Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 982: Flesh and Ocean

After all, he knew that the "Dela Empire" existed, or once existed.

He has heard of the term "Dela" several times.

Dera Empire, Dera Continent.

The Dera Empire, in the information he currently knows, is one of the several countries that formed after the collapse of the "Empire of Glory".

Under the guidance of the previous "Edgeworth", he also saw two strange "Wizard Towers".

He remembered it should be the "Bloodline Research Tower" and the "Life Research Tower".

It sounds similar, but in the description of that Edgeworth, there is indeed a clear difference between the two.

However, the specific difference, the Edgeworth did not describe in detail.

However, one thing for sure is--

At that time, the incomparably real scene seemed to go to the scene seen at another time. The "Life Research Tower" refers to a giant tree.

The image of "giant tree"... Yago once again glanced at the symbol corresponding to the position of the "priestess".

The pattern composed of complex and interlaced lines can simultaneously see the composite pattern of "seed", "flower", "fruit", "tree" and so on.

Is there any relationship between the life research tower and the path corresponding to the "priestess" path?


Rose way?

The Priestess of the Rose Path corresponding to Path 1-6?

However, for now, this is not the point.

His gaze returned to the pattern that didn't know whether it should be called the eye in the door or the eye outside the door or the eye in the window or the eye outside the window.

The owner of the Kolenk Pavilion said that the story came from Delaware.

There should be a relationship between Dera Continent and Dera Empire.

If he remembers correctly, there are other artifacts in that museum directly labeled "Dela Empire".

And, there is another clue here.

In Machine City, in "Wawi", the "dancing girl" he met.

The other party claimed to be the "Imperial Sacrifice of the Dera Empire".

They worshipped the "Pillar of Life" in the "Nine Pillars of Creation".

She called it the "goddess".

In her country, in the "Dela Empire", they would conduct a "sacrifice" every once in a while.

The place of worship is the "blood banquet tree"-the "sacred tree", which is the "roots" that spread from the "goddess' kingdom" and from the "material world".

Yes, Yago clearly remembered that the other party referred to the "material world" as "the kingdom of the goddess."

In the other's worldview, she believes that the creation of the nine pillars, these "gods" all have a kingdom.

And they, including the "Dela Empire", are all nations built around these kingdoms in the phantom world, and they are like "the branches and leaves of the sacred tree".

Because of the description of the "dancing girl", he thought of the "world tree" at the time.

Judging from the information integrated now, the "countries" of those gods may be "mirror worlds" one by one.

This point is very clear--

"The kingdoms of the gods are interconnected, there is no lost way."

"False dreams flow, entangled with shadows."

"The sea of ​​flesh and blood repeats itself with the tide of the soul."

"The nameless mist shelters the kingdom of white nights."

"Even in the abyss of silence, there is a corridor leading to the stars."

"The final order is maintained by steel."

Although the other party stopped because they sang the sentence corresponding to the mechanical kingdom, these six sentences also clearly described the five "kingdoms of God".

but now......

"False dreams flow" "entangled with shadows"

Perhaps it corresponds to the dream approach.

"The nameless mist shelters the kingdom of white nights."

Regarding the "fog", Yago thought of the fog path, the necrotic path and the tide path. However, the appearance of "no name" made Yago more inclined to the "fog" path.

"Even in the abyss of silence, there is a corridor leading to the stars"

The emergence of the keyword "silence", Yago, of course, thinks of the "mass point" that he has the most intelligence at present, the suspected necromantic path, the secret path, the star path, the dusk path, and the probability path. Mass point 7 on the Kabbalah tree.

This sentence may point to the mirror world corresponding to the "star" approach.

But it is precisely here that there is a problem, because according to his current intelligence, the "star" approach should correspond to the "river of eternal sleep."

The river of eternal sleep is "the abyss of all silence"?

Is it right?

"Dead Sea" should be more appropriate. After all, the words "undersea" and "the abyss" are often connected together.

"The final order is maintained by steel"

This sentence may be the simplest. At that time, I was in a mechanical kingdom, and the other party stopped here and made it clear that there was...At least she thought it corresponded to this sentence.

Yago agreed.

The only thing he cares about in this poem is the description of "the last".

"The sea of ​​flesh and blood repeats itself with the tide of the soul."

And this sentence is what he cares very much about.

Especially now.


From the description point of view, it is not difficult, "the ocean of flesh and blood", "the tide of the soul".

He had known the description of "tidal pathway" a long time ago.

There is an unexplainable connection between the necrotic pathway and the tidal pathway.

The tide of the soul, at least for him, points directly to the "tide path".


What about the "ocean of flesh and blood"?

Yago might not know it at the time, but then Yago saw it.

"The material world".

The "dancing girl" has a similar description.

"The kingdom of the goddess is a sea of ​​flesh and blood indulging in everything."

Combined with the description of "Blood Banquet Forest", Yago's description of the "material world" is probably a landscape similar to a mangrove forest.

But how is this related to the "tide"?

Does "Tide of Soul" refer to "Dead Sea"? Is it the "Necro Path" instead of the "Tide Path"?

Yago, who became more suspicious, turned his gaze on the symbol patterns one by one, and finally stopped.

That is a solitary pattern.

It is as isolated as "art", "temperance", and "desire", but he regards it as a "group" of patterns.

This pattern is as weird as the others.

Tentacle-like lines of different thicknesses mixed together.

It seems to have a kind of "brain" feeling, but it also looks like a sea creature, a pattern of entangled tentacles of a certain mollusk. Compared with other patterns, the outline of the line itself of this pattern is not very clear, like being The pattern soaked in water has a heterogeneous sense of moisture.

Because of the fuzzy outlines that seem to be soaked in water, this pattern looks more likely to be related to water than other patterns.

At least, Yago thinks so.

This symbol is more likely to correspond to the "tidal" approach.

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