movements, her body suddenly deformed—

In the scene that was neither beautiful nor beautiful, the flesh and blood of his lower body suddenly swelled, and under the dark green dress robe, one after another tentacles suddenly stretched out.

Although the deformation of the upper body is not great, it has also become full of features of various marine life.

If it is usual, Yago might be in the mood to discuss that the octopus is a cephalopod, and the tentacles are the head. The round part, usually considered the head, is actually the lower body, but it is obviously not the time.

All kinds of, in this battlefield, the body of one figure after another has been deformed, from a human form to a variety of humanoid creatures that are half-human and half-beast.

The closest to these silhouettes, Yago even looked at a red-haired man in a gorgeous robe who was less than three meters away from him, his body was transformed into a toad-like posture, crawling in a burst of flesh and blood distortion. The bizarre humanoid creature with its bulging cheeks exhaled hot flames from its mouth to kill a monster covered in frost.

However, Yago was also able to clearly realize that as "the distance is very close", but, in essence, the distance between them is extremely far.

It is the distance of time.

However, at this moment, Yago saw a familiar figure.

That is a lady.

A woman in a silver robe with a handsome face and beautiful and illusory silver long hair.

The slightly pointed long ears also made Yago confirm his judgment.

He has seen it.

The female wizard who claimed to be the ancestor of the Fast family, the one he had seen in the previous fragment.

The female wizard who made him feel unexplained anger from the bottom of her heart.

No, she said she was not a wizard.


In the next instant, when Yago looked at her, the other party seemed to notice something, and suddenly turned his head, a pair of snake-like vertical pupils collided with Yago's line of sight.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the other side's face.

Yago had seen this smile.

In Mercury City, he had seen this exact same smile.

It was also that time that he ignited anger for unknown reasons, and the entire "cognitive realm", the entire Mercury City turned into a giant snake, and killed the opponent.

But now... he doesn't have this emotion.

He also knows why.

It's burned out.

The resentment and resentment lurking in Mercury City have been exhausted.

The other party can see him.

But... it was also at this time that the two figures were attacking each other, it was an ice and a fire, like an individual condensed by two extreme forces.

Immediately, Yago saw that the lady's body had undergone a similar deformation.

It’s just that, unlike other people, her body has completely turned into an inhuman creature—

He had seen the giant serpent of stars that looked like a whole starry sky, flowing with the brilliance of mercury.

It was at this moment that he felt an impulse—

An impulse to "return" to the body of the giant star snake.

Blood pulses.

He immediately realized that this impulse came from the blood of silver.

Even if the time is far away, this attraction is extremely powerful.

However, just when he was about to be torn off the dangerous route like a steel wire...

A strong sense of stagnation emerged.

The card of the actor.

A card-like phantom appeared in his field of vision.

This attraction, like being frozen and suspended, was frozen in the perceptual field of vision, unable to approach Yago anymore.


This force that gushes out of the card of the horoscope has entangled and bound his body, to be precise, the silver blood in his body—

In the next moment, as if something was being pulled out of his body, the frozen attraction disappeared.

However, this power made Yago stunned.



This ability is the ability of collectors.

And after the blood of silver was stripped, "collected", and "sealed", his body, his true "physique", was also fully revealed.

The dark, squirming, and amorphous shadows faintly showed a crow-like outline.

However, it seems that because of this, he feels a little more relaxed.

As if out of the shackles.

The path that used to be like a steel wire to the top of the tower is now like a broad road.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yago hurried forward and flew in the direction of the giant clock.

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