Machine Storm

Chapter 529 Capture alive

After opening Nimeir's eyes, he became more interested in Li Hao achieving this level with human power. There must be unknown secrets in his body.

The pure Nimer people's heavenly eye has greatly improved the upper line of the soul, but the problem is also obvious, that is, the physical body cannot match, and the human body is not good. The strength of the silicon base is enough, but there will always be some inexplicable The cutoff point collapsed, so using human genes as the fusion agent, not only these five test subjects, but also a large number of experimental surfaces, the strength of human souls played a key role in this process. For example, Romero is quite good. The others couldn't bear the two rounds of transformation, but Polina was actually quietly increasing the amount of transformation for the Fanlivit people. Fanlivit was the strongest among the five, and his performance was okay, while the others had already There is a slight problem, and he has to continue fighting. He needs to complete his goal as soon as possible before humans discover his purpose.

Of course, the most important thing is Romero. When Van Livett and others complete the data accumulation, Romero will do the final test, and then it will be time for him to become a complete body.

"Would you like me to lead the team to fight? This way we can be more confident." Romero said.

"Don't worry, even if Li Hao is here, it's not that easy to defeat them. Let's just sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. When we find Li Hao's weakness, you can take action and reminisce with him!" Nangong Yuhang said with a smile.

Romero remained expressionless and could not tell what his state of mind was.

Nangong Yuhang knew very well that Romero had a complicated mentality towards Li Hao. Martians must admire strong people, but they are also angry at their own experiences. It is precisely because of this that Romero is so powerful. There is no The obsession for revenge could not survive the second round of transformation, which was also a surprise to him, especially at this critical moment, he needed strength.

He couldn't wait any longer. If he could capture Li Hao's secret, he would definitely be able to take a step further.

It was the fifth Earth day since the last attack. If it weren't for the vast fleet in space and the dense swarm of giant insects on Kepler's planet, everyone would have thought they were on vacation.

The fleet is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Other fleets have conducted strict searches and found no traces of giant insects attached to the warships. This means that the giant insects are only stationed in the Fifth Fleet, and other fleets have already been stationed during this period. Approaching the Fifth Fleet, a large number of mobile suits were ready.

As the Fifth Fleet entered full combat readiness, it was observed that the life activities of the floating giant insects on the surface of the battleship had intensified, which was a sign that the space channel was opening.

There are more than a thousand places that are attached and have life activities, but there are actually only more than a hundred places with complete activation and stable life. The five Fan Liwei must have appeared at more than a hundred activation points, and now they have All enter the monitoring state, just waiting for the fish to take the bait.

There were more than a thousand mobile suits on this mission. They mobilized the outstanding warriors in the entire fleet and divided them into five hunting teams. Due to the size and flexibility of the reincarnated people, ordinary warriors were of little use.

Asashoryu and Ao Fei led a team. They were responsible for the main attack. To entangle the reincarnated people, they needed to contend with the continuous consumption of the golden zone and the hegemonic body. They were equipped with snipers, all using armor-piercing bullets, and smeared with specially designed to interfere with silicon-based life forms. The special toxin, the main function of the sniper is to contain it. This is the first combat circle. Dozens of soldiers are deployed on the outside to block it. This is the blocking circle. There are more than a hundred soldiers forming the third line of defense.

Maxis and Anluo lead the second team, Basta and Dumela lead the third team, and Leka and Peglossa lead the fourth team.

Musashi, Zuo Xiaotang, Milner, Shu Naichi and others, basically all the strongest fighters from S Sai and major fleets were used, and the iron barrel formation was waiting for the enemy's arrival.

Finally, those floating giant insects began to deform, and a big bag bulged on the surface of the battleship, and then opened its mouth. With the dark space fluctuations, Cang Gongtian appeared, followed closely by Sawutian, Luo Dongsheng, and Sabisen. Roar, and Vanlivitt's radiance appears.

They had no intention of hiding their whereabouts. The first attack gave them too much confidence, and they began to destroy it as soon as they appeared. The battleship hatch was opened, and with the cover of laser cannons, the mobile suits immediately rushed over according to the plan.

The second team of Maxis and Anluo Dan focused on Sabitian, the first team of Chao Qinglong and Ao Fei surrounded Luo Dongsheng, and the third team of Basta and Dumela dealt with Sabisen, Laika and Peglossa dealt with Aangiyata.

Li Hao, on the other hand, approached Fan Livet because he wanted to capture Fan Livet alive. Fan Livet was not in a hurry. He felt the situation of the battle. To be honest, these ants really had some ideas. Just the quantity.

"Are you the only one?" Van Levitt smiled, not in a hurry or worried.

Li Hao was flying the Night Saber in the air, "You can defeat the enemy by yourself, you don't need so many people."

The strange thing is that Fan Liwei is not angry and even finds it a bit funny. Li Hao is pretending to be like a clown. He also understands why he was angry before. It was because he was weak and because he cared. But now that he has reached such a state, he has a completely new attitude. Living beings, beings closer to God, care less.

Looking at the dark night Saber in front of him, Fan Livit waved the K23 silver gun in his hand, "Li Hao, give you one last chance to join us. Don't you realize that this is an opportunity for a new start? Look at you What you are now is just a cannon fodder, what can you get, open up the situation, escape, let's build a new world together!"

Li Hao observed the battle situation around him. The strength of the other reincarnated people was not that strong. The strategy of Chao Qinglong and others was very clear. Don't fight head-on, just take turns to consume them. These monsters seem to have endless power, but in fact they are not. It needs to consume energy. Judging from the first battle, there are obvious signs of weakness in the future, and each time the injury is repaired, the function and combat power will weaken. Moreover, this time we have prepared a virus targeting silicon-based structures, which is effective against giant insects. It has a certain effect, even if it is discounted, it will make them uncomfortable, and with the top mobile suits of mankind gathered together, Li Hao has a clear assessment of the strength of both sides. It is a bit difficult, but they have the advantage. Sawutian and others gained great power, but they did not gain matching sanity. They still used it recklessly, and due to their strong physical condition, they also lost the caution as human beings.

The strongest one is Fan Livet, but he can be dealt with.

"Fan Liwei, I have a question, how could you surrender to Nangong Yuhang?" Li Hao said, "This is not your style."

Fan Livet's still handsome face visibly twisted, and the word surrender stung a bit, "Li Hao, do you think this trick is useful?"

"No, I really want to ask. Of course I am interested in power, but I am not happy to be Nangong Yuhang's dog!"

"Fart!" Fan Liweite roared, and the crystal flash energy poured out, causing the night fighter to float several meters. "On the road to becoming a god, there must be sacrifices and sacrifices. Nangong Yuhang is nothing, he is also a god. Servants of God, we are all the same. When God comes, all lives must surrender. We are pioneers, and it is not certain who is the master and who is the dog!"

"Are you having a mental problem? Where is the god? Where is the god?" Li Hao asked immediately.

Fan Liwet smiled and suddenly made a face: "...I won't tell you!"

Li Hao was speechless, "If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink!"

The golden zone was fully opened, the golden light shone in the space, and the tyrannical power was burning. Fan Liwei did not care. The power that once made him tremble and even unable to face could now be faced calmly. He became stronger, truly powerful. , although I suffered a little humiliation, it was all worth it.

The K23 crystal on his chest bloomed with bright blue light, and Fan Liwei's golden zone also burst into bloom. Two terrifying forces alternately climbed up like a space tornado.

Everyone in the fleet headquarters was watching this battle. Markham and others were really worried, especially since Li Hao wanted to challenge Van Livite alone. This "confidence" was a bit too much.

Not only the command center of the battle fortress is watching, but also all the other powerful warships in preparation. In order to prevent similar reincarnated people from encountering in future battles, everyone needs to understand the fighting methods and power of the reincarnated people. This is not necessary. You can't hide it. This is what every soldier and commander has to face. Failure will definitely have a blow to morale, but it is also something they need to face head-on.

Maxis, Asashoryu, Basta and others are the ceiling of human warriors. They are still very passive under such a tactical arrangement. The main reason is that the flexibility and frequency of reincarnated people are too high when their strength is equal. It was only with the cooperation and interference of snipers that they were able to barely trap them. However, it was obvious that Sa Wutian and others had no intention of retreating and had been chasing everyone to attack. They also had a mission this time and needed to catch them. After a few trips back, humans gathered all the "sheep" they needed, saving them the trouble of looking for them.

The main battlefield is the battle between Li Hao and Fan Livet. If Ma Long and others hadn't understood Li Hao's character, they would have suspected that he still wanted to be a hero at this time. Fan Livet is the most powerful one among the reincarnated monsters, and the K23 crystal Under the direct stimulation, the lines on Fan Livet's entire body surface seemed to be alive, and the crystals on his forehead also moved together, like a god's mansion.

Saber of the Night was bigger in size, but she didn't have any advantage in terms of momentum. However, during the battle, Fanlivert felt something strange. The opponent's strength had completely exceeded that of the S game, but it was still improving. The key is confrontation. Among is not weaker than his strength at all? ? ?

A human?

Fan Liwet took action, and in an instant he was on the side of the night fighter, thrusting out his spear. It was no longer on a biological level.

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