"Play, of course! It's a fan game that you don't play?

"Then you have to play, it just so happens that your Fu cultivation has reached a bottleneck recently, isn't it okay to come to the side of "Double Star" to relax and relax?"

"Trust us, this game is absolutely fun. have all gone through the baptism of "Mountains and Seas", what is "Double Star", right?

"That is, play Double Star and brush you with rockets!"

The words of a group of fans made Zhou Shuyi's shameful heart moved.

She squinted her eyes, the thoughts in her heart gradually landed, a big smile appeared on her face, and her mouth began to chatter again.

"Although let's say it, after completing the agreement with Tang Thief before, it can be regarded as clearing his game. But I'm a fan of me, and I'm a person who loves my fans so much.

She said, skillfully entering the official website, and sure enough saw the new game poster displayed on the official website.

The two warships confronted each other, full of gunpowder. Behind, a sickle-like crescent moon is set off by the stars, and the scene of the sun and the moon shining together is like a red and blue light separating the entire picture.

The two warships in this poster seem to want to lead the world astray, but slowly and soberly choose the path in them.

It seems that there is a bit of a desire to go in.

Zhou Shuyi clicked to download the game while preparing to play the game.

She deliberately contacted "Double Star" a few days later, just to wait for a strategy, after all, not long after the new expansion opened, it was rare to be punished by "Mountain and Sea Era" to jail.

"Hmm.... Be a new ship as soon as possible, collect supplies quickly, and pay attention to energy bars.

"Stay away from those pouting creatures in the dump because they're likely to come and bite your ass."

"Don't tease and chase the light, artificial intelligence seals the heart... What are these cows and horses? The

more Zhou Shuyi looked at it, the more she felt that something was wrong, and her face also showed a disgusted expression.

"Also teasing artificial intelligence, I'm numb, how can everyone in society have it now!"

She was speechless, just as the game was downloaded, these spicy eyes quickly turned off, entered the game and charged the polka dot card to start playing.

"I heard about the 870,000-hour player, waiting to give the game to his grandson, play it for his great-grandson haha."

"Come on, let's start the game!"

Zhou Shuyi looked serious, and even straightened her hair for the sake of being formal, let it be obediently draped behind her back, and then put one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse, playing the game properly.

She rarely has such concentration and seriousness, and the appearance of closing her mouth and playing games seriously looks really beautiful.

Especially when picking up garbage, he pursed his lips slightly, looking focused, as if he was accomplishing some major event in life, so that countless fans took screenshots and snored 'open rush'.

Zhou Shuyi used the novice ship and spent three hours collecting materials, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and resumed her joyful appearance, while manipulating the novice ship to catch up while watching the barrage.

"I said you guys, can't you be serious? Still rushing? Rush rush, why not squeeze you dry? After

she complained, she had long been accustomed to the virtues of fans and showed everyone the new boat.

"It doesn't seem to be so difficult, you can do it without a beginner's guide." It seems that Tang Thief has turned around this time, and will actually make a game that does not pit us.

"It seems that this game is quite promising, or it is still a liver game."

Not long after saying these words, the novice ship passed through a dense place of stars, and its speed slowed down, only to hear a 'warning' from the light.

Before Zhou Shuyi could react, the hull on the game screen was directly engulfed by the impact of the explosion, and the explosion caused was annihilated everywhere he saw.

Her ship is defenseless, and naturally not spared, and after a few seconds, the character is transmitted to the star port of the chosen civilization, in the same state as when she first entered the game.

In the first three hours, everything I did fell short.

Back to the original starting point, the smiling face of Tang Thief in my memory...

Thinking of what he just said about 'there is hope' and 'not pitting people', Zhou Shuyi's heart to strangle Tang Ze has it.

She clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and finally suppressed the agitation in her heart that wanted to kill, glanced at the 'hahaha' on the barrage, pretended to be indifferent as much as possible, nodded and defended.

"I understand this, there are always such and such accidents in space, these are force majeure."

"Believe me, I will never be knocked down by these things, absolutely impossible!"

As an anchor who was pitted by Tang Ze for three games, how could she give up lightly?

Isn't it just three hours wasted?

It's only three hours!

Just one more liver is fine.

Zhou Shuyi revived and made a new new new boat.

This time, in order not to repeat the mistakes of the past, she deliberately found a way that seemed to have fewer stars, reducing the 'force majeure' of the sudden explosion of stars.

"Look! I passed it this time.

"Wait, what kind of ships are these?"

"Attack me for what aaaaaa

Zhou Shuyi didn't expect that in this game, TM and interstellar pirates.

Specially blocked on the channel, just to rob the novice ship that collected supplies!!

Novice ships provide transport and gathering functions, and there is no way to defend them, so they become lambs waiting to be slaughtered, waiting for the intergalactic pirates to look at where to go.

In less than three minutes, all the resources on the ship were taken away, and even the hull was disassembled into materials under Zhou Shuyi's nose, and the empty shell was taken away entirely.

This wave is absolutely cruel open the door to

cruelty - cruelty has arrived home!

"Groove, what a situation! Has anyone come and explained to me what the is going on!!

"Why would anyone rob you?" What good things do I have worth robbing? Ragged? Might as well rob me!

"Her whole body fell into violent mode, and she was forced to nag at the computer screen.

The fans in the live broadcast room listened to Zhou Shuyi's complaining and died of laughter.

"I didn't expect that Sister Zhou would one day say such a tiger and wolf word as robbing me hahaha!"

"No, I can't stand it, I really want to withdraw the 'Kaichong' just now!" This woman really can't rush!

"Tang Thief is really awesome, a game to let players break the defense is nothing, a bunch of games can make players really amazing."

Zhou Shuyi's encounter in the game made everyone laugh breathlessly, especially those players who played "Double Star" and were pitted, laughing even louder.

At least they weren't looted by intergalactic pirates after encountering an astral explosion.

The world is really miserable Zhou Shuyi, saying that she was not targeted by the game and no one believed it.

But one fan said what was in everyone's heart.

"Maybe Sister Zhou is the kind of person who is 'favored' by Tang Thief."

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