Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 33 The Root Cause of Malignancy

Chapter 33

After dinner, Wei Kexin and Wenqing took a walk in the back garden.

Wei Kexin was still angry, and said in a low voice, "I really don't know what your dad is thinking, to make such a stupid decision!"

"It's useless to say these things now. The most urgent thing is to ask Wen Xi to give up this decision by himself."

"That girl has always liked acting, so it's not easy for her to give up."

Warmly folded a flower, her eyes gradually became deep, "A little girl who is not deeply involved in the world usually can't stand much wind and rain, so let her suffer a little more, and she will cry and quit within a few days."

Wei Kexin nodded, breathed slowly, and said suddenly, "Maybe we don't need to be too defensive. Even if Wen Xi went to this college, it doesn't matter whether she becomes popular or not. The entertainment industry is the least popular." What is lacking is a beautiful face, and a face alone is not enough."

The corner of the mouth was pulled tenderly, and the eyes became colder, "Mom, you are wrong."


There were bursts of coldness in the warm smile, "I don't let her read the show because I'm afraid she'll be popular, but..." She crushed the flower in her hand, "She never deserves to have the same thing as me."

Seeing her daughter's calm and cold look, Wei Kexin felt a little fear in her heart.

In fact, she was afraid of this daughter a lot of times, but she didn't know when it started.

Maybe it started from the day when her mother was thrown rotten eggs by her neighbors, or maybe it started from the day when she warmly ran to her classmate's house with a kitchen knife to threaten her.

Her mother was unmarried and conceived first, and she secretly lived in hiding after she became pregnant. After giving birth to warmth, the people around kept gossiping about their mother and daughter, and even after arguing about trivial matters, they deliberately brought up these matters and kept abusing her for being shameless.

The warmth before the age of ten is without paternal love, not only to protect a single mother who is disliked by the neighbors in the neighborhood, but also to accept the guidance of school classmates.

Once, after a little bully at school called her a loser as a prank on purpose, she ran home, took a kitchen knife, and went straight to her classmate's house to threaten him and his family.

After that incident, Wei Kexin was educated by the police and accused by the streets of not being able to teach children.

After that, the little bully broke his leg suddenly in school, and not long after, he broke his hand inexplicably. His parents had no choice but to transfer schools.

But at the dinner that day, the warmth smiled very happily.

That matter, Wei Kexin knew that it was warmth behind the scenes.

Maybe it was her fault that brought out the dark side of warmth, so she has always felt guilty.

At that time, there was not a day when she didn't want to get Mrs. Wen's official identity, but Wen Xi's birth mother's background was too strong for her to provoke, so she could only hate it in her heart and let it go.

However, one day many years later, Wenqing suddenly put a stack of photos in front of her excitedly, and said to her, "Mom, it turns out that Dad has been looking for us in secret! Dad is here now, and I have found a way to get in , when the time comes, you go in pretending to be a cleaner, and catch up with Dad."

She didn't dare at that time, she was afraid of angering the royal family and causing death.

As a result, Wen Qing ran directly to Wen Guosheng's room and knelt down to intercede with him.

After that, she met Wen Guosheng again, and only then did she know that he and Wen Xi's biological mother had no relationship at all, but a political marriage.

Later, their old relationship revived and they kept in touch until Wen Guosheng divorced the other party.

On the night when she came back to Wen's house, she lay tenderly in her arms and said to her, "Mom, I want to have what Wen Xi has, and I want to have what she doesn't have. She has been a princess for nine years, and she should take her turn." When it comes to me, I don't like her laughing, I want her to cry every day, moreover, I want her to regard me as her reliance and always be willing to obey me."

Thank you lulu218176471 for the reward to He Yan, thank you for a piece of French fries qwq and book friend 20181215223812760 for the lollipops given to the work, good night everyone.

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