Loving With A Heavy Heart

Chapter -1 - Update - 08/25/19

Hello everyone! I know it's been a few days since my last chapter. Things have gotten really busy at work and I haven't been able to write for the past few days. I've also had a new story I started but never got around to working on properly. I cannot tell you all how much it means that so many people have been enjoying LHH. When I started writing I never imagined in my wildest dreams that it would have come this far. Aside from LHH I have a few stories I started but never got around to finishing because I never thought I would ever do anything with them. I was only writing them for my own amus.e.m.e.nt, but when I read your comments and reviews it makes me want to share my other works as well.

This doesn't mean that I'll be abandoning Elle and Adam. I've grown quite fond of them. I'll just be taking a two week break to spend time on some of my other stories, which I have been neglecting, and to put more effort into my actual day-job.

I don't want to leave you guys with nothing so in this two week gap I will occasionally post these auxiliary chapters as a way to connect with you guys. I'll post some background behind the stories, perhaps some character bio's, things like that. If you have any questions about the story please leave them in the comments and I'll answer them in depth in my next update.

If you're not interested in these auxiliary chapters you don't have to read them or participate with your comments. I won't post any plot material here. Just little insights.

I hope you guys can be patient and wait the two weeks for me to be back with a proper chapter. I promise to have a mass release in September to make up for this time I'll be spending away!

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