"Brother, the NPCs are all storming, my blood bar is falling down, you actually say you like the

planning of this copy?" Mario is a little doubtful that his teammate has a serious illness, what kind of people will like the game planning of this copy!

Many copies can become their white moonlight, cinnabar mole.

This copy is white rice and mosquito blood.

Even sometimes players don't know how they died!

The onlookers in the live broadcast room are also discussing what Tang Ze just said.

"Is this player called Add Sugar an undercover agent over there in the quest planning? "

I don't know why, this unsweetened voice is inexplicably a little familiar, but I can't hear who it is..."

It is said that this NPC is comparable to a BOSS, as long as it can be killed, there is no challenge on the BOSS side, but this female ghost in red is really terrible!" Most

of the fans in the live broadcast room are players who like this game, and they are naturally excited to see Mario play the Rose Hotel once.

Many people have also played the Rose Hotel and are very impressed by this hanged ghost.

Here, to a large extent, there will be a reduction in the contingent, or even a direct annihilation.

It's really hard to kill the Hanged Ghost, and you can only get a glimmer of life by giving up your teammates to escape, but you will still kneel at the end of the boss and the Hanged Ghost.

Of course, they don't expect Mario, the funny streamer of technical dishes, to pass this copy, and it is already a famous scene to see him and his teammates turn against each other.

It's just that when I saw the two teammates rushing up without hesitation, whether it was Mario or the fans, there was a momentary heartbeat.

Many people have clicked on the recording function, just to record rollovers or highlight moments.

Tang Yanlin watched him enter the combat state, and he was also a little nervous, leaning forward to his body, trying to see as clearly as possible, but he didn't dare to block Tang Ze's line of sight, so he could only secretly cheer him on.

The speed of the hanging ghost is fast, a tongue can be extended three meters away, coupled with the flames all over her body, as long as she gets a little closer, the blood bar will fall down.

Although Marshmallow was full of weapons, because the tongue could not get close, he wanted to throw a knife, but was frequently blocked by Mario in the attack line.

"Can't you just get out of the way?" "

I also thought, but what kind of careful thinking can Erwuzai have, it's all controlled by this monster!"

Mario complained, the buttons on his screen had failed, and he couldn't move at all.

This is a skill unique to the hanging ghost, and he can't help it.


Marshmallow's cold words, like a knife, were once again inserted into Mario's heart, and he now wanted to say two words to express his wounded heart.

Looking at his blood bar that was about to bottom, he couldn't help but sing a farewell song.

Unforgettable tonight ~ unforgettable tonight ~ supper...

Before he could start the second sentence, the tongue tied around his neck behind him suddenly loosened, and the finger that had been placed on the forward button finally took effect.

Mario broke out of control, like an arrow off the string, and accelerated into the wall in full view.

It is not very hurtful and very insulting.

Fans couldn't stop laughing, and some urged Mario to hurry up and see what happened.

As a result, when he adjusted his perspective and turned his head, he could only see that at the same time that he split the flames with a fire axe without sugar, Marshmallow saw the opportunity, and the knives shot at the hanged ghosts one by one, nailing them to the point.

This scene is too handsome, under the threat of flames, the two tacitly cooperate and join forces to kill the enemy.

Mario: Am I the superfluous one?

Despite thinking so, he quickly took several pictures and stood contentedly on the side, waiting to be taken by his teammates.

The first time that the hanged ghost was so badly injured, the blood bar fell down like a collapse, and before he could open his teeth and dance his claws, he was cut off by the fire axe, and also cut off the rope wrapped around his neck by the way.

The rope was instantly engulfed in flames.

The head fell to the ground, rolled a few times, stopped in front of Mario, and the dark hollow in his eyes looked directly at him, obviously unable to see the eyes, but it made him feel cold in the cracks of his bones.

"What the groove is there!"

his fingers subconsciously moved, pushing the head out.

I saw the head gurgling and rolling on the floor, and as the head rolled, this hotel showed its true appearance.

It was a rose hotel that no one had ever seen.

The walls were repainted, the carpet was replaced with a new crimson carpet, everything looked new, except for a shabby wheelchair in the corridor, which looked out of place with the scene.

A new scene may be the key to solving the puzzle.

Mario people are stupid, he did not expect that the ranking of his random group was expected to clear the copy of the Rose Hotel.

Tang Yanlin is also stupid, if Tang Ze opens this copy for the first time playing the game, this TM topic will explode!

And it is still his account, although it is Tang Ze who cleared the level, the account that cleared the level is his!

This look made Tang Ze, who was thinking about the problem, get out of the state and glance at him.

"You have hemorrhoids?" "I'll go, you have hemorrhoids!" asked

the little boy for a second, seeing that he was obviously thinking just now.

"Brother, don't you know how to unravel this place?"


Ze replied very crisply, and did not hesitate to tell his innocent and cute little cousin next to him what he wanted.

"I was just thinking that fire axes are fireproof, and that's a clear hint.

"The weakness of the hanging ghost is that the rope around the neck will be gone if it is cut, but the flames in the whole body make it impossible for the player to get close, and as long as you can find a fire axe, it is a random kill."

"And this wheelchair ..... If I'm not mistaken, it should belong to the final boss, and the reason why the hanged ghost was killed and gouged out his eyes is probably because he saw something that shouldn't be seen.

"For example, getting up from a wheelchair, such as being reborn, and the burning hotel should be a sacrifice to achieve the purpose... and other backstories. Tang

Ze said in an unhurried tone, not only the two teammates, but even the fans in Mario's live broadcast room did not send a barrage for the time being, and listened to his analysis intently.

"If I were the mastermind of this copy, I would have done absolutely nothing to provide a fire axe and would not have placed a wheelchair that is easily broken in such a conspicuous place.

With a smile in his tone, he quickly slid his fingers across the screen, maneuvered the axe in his hand, and cut the wheelchair without hesitation.

"Such an unusual thing, the destruction is over!" Sure

enough, after Tang Ze cut this wheelchair, the entire space changed drastically.

The boss that most people have only seen in the video before, but like the moon in the water, a figure just appeared and shattered.

The game pops up from the checkout screen.

All players online in Beyond the Mystery saw a system announcement.

[Congratulations to the player for adding some sugar, Mario, and Marshmallow to the first clearance copy of the Rose Hotel, which took 23 minutes and 39 seconds. ] In

an instant, the players of Beyond the Mystery exploded.

"What? That copy was cleared?" "

Ask for video, low-rank, I almost didn't clear this one, poor obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

The World Channel exploded, and all three people's friend applications rose at a rapid pace.

However, Tang Yanlin and Mario, who were watching at the scene, looked at this scene blankly, and there was no joy in their hearts to clear the level, only a dazed face that was spoiled.

"Mouth, mouth trick

?" said Mario stumbling, and the cold voice of Marshmallow sounded in the team channel.

"Your analysis, not from the player's point of view, more like on the game maker's side, which game designer are you?"


Ze had no need to hide it, and after replying to this sentence, he casually threw his mobile phone to Tang Yanlin.

The little boy quickly grabbed the baby's mobile phone and looked into the game.

Marshmallow got the answer and quit the copy.

But Mario saw a barrage -

"I remember, isn't this Tang Ze, the game designer of the Heavenly Power Studio next door!

"Add some sugar, Don... Great God, shouldn't you be Tang Ze?"

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