"Six Shangshu?" In the palace, Liu Xie looked at the memorial that Lu Bu handed over, carefully savored the structure of the six Shangshu, and finally looked at Lu Bu with a wry smile: "Taiwei, is this going to take Jiuqing and even the Sangong out of existence?"

The words are somewhat complicated. Although Liu Xie has reached a settlement with Lu Bu, he also knows that he has no capital to fight for power with Lu Bu. After all, almost all the places controlled by the imperial court are brought down by Lu Bu, but now Lu Bu is so Is it really okay to discuss with yourself the matter of ostracizing Jiuqing?

In the past, Lu Bu didn't go to court very much, but Liu Xie actually hoped that Lu Bu would go to court. In this way, there is at least room for relaxation, and all the officials in the court will not be like crazy all day long, trying to do small things like sesame and mung beans. The article also represents that the power of the court is in this court rather than Lu Bu's mansion.

Now Lu Bu is finally ready to stand in the court, but at first he wants to directly break the old system in the past and directly evade the power of Jiuqing.

"Your Majesty, now that academies have been opened everywhere, printing has made books no longer scarce, and those who can read and write will no longer be limited to aristocratic families in the future. The system of Sangong and Jiuqing is naturally the most suitable, but now that there are more talents, it will inevitably be unfair to use the past inspection system to select scholars, and those who are poor and motivated have nowhere to serve the country."

Liu Xie nodded unconsciously when he heard it. Indeed, with all kinds of books flooding the market nowadays, although it is not like at the beginning that two cents can buy a book, twenty cents can definitely buy any book you want. For those who want to read books, in this case, although most people are still running around for three meals and have no energy to study, some wealthy families are already able to send one or two children to study in colleges.

It's not obvious yet, but Liu Xie would go out of the palace occasionally to have a look. He has seen the changes in Chang'an City over the years. It is indeed as Lu Bu said, there are more and more poor families.

"In another two years, the first batch of talents in this academy will complete their final studies. At that time, I will hold a scientific examination in Chang'an. I don't ask about my family background, but only about my talents and learning. It will be the time when the Six Departments of Reform It's the best time." Lu Bu looked at Liu Xie and explained.

For the time being, he has no plans to present these six methods immediately. He came here today just to discuss with Liu Xie. The imperial court already had the prototype of the imperial examination. Guo Jia and Fazheng both stood out in that exam.

There has already been a big exam to select talents, and now that talents from various academies come out, it is not difficult to turn the big exam into an imperial examination.

Of course, most of the talents in this early stage came from aristocratic families, but as a steady stream of poor students achieved success in their studies, the imperial examinations would become more and more stable, and the status of these six ministers would be stabilized accordingly.

As for the opposition in the early stage, Lu Bu felt that he could still suppress it on his own.

"Since the Taiwei has plans, I will naturally support them with all my strength." Liu Xie couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when he said this. Lu Bu's return to the court was a big move. The power of the court will gradually be transferred to the six departments in the next few years. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but he had a word with Lu Bu first, Lu Bu assisted him with all his strength, and he fully supported Lu Bu's government order.

It is true to say so, but seeing Lu Bu taking power so blatantly, it is not a good feeling in his heart, and Liu Xie will inevitably feel a little worried about gain and loss.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lu Bu nodded to Liu Xie. Liu Xie has been informed about this matter, how to implement it, and the candidates for the six ministers, so let's make arrangements slowly.

In the next period of time, Lu Bu seldom went home. It wasn't that he couldn't go back, but his power suddenly increased. This uncontrollable power was the most terrifying. He was worried about hurting his family. Therefore, Lu Bu decided that it would be better to have less contact with his family.

Of course, being busy is really busy. First, I asked the people from Shenji Camp to explore the mines in a few places he designated. After discovering that there are a lot of iron ore and coal mines just like in the simulated world, Lu Bu moved Shenji Camp here to prepare. mining.

Of course, the most important thing is to sort out the government affairs. In addition, Lu Bu also announced the list to the world, calling famous doctors from all over the world to come and compile a medical book. He has established a systematic medical book in the simulated world. Doctors must be able to understand it. In addition, Lu Bu will spread the law of how to control the plague to the world, including the princes. As long as they are willing to learn, Lu Bu will give it to them.

In recent years, there have been wars and plagues all over the world. In fact, Nanyang has suffered a lot from the plague in the past two years. Lu Bu spread the method of plague control to the world, just hoping to retain some vitality of the big man.

According to the historical records compiled by the official historian of the Great Wei Dynasty, before the Wuhu chaos in China, the number of Han people had no great advantage over the Hu people. Lu Bu suspected that it was probably because of the plague that spread everywhere that there were no people in the Han Dynasty. Even his own defeat may be caused by the plague.

Anyway, right now Lu Bu has no intention of unifying the world, and he doesn't want the princes to smash the world to pieces. The population of the great Han can't just count on Guanzhong. How many people are there in Guanzhong now? At most, it is only four million, which is the result of Lu Bu's continuous recruitment of refugees over the years.

Moreover, although the way of medicine is not the way to govern the country, if the way of medicine can flourish, it will be of great benefit to the world.

After dealing with these matters, Lu Bu spent most of the time reviewing the files with a pen. In the past, Xun You was the only one who reviewed the files. Now, in order to control his own power, Lu Bu chose to review the files with a pen by himself, which moved Xun You.

After a few days, Lu Bu was gradually able to control his strength. From the time he had to waste a pen in less than a moment, to now it took only two days to use up a pen. Lu Bu's progress is not insignificant. Not to mention the copper-skinned iron bones, just this power and seemingly inexhaustible physical strength are enough to make Li Yuanba invincible in the world, and even artillery and ballistas can only hurt him.

Fortunately, he was still a human being, and medical common sense was still useful to him, so he was starved to death in the end. Otherwise, this person really didn't know how to kill him, and he didn't even know how long this person could live.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Lu Bu's will. Lu Bu is not in a hurry. Even if the original self fails, the current self may not be afraid of the opponent's cards. After the initial industrialization of Guanzhong is completed, it is time to start to dominate the world. .

It took another two months for Lu Bu to completely control his own strength, and even when he was in a violent mood, he could guarantee not to hurt others. At the same time, Lu Bu tried the needle on several death row prisoners, which is the most test of strength. Control, only if this is successful, can he truly control his power.

It is also fortunate that Lu Bu has hundreds of years of martial arts realm and tempered mind, which makes it easier for him to control power instead of being swayed by power like Li Yuanba.

It's a pity that this kind of physique cannot be tolerated by ordinary people, and the best result is Li Yuanba's state. Like Lu Bu, he is probably the only one who can perfectly withstand this kind of physique throughout the ages.

However, with regard to Lu Bu's changes, apart from Dian Wei, who fell into self-doubt after accidentally seeing Lu Bu make a move, there are only Yan Shi, Wang Yi, and Diao Chan who are Lu Bu's bedside people.

After confirming that he regained control of his power, Lu Bu returned home naturally. Gentleness is unavoidable, but now Lu Bu's energy seems to be inexhaustible, and he is more vigorous than before. If Lu Bu did not love his wives and concubines, they would doubt that they would be torn apart by their husbands. Cracked.

During the days when he returned to the family, Lu Bu helped his wife and concubine to recuperate their bodies almost every day, focusing on food supplements, supplemented by acupuncture, and also a set of health-preserving boxing techniques, which was given to him by Sun Simiao when he parted. Make the Qi and blood in the body run more smoothly, practice diligently instead of chasing, not only can delay aging, but also prolong life.

In addition, Lv Bu has a reproductive talent, and with his current body of a god, it also has a certain nourishing effect, making Yan Shi, who is nearly forty years old, now his face is full of red and peach blossoms all day long, as if he was just in his early thirties.

As for the younger Diao Chan and Wang Yi, there is no need to mention it. Since he recovered, Lu Bu's life has become very regular. In addition to arranging what to do every day, he takes Dian Wei and Jia Xu to wander around in the afternoon and accompany him at night. Wives and concubines live a simple and fulfilling life.

"My lord, Physician Ji is here to see you." One day, Lu Bu was looking through the files with Xun You, when Dian Wei came in and bowed to Lu Bu.

"Oh?" Lu Bu didn't look up when he heard the words, but just said, "Let him in."


After a while, I saw the imperial physician Ji Taixiao stepping in, bowed to Lu Bu and said, "See Taiwei."

"There is no need to be too polite, but someone who should be on the list is here?" Lu Bu nodded and asked casually.

"That's right." Ji Tai bowed and said, "Zhang Ji from Changsha and Hua Tuo from Peixian County have arrived, and I'm here to inform you."

"Tell them to wait in the side hall. I'll be there later." Lu Bu's eyes lit up when he heard this. These two people are one of the few people who are recorded in this era in the history books of later generations.

"Here!" Jitai bowed, then slowly withdrew, and turned to deliver the order.

"My lord, why do you care so much about the medical craftsman?" Xun You asked with a smile.

"Nowadays the plague is raging in the world, and we have to think of a way to rectify it. These two are masters of medicine. With the efforts of everyone, they may be able to quell the plague and make the people suffer less." Lu Bu explained casually.

Such compassionate words, if spoken by others, would naturally be a bit hypocritical, but when it comes from Lu Bu's mouth at this moment, considering his ruling philosophy over the years, no one can find anything wrong with it.

Xun You said with emotion: "Perhaps, the lord is right."

Lu Bu glanced at him, nodded and said, "I was right in the first place."

Hearing this, Xun You looked at him speechlessly...

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