Loving With My Mind

Chapter 44 - Son-in-law

Han Mufeng smiled as he held his tea cup.

"Something good happened?" Li Qiaolian asked as it was rare for her husband to look this elated.

"You can say that...Yixin seemed to have married right." he looked proud.

"Mingzhe came with her during the meeting?" Li Qiaolian guessed.

"Well, he took her there and waited for the meeting to end." Han Mufeng chuckled.

"Oh...wasn't he busy in LZ?" she was asking but there was a mischievous smile on her face.

"Before they left, he secretly asked me which is her favorite restaurant in the city."

"Oh...what did he do?" Li Qiaolian would best know how to pacify their daughter. If he was asking about the food Yixin likes, he might be consoling her.

Han Mufeng guffawed. "I tried to ask, but he said he will tell me next time over golf."

Li Qiaolian widened her smile. "We did good in choosing such a son-in-law. Tsk...it makes me even curious what's the matter with them." She clicked her tongue impatiently.

"Lian...don't worry too much. They will surely show up in the anniversary banquet as Yixin is organizing the refreshments. Of course, Zhao Mingzhe was given an invitation." Han Mufeng was very proud of himself.

"Eh, then how will we introduce them at the party? A supplier, a guest...our children?" Li Qiaolian pointed out the dilemma.

Han Mufeng guffawed. "It'll be up to them."


Han Yixin heaved a sigh of relief as she placed the finishing touch on her four-foot tall chocolate sculpture. It has been long since she challenged herself this much.

She could only hope and pray that it arrives safely at the banquet. After all, this would be her first promotional material for her unknown business.

She relayed instructions to the staff for the delivery and repeating her floor plan for the refreshments.

She washed her hands and bid them goodbye. She needed to prepare for the banquet as well. Though she was the pastry chef, this is still the anniversary for LH. She cannot come in her chef uniform.

After all, her dashing husband will be there. She does not really care whether or not her parents would announce her existence.

Just as she exited the door of the hotel, a silver Porche 911 pulled up and drew its window down.

"Can I offer the gorgeous miss a ride?" Zhao Mingzhe teased his wife.

Han Yixin sternly looked at him and did not say anything.

Zhao Mingzhe laughed. "Xiao Xin...would you want to come late and draw attention?"

She pouted, opened the car door, sat, then slammed it shut. "I'm not gorgeous."

He laughed some more then drove away.

Han Yixin took a quick shower right after the arrived home. She had been working all day that some sweet substance is even stuck on her hair. Fortunately, she only worked with sugars soluble in water. She hurriedly dried her hair.

The anniversary banquet doors will be open at 1900H, with the formal program starting at 2000H. However, this lag time is the time for food, drinks and conversations. It is the perfect opportunity to promote business.

Suddenly, her thoughts on business vanished as she gasped.

Zhao Mingzhe just entered their bedroom only wearing a towel around his waist, some water still dripping from his hair. He just came from the shower in another room.

He chuckled as his wife blushed.

"Han Yixin, how could you still be so shy?"

She turned back to the mirror. "Just...dress yourself up. I don't want to be late."

Before he could reply, she gasped again.

"I haven't picked out a dress!" she exclaimed through the noise of the hair dryer, which she unplugged before dashing into the closet.

She stopped on her tracks as there was a powder blue lace dress hanging on the handle of the wardrobe.

Zhao Mingzhe was already dressing himself up, buttoning his shirt, when he noticed that she was taking too long to put on the dress he prepared, so he decided to check on her.

To his amazement, she was still standing there, seemingly frozen, and still in her bathrobe.

He cleared his throat, "Do you want me to help you put it on?"

As if brought back to life, Han Yixin trembled at his voice. She swiftly turned to him and almost violently shook her head.

Zhao Mingzhe walked towards her and cupped her cheeks. "Stop it. You'll get dizzy."

When she nodded, he let go of her and started walking away as he said, "Go put on the dress. Don't worry. I asked MC to add a lining to his 'Impalpable Dream of Versailles' so people cannot l.u.s.t at my wife."

Han Yixin gulped and reached for the dress.


Zhao Mingzhe gave handed his keys to the valet before helping his wife alight the car.

The event was in a banquet hall surrounded by greenery. This is a new venue being promoted by LH for occasions like this.

The venue was covered by glass walls except for the stage area, so people can see others as they arrive.

People could not help but stare at the couple who arrived half past seven in the evening.

The tall man wore a navy suit with white accents and white tie. The woman was wrapped in a powder blue lace dress, with an illusion see-through design. Her hair was tied up in a neat bun and her accessories are dainty and subtle.

Zhao Mingzhe escorted his wife into the hall and flashed a smile to her parents.

"Mingzhe, Xiao Xin...you guys are here! Come in..." Li Qiaolian greeted.

Li Qiaolian has a thin figure which only subtly changed through the years, even after bearing children. She wore a high-neck red lace dress, falling softly on her seemingly delicate body.

Han Mufeng spotted his daughter and her husband as he was chatting with some businessmen.

He eyed one of them. "Gentlemen, the creator of the chocolate sculpture for the night has arrived."

One of the ladies surrounding him got excited and followed Han Mufeng's gaze. She immediately spotted the overwhelming presence that is Zhao Mingzhe.

"Oh...can you introduce me, Mr. Han? I would surely order for my birthday!" she excitedly asked.

"Sure." Han Mufeng led the group towards the couple his wife was showing around.

"Everyone, I introduce to you, Chef Yixin." he gestured towards his daughter.

Han Yixin bowed politely.

"Oh, and my son-in-law, LZ's Zhao Mingzhe." Han Mufeng had a proud smile.

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