Loving You Too Much

Chapter 86 - Asking Wei Jun Hao for Dating Advice

That night, in the middle of a basketball court in Y City, a group of men was running around, chasing and passing the ball around. The sound of their shoes squeaking against the floor and the ball, bouncing filled the area. The men were playing three against three, and at this moment, it seemed like one team was leading with big point gaps against the other.

At this time, Lin Xiao Feng dribbled the ball past Wei Jun Hao before he threw it to his left side.

Seeing that there was no one guarding that area, Wei Jun Hao heaved a sigh with relief. However, at this time, Zhang Yu Han suddenly appeared to snatch the ball. He dribbled the ball towards the hoop with speed and jumped up high.

The boys at the court stopped on their tracks to watch the ball.

It was a slam dunk.

Seconds later, half of the men in court were cheering, and the other half was groaning in frustration.

Su Ming Yuan, one of the men in Wei Jun Hao's team, chased after Wei Jun Hao. He poked him with his elbow and nodded towards Zhang Yu Han and his team.

"Hey," Su Ming Yuan spoke through his panting. "What's wrong with the captain? Who provoked him? Why did he call us to gather and torture us like this?"

Wei Jun Hao wiped his sweat with the back of his hand and shook his head. "I don't know. I asked around, but even Yu Ying did not know what was going on with him."

"You're the closest to the captain. Maybe you should talk to him. Tell him to go easy on us." Su Ming Yuan pushed his friend lightly on his shoulder.

Wei Jun Hao took a step back and cursed at Su Ming Yuan. "I am not going to be the punching bag, alright?"

At this time, Zhang Yu Han turned to the others and raised a brow. "Shall we continue?"

Immediately, the boys who were in Wei Jun Hao's team had a look as if they were about to cry. However, Su Ming Yuan quickly stepped backward and hid behind Wei Jun Hao. Because he stood in front of the other two, Zhang Yu Han immediately threw the ball to him.

Ready to resign to his fate, Wei Jun Hao had no choice but to act as the spoke person. "I beg you, Young Master Zhang. Let us go, alright. It's only Monday, and every one of us still needs to show up at work tomorrow."

Zhang Yu Han lifted his hand to look at the time. A hint of surprise flashed through his eyes when he saw the time. It was late. He did not expect that he had dragged the others to play a few rounds for hours. "Alright," he nodded. "You can all go."

Hearing his words, the others started to scatter before their captain change his mind. In the end, only Zhang Yu Han and Wei Jun Hao were left at the basketball court.

Wei Jun Hao picked up the ball, bounced it on the floor a few times and threw it to Zhang Yu Han. "What happened to you? Even if someone had made you upset, you shouldn't torture us to play basketball for hours like this."

Zhang Yu Han raised a brow. "Who said I was upset? Do I look upset?"

"Then what? Why else would you summon us all here to play a few rounds of basketball on a weekday night?"

"I'm happy, alright?"

Wei Jun Hao stared at his friend's face in a daze. His body shivered when he noticed the smile on Zhang Yu Han's face.

Happy? How is that face a happy face? The smile on Zhang Yu Han's face looked as if he was planning something bad, alright?

Wei Jun Hao frowned as he tried to recall if he had offended his friend without knowing. However, after a few seconds of thinking, Wei Jun Hao was sure that he had not done anything that would ignite Zhang Yu Han's anger.

Just as Wei Jun Hao was deep in his thought, Zhang Yu Han went to the side to drink from the bottle. Once he had emptied the bottle, Zhang Yu Han let out a long laugh.

Oh, God! Was he possessed?

Subconsciously, Wei Jun Hao took a step back. Before Wei Jun Hao could escape, Zhang Yu Han had turned to look at him. His laugh had stopped, and there was that familiar frown on Zhang Yu Han's face.

"Wei Jun Hao, you tell me."


"How long should one wait to date again after a breakup?"

"Huh? A breakup?" A thought flash through his mind and Wei Jun Hao looked at his friend in surprise. "You… are you telling me that you ready to move on?"

It did not take too long for Zhang Yu Han to figure out what was going on in Wei Jun Hao's mind. "It's not me. It's Li Qin Yao." The smile returned on Zhang Yu Han's face. "Today, I found out that she had broken up with his boyfriend."

Wei Jun Hao gaped. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure," Zhang Yu Han showed a look of displeased at his comment. "She told me herself. She broke up with that man for months. I even saw that man with another girl today."

Wei Jun Hao then remembered that Zhang Yu Han was supposed to meet with Li Qin Yao to visit a site and discuss an investment. As the lawyer who handled most of Zhang Yu Han's legal matter, of course, Zhang Yu Han had mentioned these things to him.

"So tell me. How long should one wait to date again after a breakup?"

"I guess it depends on the person and how much they invested in that relationship," Wei Jun Hao scratched at the back of his neck. "Some would take a few months, some a few years."

At the thought that he might have to wait for years to pursue the girl he likes, Zhang Yu Han was upset. Perhaps it was a bad idea to ask Wei Jun Hao for dating advice. "I have waited for ten years to meet her again. I don't want to wait for another few years."

"Then, don't wait. Just go ahead and make your move. Don't waste your time and let another man took the chance to pursue her."

Zhang Yu Han would love to go ahead and make his move. However, he was afraid that Li Qin Yao was not ready, and she would reject him later. He told his concern to Wei Jun Hao. "What do you think I should do?"

There was a long silence from Wei Jun Hao. He did not have much experience in dating. Why on earth did Zhang Yu Han ask him for dating advice?

"Then," Wei Jun Hao paused. "Then you should be around more. Pursue her silently, slowly. But, don't let her notice what you are trying to do. Make her feel comfortable at your presence." As he continued to talk, Wei Jun Hao began to feel confident at his own advice. "You know, it's like that metaphor: To cook a frog in tepid water and bring it to boil slowly."

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