After visiting the cave where the old revolutionary lived and the cave where the bandits entrenched themselves in resistance in Shili Shenqing,

He Yu was filled with emotions on the way home.

He did not expect that the farm built on the land where the chieftain's family had fought in Duadi would be in such a mess.

He made up his mind to change the original chaotic situation.

"I have already thought about it. When I go back, I will work out a strict management system for the workers overnight, and then I will ask for your opinions and the workers' opinions, and then I will declare to Shi Si that this can't be delayed any longer."

"This is great. It turns out that no one is in charge of the system and dare not control it. Now that Principal He is here, as long as there is a strict assessment system and a courageous leader like you, there is no need to worry about being out of control. The enthusiasm of workers will definitely be mobilized."Wu Yonggui said happily

"You are capable and capable. With your intelligence and wisdom, you will definitely be able to manage the workers well!

Just write it out overnight, and after soliciting everyone's opinions, announce Shi Si and show off your trump card. I don't believe the governance is bad!."Wang Yun said

"good! Thank you for your understanding and support. I will definitely be on fire. I can’t drag it on like this any longer. I will give the original farm a new look before school starts!"

Back at school, it was already dark.

After He Yu had eaten, he hurriedly drafted an assessment plan.

The next day, he visited some workers, listened to their opinions humbly, and then called Li Lin and Wu Yonggui together. After pondering over and studying each item one by one, he finally made a decision. He immediately held a meeting of all workers on the evening of the third day.

He Yu first announced the school's development plan to everyone.

The workers felt that Principal He had lofty goals and was really courageous. , Dare to carry out drastic reforms. Make bold plans and transformations for the fruit trees, vegetable fields, ponds, and land of the original farm.

Moreover, the plan is very comprehensive and thoughtful, and it is a grand blueprint. If we continue like this, everyone will Life will definitely be easier, and it will no longer be like today, where I am always worried about life and death.

In order to complete and realize these plans, we must have strong management systems and measures to strictly assess each individual and each type of work. The basic salary points Salary plus assessment salary.

The basic salary is paid at half of the current rate. The assessment salary is first assessed among workers based on monthly attendance, performance, and efficiency, and then the school leaders review and approve the decision. As soon as

He Yucai announced, most of the workers were excited and very excited. Support and agree.

A worker stood up and said:"Only in this way can this school be run. If it is run well, everyone will have confidence and a way out. We all raise our hands in approval."

But a young man looked sideways at He Yu and said with a sneer:"It turns out that our farm doesn’t do this because it is a state-owned farm, not a private farm run by private individuals, and it is impossible for everyone to compete for each other’s jobs.

Moreover, it is now a rural middle school. It is a school and a state unit. It is mainly for running schools, not a business unit.

I firmly oppose it!

Don't agree with this!"


The venue fell silent.


Ambitious and ready to do something big and completely change the original situation of the farm.

Just when the assessment plan was announced, someone actually jumped out to object and question it.

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