Teachers from all over the county came to listen to his lectures in turn, and He Yu became famous in public teaching. Section Chief Zhong personally visited the Zhongan Primary School to praise and commend He Yu, which spread throughout the county.

Huang Wenwei and Li Guirui were even more excited. The two called He Yu to the office to talk alone and praised him highly.

Huang Wenwei said to He Yu:"You are so proud this time. It is rare for Section Chief Zhong to come to the school and praise you at the conference.

I am still an unknown person at your age.

But you just participated After working for two or three years, I was praised by the chief of the department and became famous throughout the county!

Even we both benefited from you. You have been promoted and made a fortune in two days, so don’t forget us two!"

Huang Wenwei deliberately put 'Both of us' is more prominent.

Li Guirui said:"The principal is right, you would not be as successful as you are today without our support and training. I have a hunch that you will be promoted soon! You are more promising than the two of us.

However, Don't stick your tail up, keep your tail between your legs.

Only in this way can you rise steadily without falling!"

"There! There! Without the cultivation of you and Director Li, I would not be as successful as I am today!

As for talking about being promoted, I don't even think about it, and I don't dare to think about it. This is what Director Li said to inspire me.

No matter what my superiors ask me to do, I will always remember your sincere teachings to me, and I will never be arrogant or arrogant!

You two will always be my leaders and mentors, and I will never forget you two!

The kindness of a drop of water is repaid by a spring of water!"

"With your words, we both feel relieved and happy!

No matter how high you become, we both wish you the best!"

He Yu's good deeds came one after another!

During the nationwide campaign to organize cadres and teachers to study"On Cultivation", He Yu wrote an article about his experience in studying"On Cultivation" in Yunnan It was published in a major newspaper and immediately caused a sensation in the county.

This was a unique article about studying"On Cultivation" in Fuyuan County, and it was published in a very conspicuous position on the second page of a provincial newspaper. The leadership of the county party committee's propaganda was very I saw and appreciated this article and thought it was a very good and inspiring article for the cadres and teachers in the county to study"On Cultivation". I also requested that He Yu's article be used as an example to carefully combine everyone's thoughts. , conduct careful comparisons and inspections to improve ideological awareness.

He Yu's reputation has been greatly boosted this time!

When the country launched a nationwide criticism of the fallacy of the pseudo-philosopher's"Two into One", He Yu was published in a major newspaper in Yunnan Province Published a large critical article of his own.

This is an article criticizing authoritative experts in philosophy. Without a certain level of philosophy and a solid foundation of philosophical theory, it is absolutely impossible to have the courage to challenge authority. It is also a very high-level and important article in the whole province.

The staff of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee specially accompanied the reporter of the provincial newspaper to interview him. When the reporter found out that he was only in his twenties, he was very surprised! He boasted and said:"I learned from Section Chief Zhong that not only were you an outstanding student when you were studying, but you also published many articles in newspapers, and you were also well-known as an excellent teacher in your teaching work. You are really a rare person." of genius.

This kind of critical article can only be written by an authoritative person with a high level of philosophy."

"Thank you for your compliment. I am just a fledgling ordinary primary school teacher. I usually like to delve into philosophy and am very interested in philosophical issues. It is not like you said that I am a genius or not. You are exaggerating!"

"Don't be humble. The leaders in the county are praising you for doing all your work vigorously and impressively. You are a rare talent in Fuyuan."The staff of the County Party Committee Propaganda Department said

"I'm not exaggerating at all. When I came to interview you, the editor-in-chief specially greeted me and asked me to interview you well.

You don't know that he wants me to personally bring you the letter of appointment for the provincial newspaper to hire you as a senior correspondent.

This is rare!

This is a high honor for you."

The staff of the Propaganda Department who accompanied the reporter also blessed him and said:"You are the first talented and beautiful person in our Fuyuan County to receive this honor.

The leaders of the county party committee are praising you. You have won a lot of glory for our Fuyuan."

It's true:

He Yu's good luck keeps coming, and good things happen one after another.

But he didn't expect that he would become a target of criticism five years later.

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