Machine Storm

Chapter 548 Hymn

When humans first came to Kepler through the wormhole, the first batch of explorers actually had the intention of changing the world, but in fact this did not happen. The reason is that if they passed through the When conventional motion reaches Kepler, such a situation will indeed occur, but humans pass through wormholes. Once the wormhole appears, the channel for quantum entanglement is opened, and the laws of motion in the macroscopic sense cannot be applied to microscopic motion. Laws and the concept of "time dislocation" no longer exist.

Of course, the premise is that the wormhole needs to be opened. As a seed planet, this wormhole has been opened for humans long ago and has always existed. It was not discovered until humans reached the technological level.

Super-large space stations are built around wormholes, and more will be built in the future. In fact, in this local area, the Nimers are more advanced in microscopic world technology. Their space channels are equivalent to "quantum tunneling" and are ahead of humans. For a century, the Covenant's circular spaceships used this, and these will receive technical support from the Covenant in the future.

What humans need to do now is to unify the currency, open a language system, open up commerce and trade, and establish a new military system according to the rules of the Star Alliance. At the same time, the Star Alliance provides humans with a training plan to select outstanding individuals from humans and disperse them in various places. Learning in major civilizations is free this time, but it will not be so easy in the future.

So now the entire high-level human race is busy in a mess, and every choice cannot be made carelessly. There are still many undisclosed matters related to the future destiny of mankind and the height it can reach.

Therefore, in terms of external publicity, the Solar System Alliance still prefers to describe the Star Alliance in a friendly direction. No matter what the future holds, we must seize the opportunity now, develop well, and master advanced technology as soon as possible.

Under pressure from the Star Alliance, the existing military system in the solar system must be disbanded, military personnel must be reorganized and planned, and planet-level weapons must be destroyed or sealed. Of course, the Galaxy Alliance is not stable, with constant local wars and many enemies. Not only military power is needed, but humans are also needed. Humans are a branch of the Celestial Beings. The Celestial Beings hold deeper genetic secrets, but planetary-level weapons and galaxy-level weapons of destruction were banned after the last galactic war.

Li Hao and others also received such news. They had to go back and standby. The army was going to be disbanded. The war was over and they had experienced life and death. For many people, even the Star Alliance could not arouse the interest of the soldiers. They participated in the battle. It is to protect their homes and loved ones, and they are not interested in anything else. In this special situation, some people submitted applications for discharge.

Everyone has only one life, and every soldier who fights bloody battles is a warrior.

Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang were among them. They had already prepared a 10,000-word plan with great enthusiasm. They went back to Boss Wang to discuss cooperation. However, the ideal was full and the reality was skinny. Their application for discharge from the army was not completed. They didn't get any approval, they were just asked to go back to Tianjing for a vacation and be on standby. As for whether they could be discharged from the army, it would depend on the future situation, and at the same time, they were asked to be ready to accept tasks at any time.

After all, the power of these two people is still very strong. In the contact with the Galaxy Alliance, they have to listen to some parts, but they cannot really listen to them all. However, in negotiations at this level, their individual power is really insignificant, and Li The strongest individual ability of mankind represented by Hao and others seems to be no longer competitive.

Of course, Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang represent some ordinary people, and there are also quite a few passionate people. Not only are they not afraid, but they are full of great interest in the Galaxy Alliance. Human beings have a heart to go out in their bones. The interstellar voyage is The dream of many people is the soul of an explorer. For them, life is a journey and an experience. They don’t care about the result. What matters is what they encounter and what they see.

Jaris and Kevin are like this, as are Maxis and other warriors. They are very interested in the two Covenant messengers who can survive in space.

After the expedition fleet arrived in the solar system, everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers.

After a long period of hard work, Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang returned to Tianjing. Tianjing's military equipment was also closed, and all military-related institutions were suspended. Of course, waiting for the alliance's next arrangement revolves around the stars. The topics in the alliance are all hot topics, and they are probably more about passion than fear.

The war and chaos above are actually more like an extra topic for ordinary people's lives, and they still have to live their lives.

When Li Hao returned to the orphanage, he was warmly welcomed by the children, and the dean's smile was also relaxed. Erya said that this was the first time a smile appeared on the dean's face during this period. Everyone was worried, but everyone I believe in Big Mouse's abilities. He has been the best at fighting insects in the yard since he was a child. How could he not be able to fight cockroaches, ants and other insects when he goes out to fight against them? He can even beat them.

Li Hao also expressed his support for this.

After a lively night, Li Hao slept on a bed he had not touched for a long time. All his thoughts were cleared. From night to day, he felt extremely relaxed and contented, and all his worries disappeared.

The next day, Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang, whose eyes were still a little red and swollen, came to the colorful pizza shop.

Boss Wang is still calculating the accounts. He likes to use a calculator to calculate by himself because it feels more intuitive. Li Hao transferred the shares to the welfare home. He feels that his responsibility is also a bit big. During this period, the turnover has plummeted. The war is really not Who is willing to consume such a good thing?

Fortunately, we won the battle, the Galaxy Alliance, a lot of aliens? To Boss Wang, this is no different than a bunch of bugs. Who cares, they won't come to eat his pizza.

Not to mention, after humans decided to join the Galaxy Alliance, the vast majority of people were actually very excited. Facing an incomprehensibly powerful advanced civilization, giving humans the opportunity to join, at least for now, seems to be a good thing, at least it avoids War, and from a series of matters announced by the Solar System Alliance, it can be seen that there is "order" in it, and order is better than chaos, disorder, and the law of the jungle.

Only when it is stable can there be development and business will gradually improve.

Boss Wang was working hard to calculate the accounts. Suddenly he felt the gaze and couldn't help but frowned. Who dares to be lazy?

When I looked up, I saw two big faces. I rubbed my eyes and asked, "Are you two humans or ghosts?"

"Haha, boss, we are back!"

Boss Wang was stunned for a while, "Why are you back?"

Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang looked at each other and smiled, "Boss, you must have missed us so much, Gold Medal 567, and the future Gold Medal 568 reports!"

Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang are living a very prosperous life. They want to open a store in principle because they have the support of Boss Wang. However, Boss Wang is experienced and stable in running the family. In this sensitive period, they should not rush to expand first. Take a look, be steady, and let the two of them rush to the front line at the same time, carefully inspect the market, and gain true knowledge through practice. Both Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang felt that the boss was still a seasoned boss, and then they delivered takeout very diligently for a month, even though they brought Wearing a helmet, I don’t know who spread the news. The sales of Colorful Pizza have increased by 3,000%. There are constant calls, the store is also overcrowded, and the takeout is even crazier... I often receive ordering calls from other federations. This How to send it?

Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang enjoy a busy and fulfilling life. They are more determined to open a store. How can such a good business not expand?

During this period, there is new news about the Galaxy Alliance every day. There is no need to learn the language of aliens at all, especially since there are so many aliens in the Galaxy Alliance. It will take a lifetime to learn. Now there are two options. One is Quantum implantation needs to be implanted into the nervous system several times. Of course, it does require a better body. This process is more painful and requires a period of time. If too much is poured into the brain at one time, the tiger will explode. The other one is from HeLa. A kind of fish roe from the Weiss Empire. This kind is quite magical. After eating it, you can naturally understand various languages ​​without any side effects. However, the former is available at a low price during the protection period, while the latter is expensive once the protection period expires. After that, the prices became astronomical, and there were also some unconventional ones, such as soul sharing among ghosts and so on.

Humanity's space fleet and ground forces need to be adjusted, incorporated into the Galaxy Alliance, and subject to supervision. As for the technical status of the new spacecraft, it is not free and requires humans to pay a corresponding price. Humanity is currently at a mature stage of nuclear fission technology. But the Covenant is already at the stage of safe application of the antimatter power system, including a series of extraction and transformation technologies. If you reveal a little bit of it, the eyes of human scientists will turn green. Do you know the feeling of a mouse falling into a rice vat? It is also crucial for humans to master this technology intensely at the same time.

The purpose of the establishment of the Galaxy Alliance is to avoid war, especially with the current Star Alliance technology. Humanity may still be destroying a planet, and the destruction is still not complete enough, but the Star Alliance technology can destroy the galaxy, and it will also bring about destruction. A series of unstable negative problems, such as black holes, space collapse, etc., have formed a large number of dead zones in space. These dead zones still exist today, and they are all the sequelae of the war thousands of years ago.

Not all civilizations have joined the Galaxy Alliance. There are also some who are unwilling to sign a submarine contract, and there are interstellar pirates who cannot pay off all the money. Moreover, due to interest issues within the Star Alliance, everything is not peaceful. Of course, even they must abide by and not use it. The basic rules of taboo weapons, otherwise they will be completely surrounded and suppressed by the entire Galaxy Alliance. This is the bottom line.

The force that maintains regular order is provided by the Anthem and Starship Marines.

The Hymn is where the Celestial Warriors learn, and it was later extended to the Galaxy Alliance. All law enforcers must go through the study of the Hymn, and outstanding graduates will become official Galaxy Warriors and enjoy law enforcement rights.

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