Xiao Deng started the class without giving lectures, but instead asked the students exercises on new lessons that they had not learned yet.

He Yu, who was listening to the class at the back, felt very happy, but several teaching and research fellows were very dissatisfied. They thought Xiao Deng was playing tricks on them.

How do students know the new knowledge content that the teacher did not teach?

How can students do it if the teacher has not taught it beforehand?

If you want to ask He Yu, Xiao Deng is preparing to give a lecture and is afraid of having a bad impact.

Some looked at their watches and saw that this period of time only lasted three minutes.

It shows that Xiao Deng still manages his time well and can only endure it.

Xiao Deng asked questions to guide the students to think about the key points of the new course.

If the students could answer the simple content, he would let the students answer the questions while guiding them.

For the knowledge content that was more understandable, he was not busy. Let’s talk.

Instead, we use teacher-student interaction and research to discuss together, allowing students to master it step by step.

The new lesson content has been completed. Xiao Deng put three questions on the blackboard and asked three students to go up to do it, while the other students did it below.

Several teaching and research fellows looked at their watches at the same time. It only took thirty minutes, and they thought to themselves: How could he grasp the time to teach the new lesson so accurately?

After the students who came up to do the questions have completed their work respectively.

Xiao Deng asked the students:"Are the three of them doing it right?

If you feel it is wrong, please raise your hand and come up to correct it."

No student raised his hand.

Xiao Deng said,"It shows that everyone has a basic understanding of what they learned today.

After the students go down, they will do the second and third questions after the text.

In this class, thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of my colleagues, they cooperated with the teacher and were very active in learning." , very proactive, thank you classmates.

Class is over now!"

The students stood up in unison and shouted loudly;"Thank you, Teacher Xiao Deng, for giving us a wonderful class!

They put the four"Teacher Xiao Deng" The word"Xiao Deng" was shouted very loudly.

Just when Xiao Deng was about to walk out of the classroom, all the students clapped their hands to express their warm farewell.

This kind of scene rarely occurs, and most of the teaching and research staff who came to listen to the class were deeply moved.

Only One was still a little skeptical.

After listening to the class, He Yu summoned the teaching researcher, the dean of academic affairs, and Teacher Zhao to the office.

He asked everyone to comment while drinking tea.

He Yu then said,"Let everyone comment on this lesson taught by Teacher Xiao Deng." Class, what do you think? Please leave a comment."

Teacher Yang Fuxiang said:"With all due respect, from the many classes I have attended by famous teachers, I have never seen such respect and passion for teachers from students!

At the end of class, the students not only shouted loudly:"Thank you, Teacher Xiao Deng, for giving us a wonderful lesson!" ’, and even clapped his hands to send him off.

I was surprised to see such a rare sight at that time!

They were all touched!

This is the students’ sincere praise of Teacher Xiao Deng’s class.

It's really hard for me to understand, how did he change so quickly?

The fact that his teaching style is similar to that of Vice Principal He, and that he mobilizes students' learning enthusiasm so well shows that he no longer uses the old teaching methods, but imitates Vice Principal He's research-based teaching method.

That’s why students’ initiative and enthusiasm for learning are mobilized so well.

It really makes me admire Xiao Deng with admiration.

I am still puzzled, why did he throw a cup at Vice-Principal He and threaten him at the meeting, but Vice-Principal He not only did not try to punish him, but also carefully protected him and trained him so well?"

It's true;

Xiao Deng's wonderful performance in class shocked everyone who came to attend the class.

As the saying goes, a prodigal son will never be replaced with gold, which is so appropriate for Xiao Deng.

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