Macrospace Evolution

Chapter 99: Mysterious team

Any change that occurs in both time and space, especially the two most unstable and variable conflicts, the evil tinder and Chu Feng, which cause time and space fluctuations, as long as it is involved, it will form a force of cause and effect. One side disappears, so as to restore the balance and order of time and space and complete reorganization.

In the future, Chu Feng repelled the evil tinder and defeated him. That means that he has the initiative, mastered the general trend, and the power of the law in the meditation will be biased and benefit from it.

For example, the people around Chu Feng, Lin Xueyao, Xia Qianqi, Tang Guoli, Anna, Yu Xiaoqing, etc., have evolved twice, and they have an intangible luck on their bodies, so that they can survive without much danger. .

The evil tinder of the losing side, in the wind of the wind in front of the grasp of the general situation, will mutate without doubt, and is doomed to failure, as it is doomed by doom, it has become the abomination of the law and the thing to destroy.

As for the big bang of Xingyue University in the future, there will be a large number of female students who are buried in the sea of ​​fire, but in this time and space they have not died. They are not the side of the evil tinder, but they are not the side of Chufeng. They are neutral, and time and space will not interfere. .

However, if the evil tinder defeats Chu Feng in future time and space, all will be reversed.

Mutants get the initiative of the general trend, there will be many variables to change Chu Feng, difficult, need to pay a huge price, to withstand the backlash of time and space, then it is possible to reverse such a general trend.

The so-called travel through time and space, reverse the future.

In fact, it is to plant a powerful seed in real time and space. At the crucial moment, in the midst of the meditation, there are many rules, blessing him, like the sword of order, killing all chaos.


At this moment, where Chu Feng stood, it was shining like flames and holy glory, like the same sun and moon shining, shining on the earth, and eradicating the negative atmosphere of darkness, blood, killing and so on. Each turned to ashes.

Such a scene like a trial shocked the hearts of the audience. Both the Lin Xueyao side, the Qinmen side, and even the Xia Qianqi side were dead for a while.

But soon they noticed that the little bit of light inflammation covered the body, and the blood veins, strength, muscles, and spirit seemed to have a beneficial increase. The fierce battle loss just now is accelerating recovery, mental rejuvenation, and blood gas condensation. .

"Some people put the source nuclear away, and we went to pursue the mutants outside."

Chu Feng released a light ball, which was to restore the state of everyone, and has a continuous pursuit of fighting power. After all, mutants outside are also a threat, and killing as much as possible can ensure human safety.

His speech quickly received responses from Xia Qianqi, Qin Linglong, Lin Xueyao, and others. Each team sent several people to clean up the mess here. Next, a group of people drove chariots, mechas, and fiercely, divided into three directions, and went to sweep.

After the dark curtain completely disappeared, communication began to resume, and the machine was no longer affected.

Suddenly, Xia Qianqi decisively issued a command to start the warship, and all the members entered a first-level combat state. Soon a fighter plane, like a thunder, penetrated the night sky, occupied the night vision, and circled in an area of ​​Xingyue University for large-scale reconnaissance and pursuit.

When the warships took off, the three surrounding cities were completely included in the blockade.

"Major Xia, you react really fast."

Lin Xueyao, who was riding in a chariot, spoke coldly on the team channel.

"The battle group is a small-scale battle, but large-scale battles must be supported by a legion. Lin Xueyao, if you want to build an unprecedented Valkyrie war group, then you must have a legion as a backup. I do n’t say much, believe you I understand. And it ’s not just me who is fast, and Qinmen ’s little sage is not slow. ”

Xia Qianqi preached to Lin Xueyao, but the warship came to communicate, and there were a large number of warframes and mechs in the distance, and more than ten ground troops appeared in the two surrounding cities.

"If my sister doesn't make a foolproof arrangement, how can she be called a sage?"

The team channel heard Qin Xiaofeng's proud voice.

"To shut up."

Chu Feng said sternly: "Attention mutants go to extremes. If they realize that their vitality is slim, they are likely to mass kill ordinary people, devour flesh and blood, and reach the evolution of mutation."

"I'm making arrangements."

Qin Linglong's delicate and calm voice sounded.

"I am also communicating with the defensive forces on the mother star and the trial fighters stationed."

Lin Xueyao replied.

Xia Qianqi and Qin Linglong and Lin Xueyao actively arranged this way, not only to protect human safety, but also to fight for prey. As long as the mutants were hunted, the source nuclear was the loot.

After this outbreak of the evil tinder, the source core must become a rare strategic resource, and even break the balance of strength and weakness of the top ten families.

Because every family has strong men who are difficult to break through, their potential reaches the limit, but a source core can break through such limits, which means that such strong men have a lot of accumulation, it is very likely that they will break through to a very deep and terrifying realm.

In addition, the source core can foster the potential of some genius demon evil, possess a talent of infinite evolution, and the future is even more limitless.

Most importantly, the source core can awaken a mediocre person into an evolutionary with a powerful talent, which is equivalent to having a new life.

This is the biggest temptation of source nuclear.

Human desire and ambition are infinite, but there is no corresponding power. When there is a powerful force, people will fall into a vortex, and pursue things that they dare not pursue.

In this "source nuclear" battle, Lin Xueyao, Xia Qianqi, Qin Linglong, and others are very clear about how much influence and shock they will have on the Human Alliance. Therefore, before the source nuclear is leaked, they must collect as much as possible.

Soon after, the clouds in the night sky revealed a strong light like daylight. Three large battleships penetrated the clouds. The light emitted by one battleship covered two urban areas. When a large amount of energy was released Like a transparent metal iron wall, seven or eight cities were blocked in an instant.

Xia Qianqi's battleship is small, and in front of three large battleships, it is like a slightly larger fighter. Whether it is blocked or detected, scanning is not as good as large warships, especially this is a defensive warship.

Under the triple blockade of the three large warships, it seems that most of the mutants' escape route has been sealed off. It's just that I don't know what the mutants behind the scenes can do and how to escape.

After all, mutants cannot be measured by common sense.

The defensive army blocked the blockade, and a large number of mechanized troops and armoured troops were dispatched to draw up a line of alert to prevent a mutant from breaking out.

As for Xia Qianqi, Lin Xueyao, Qin Linglong, and others continued to pursue, they did not explain the source nuclear matter, but simply explained the situation of the mutants. Of course, in order to get the source nuclear, they sent Anna to negotiate.

Anna is a Tinder researcher, and she is a distinguished existence of the royal family. The defensive forces dare not do anything. As long as they get the source nuclear, Anna is basically recovered in the name of research.

This is a late night when there is no peace in the world, and all forces, large and small, are alarmed. There are flying objects flying in the sky all the time, and they head straight towards the area of ​​Xingyue University, forming an increasingly large blockade.

In the early morning, a small part of the benefits of 'source nuclear' was finally leaked.

After all, there is no airtight wall in the world, and the defensive army definitely has the eyeliners of all forces. Even the ordinary subordinates of Xia Qianqi and the large troops of Qinmen must have other families.

However, detailed information about source nucleus and evolution is only known by Xia Qianqi, Qin Linglong, Lin Xueyao, and others. This is the information that Chu Feng told them. It is impossible for outsiders to know everything, but Anna, the researcher who knows most, is the one who knows it.

Even if the full benefits of the source nucleus were not leaked, it was enough to attract the greed of all forces, and even enough to attract the attention of the top ten families. Soon after, people from the top ten families got involved.

Lin Xueyao, Xia Qianqi, Qin Linglong, Anna and others became the focus of attention. Their families started to contact. Other families also communicated and penetrated in many ways, trying to dig out all the secrets of the source nuclear, and more importantly, took them into their hands. The source of the harvest, the contention over.

Just when everyone's eyes were on the source core, two mysterious teams came to one place.

These two mysterious teams did not come to Xingyue University, they did not come for this major event of the evil tinder.

They are here to investigate two things. The first thing is that the shadow of death was destroyed. The second, the Alva family, the only son of the current owner, William disappeared, or died.

When they arrived, William's survival device sent news of death, and the area of ​​death was at Xingyue University.

However, these two investigation teams did not go to Xingyue University, but instead came to the Blue Star Club where William stayed the most.

"The system is normal and there are no traces of being modified by the invasion. William's daily life here is not a problem. It is just the origin of this Miyuki. There is a problem. He has a **** feud with the Musashi family."

A man in a cape said, "I suspect this Miyuki has something to do with the destruction of our base area. Find her, extract her brain waves directly, generate pictures, and probably find a little clue."

Brainwave extraction is a form of torture. After being extracted, the neurological disorder turns into a lunatic, and the brain dies.

"This Miyuki participated in this" tinder "incident and became one of the concerns of many forces. At this time, it is too sensitive to take people away, and it may even be mistaken for us to try." Another who was also shrouded in the cloak Silhouette Road.

"When did your shadow of death become so timid?"

An expressionless man in a silver-white uniform said coldly.

The two teams, on one side, were all covered in black cloaks, like hiding in the shadows. On one side were men and women in silver and white uniforms. They were expressionless, their eyes were cold, and their bodies exhaled a sharp sword-like machine.

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