Machine Storm

Chapter 567 Hymn Preparing Warriors

A figure appeared behind him. He was slightly startled, but still nodded, "Yes, Your Highness the Princess!"

Lothric was also born in Judgment Chant. Of course he has graduated a long time ago. He is a level 99 sergeant and is currently the Knight Commander of the Hall of Valor.

Although it went against her own consistent principles, Hermia felt relaxed for some reason after making the decision. Maybe the dream was the opposite, and he needed his own rescue.


Li Hao on the other side was feeling hungry when he was discovered by several mechanical dogs. Although he had a good appetite, he really couldn't chew this thing. Then... he passed the test, and the mechanical dogs would guide him there. Judgment Psalm, because the dog's eyes are green, different from the red ones in front, and there is no murderous intent.

Li Hao looked at the mechanical dog, and the mechanical dog looked at Li Hao, "Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Mechanical dog...

"Haha, your advanced civilization must be unmistakable, so you can save me the trouble. Well... I'm a little uncomfortable with hunger. Can I ride you there?" Li Hao asked. Although the mechanical dog didn't speak, he It’s not an exaggeration to say that such an intelligent thing can understand human speech.

Hermia had been watching, and finally couldn't stand it anymore. She giggled, and then recorded it with StarXun. Li Hao was lobbying the mechanical dog in a serious manner.

While recording and turning on the control, the mechanical dog was soon controlled. Thinking of this human being searching, he suddenly became more playful, "Do you have money?"

As soon as he saw the mechanical dog speaking human language, Li Hao couldn't help complaining halfway through. The money ability is really useful everywhere, "I just pretended not to understand, but it turns out that the more you talk, the more doggy you are. You are a dog to begin with, how much?" I agreed in advance that if it’s too expensive, I’ll leave alone.”

Seeing Li Hao's serious face reasoning and bargaining with the mechanical dog, Hermia laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears. Her Highness, the princess who had been suppressing herself, released her own nature at this moment when no one was around. People are so fun, and humans are all so fun.

"One hundred gold coins." Hermia said something she thought was cheap but not at a cheap price. She was just teasing this human being. Since she had decided to save him, she had no intention of making things difficult.

As a result, Li Hao jumped up and said, "Why don't you go and grab it? You lead the way and I'll go by myself!"

Li Hao was angry. Li Hao's bag only had 92 pieces. This dog turned himself from rich to debt as soon as he opened his mouth. Only a ghost can ride it!

"I finally understand that all advanced civilizations are asking for money!" Li Hao said angrily. In the future, when he creates a powerful hymn, he will charge just like this.

Hermia laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe, 100 yuan, he didn't even have 100 yuan, how could someone not even have 100 yuan.

"If you help me, I'll give you... 50 yuan!" Her Royal Highness has learned about prices, and the core is pulling and testing.

As a result, in the next second, Li Hao had already directly carried the mechanical dog on his shoulders, "Boss, where are you going? Point me in the direction. The mission will be achieved. It is absolutely stable!"

Hermia, who was watching all this, was almost dying of laughter. How could there be such a good person? The mechanical dog pointed in the direction of the base. Li Hao held up the mechanical dog and ran away with a strange smile on his lips. .

After all, the other party also has good intentions.

Two people were laughing, and there was an orc hiding in the dark who was dumbfounded. His claws were all sharpened. What the hell is this?

When Hermia heard the footsteps, she quickly wiped her tears, controlled her expression, controlled her expression... It was over, she couldn't control it anymore, Hermia ran away quickly, the noble and solemn princess could not lose her composure.

Watching the mechanical dog go away, Tokuyu decided to take action. He didn't know how this human passed the test, but the mechanical dog's eyes were green, which meant that he passed, which meant that other mechanical dogs did not pass the test. Will attack him. Once he enters the Judgment Chant, if he wants to kill a formal warrior, the consequences will be too great.

Toku Shou decided to kill the opponent. Suddenly a gust of wind passed by. Toku Shou frowned, feeling a little stunned and dizzy, and then saw his lower body which had been cut flatly.

Miso miso miso......

Along with the appearance of cracks, a rain of blood flew.

The Judgment Hymn is located in the most prosperous Holy City of Panama on the Imperial Star. Panama means coming in the ancient language of Celestial Beings. In the era of the Galactic Empire, many powerful men who dominated the galaxy came from the Judgment Hymn. Celestial Beings After obtaining the title of Master Chief, the best way to obtain the Imperial Equipment is to hold the key to judge the hymn and find the Imperial Equipment that matches the soul.

The Judgment Hymn is a city within a city. It is huge in scale. The famous holy mountain of Emperor Martial Star is in the Judgment Hymn. It is also the location of the Hall of Valor. The entire Hymn is shrouded in the huge energy holy light, and the center of the energy is In the hymn, there is eternal energy that is envied by all intelligent civilizations.

After ten days of fierce competition, the final batch of candidates was announced. A total of 387 warriors from various civilizations were selected. Including the previous batches, a total of 862 people were recruited for this year's Judgment Hymn. This number is also unprecedented. , the level of participation in the assessment is very high.

Arriving at the Anthem, in the end Li Hao didn't get the 50 yuan he was longing for. Listening to the mechanical dog's crackling laughter, Li Hao didn't know what to say. He must be a kid with a good heart. The other party observed that he had After a while, he should have given him the qualification to pass because he saw the danger, so he just smiled.

After being assigned a place to live and receiving the robe of the Judgment Hymn, I fumbled with the material to see if it could be sold for some money. When I learned that Li Hao didn't have a Star Speed, I got my own Star Speed ​​in the strange eyes of the other party.

Opening Xingxun shows his personal information:

Li Hao, Civilized Earth of the Solar System, Preparatory Warrior of the Song of Judgment, level 0, merit value 0, no missions.

There are also rights and obligations as a reserve warrior, etc. With this status, Li Hao is no longer a nobody.

The gravity of the Emperor Martial Star is 36.5g. Of course, what Li Hao has adapted to is not gravity, but his strength has been growing in an uncontrolled way since he participated in the selection. His whole body is full of strength. He doesn't know why, but he feels After entering this star field, the vitality of the body was very strong. It seemed that this planet was full of energy that could nourish living things. The orc wanted to attack him. Li Hao originally planned to teach him a lesson, but he crushed the orc directly. .

That equipment is a pity.

After arriving at the Psalm, this situation seemed to intensify. The entire Psalm was filled with an indescribable huge power. This power was very replenishing, a bit similar to vitality, and it made his body soaked in it all the time. It's comfortable, but you have to pay more attention to the strength.

The place where Li Hao lived was a ring-shaped building, and one of the rooms was his. The environment was very advanced, but there were no big surprises. After settling in, Li Hao slipped out. There were a large number of residents outside the chant. Heavenly beings also have various civilizations. Generally, the place where the hymn is located is the most prosperous place, and all kinds of creatures gather together. If it is just traveling, it would be such an enjoyment. Like Yijie and Ziyuan, they like to travel and go shopping. Yes, this is definitely the first choice. I hope that one day humans can freely travel to all planets in the Galaxy Alliance, just like heavenly beings.

The Anthem Warriors have special clothes and logos, and they will be respected wherever they go, regardless of race. For a while, Li Hao was mistaken for a Celestial Warrior many times. There is a dazzling array of products here, from all over the Galaxy Alliance. They were all civilized, and they really dazzled Li Hao. When it came to food, Li Hao was drooling over the food, and he was a bit hopeless. He and Zuo Xiaotang were stuttering, and had simple hobbies, but they were short of money. He was too embarrassed to eat the Bawang meal, so he could only refuse the store's enthusiasm. I have to say that the logistics was really fast. He actually saw tobacco and alcohol from the solar system. After just looking at the price, Li Hao became desperate.

After wandering around for a while, Li Hao went back. The consumption here was not suitable for him. Xingxun could replace all functions and also loaded a small compressed space. As for the gold coins, they were rarely circulated, and most of them were for those who came into contact with the new civilization. Sometimes it will be sent as a gift as a souvenir.

In the core circle of Psalm, because of the need to maintain awe of the Hall of Valor, fancy vehicles flying around are prohibited. Returning to the ring building, as soon as you enter the hall, you see several novel exteriors. Star Neighbors.

A tall and handsome celestial being with blond curly hair was talking eloquently. A blue insect-man looked very familiar. Although the appearance of the insect-man was not easy to distinguish, this special color should be the one on the spaceship. A little sea-man. Chapo, this one is so familiar. Hairen immediately became happy after seeing Li Hao.

"Human, human, you are not dead. Wow, you are so lucky. How did you get in?" Kuta said happily.

Li Hao looked at the dwarf speechlessly, pretending to be confused, "Who are you?"

"Haha, human beings, stop pretending. I am Kuta, the great Helawesian genius Aufa!" Seeing an acquaintance, David Kuta's wrinkles smoothed out a lot with a smile, "Now we are a jurisdiction. , Don’t worry, don’t be afraid, if someone bullies you to tell me my name in the future, I will protect you.”

Gaia has also been looking at Li Hao with a strange look in her eyes. This is the first human warrior of Judgment Anthem. Judgment is famously difficult to enter. "Hello, Gaia Lastaya, Oz. One of the top ten families in the Er Empire, in the world of gods and humans, Kuta’s name may not be easy to use, but if you give me my name, everyone will give you three cents of face.”

Kuta on the side chuckled, "Haha, he likes to brag. Lastaya's glory was decades ago. You haven't won a seat in the Senate for a century, and you have fallen out of the top ten!"

Gaia was not angry at all, and looked at Kuta happily, "In any case, Rastaya's surname is still great. There are still my ancestors in the Hall of Valor. It is our duty to restore the glory of the family. The great Rastaya lives forever!”

Even if Rastaya did not join the Council of Elders, there is no doubt about this. The main reason is that the Jin Cancan family of the Sea Clan is one of the top three forces in the entire vast territory of the Hellavis Empire, and Kuta is the only one. My son, his test was just a formality.

"Work hard, young man from Rastaya. If you perform well, I can sponsor you." Kuta smiled, fully embodying his aristocratic temperament.

"How did you survive until now with such a mouth?" Gaia shouted, "With my handsomeness and strength, the future is limitless, now is the time to invest!"

"Li Hao, from the Earth. Our solar system civilization has just joined the Galaxy Alliance. I don't know the rules very well. Please forgive me for any inconveniences." Li Hao said with a smile. He felt that he was lucky and did not encounter that kind of bullying. Civilized, he really doesn't want to hit anyone on sight.

"There are no rules or regulations. All civilizations are the same at their core. The Star Alliance is just like that. It's nothing special. We have been together for billions of light years. This is fate. Maybe we were a family tens of thousands of years ago!" Gaia didn't have any pretensions about being a celestial being, "This guy is the insect man Gasmi from the colonial empire. The insect man worked hard to get here."

Compared to humans, bugs are even less popular because they do not use the Tianwu system. Civilizations have still maintained their unique independence after so many years, so the Judgment is more about the bugs maintaining communication and communication with other civilizations. A tool for presence.

Li Hao smiled and glanced at the other party's little girl, "I've seen it before. The three of us came here in the same boat."

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