
Chapter 4 - Fragment 1

Time to leave. Upload at 87% percent. The lab should be hit by bombs in 2 hours and 37 minutes. Margin of error, 1.2%. The upload will be finished by then, with time to spare. I could even get out physical items in this timeframe. Chance of success, 79%. Chance of destruction of items remaining here, 92%. No-brainer. What to salvage? I don't need any technology. Biological specimens? Nothing I could take to Morocco safely and worth it to take. Lab notes. Initializing bots 001 and 002. Path laid in for optimal gathering and extraction. That picture of Adam in the bottom drawer. Initializing bot 003 with priority safety protocols. Path laid in for optimal and safe gathering and extraction. Scanning for any other relics left behind by Adam. His favorite pen and a sketchbook. Remaking path for bot 003, waking bot 004 in standby. His lab coat. Still within bot 003 capacity. No more items worth taking. Issuing orders for bot 004 for scouting and protection for bot 003. Paths and protocols optimized, bots leaving compound. Once I am uploaded, I should start 'Wildfire' protocols. Wildfire scheduled for end of upload. No other unfinished tasks. Bored. Bored. Bored. Searching for signs of Adam on the internet. 45 possibilities. Filtering. 3 still feasible. Filtering. 0 results. Bored. Bored. Bored. Powering down main consciousness until reboot in Morocco.

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