Mad Doctor

Chapter 1179: super world chain

Ye Wutian was stunned, and he caught something from it. Li Feifei's words gave him some inspiration, interlocking?

"Tell me again." The excited Ye Wutian stood up with a bang, startling Li Feifei.

Li Feifei patted her chest exaggeratedly with her little white hand, and glared at Ye Wutian: "Can't you be gentle?"

"Hey, what, I'll pay attention next time." Ye Wutian only wanted to hear what Li Feifei said, and wanted to resolve the cooperation between him and him. w "Fiction" novel chapters update the fastest

Ye Wutian decided to cooperate with Wang Roose, but what kind of thing, he has not thought about it, he has been racking his brains thinking about this Wèntí for the past two days.

"I don't do any good." Li Feifei twisted her head and raised her air.

Ye Wutian's anger in his heart makes his teeth itch with hatred, how dare the little goblin come with him? If he hadn't asked her for help, he really wanted to press her on the desk, peel off her pants, and then...

Of course, Ye Wutian didn't dare to be dissatisfied with Li Feifei now, who asked him to ask her?

"Hehe, let's talk, of course it's good for you." Ye Wutian said, he didn't dare to underestimate this little goblin. The suggestions given in the first two times were very feasible, which made him feel relieved.

"Cut, a blank check." Li Feifei was unhappy, "First of all, if my suggestion is useful, you have to give me a salary increase."

Ye Wutian was sweating wildly, and increased his salary? It seems that her current salary is above the spire of the secretarial industry.

"Without Wèntí, everything is easy to say." Ye Wutian gave a reassurance.

Li Feifei nodded with satisfaction, "If I want to cooperate with them, but I don't want to lose control, the most Hǎode way is the interlocking business model."

"Tell me more."

"The launch of Chongsheng tea will definitely arouse dissatisfaction among many people. Then, an interlocking method should be used, so that it will not break away from the company's control, and it can also prevent counterfeiting."

Ye Wutian fell into deep thought, Li Feifei's words gave him a lot of inspiration, she was right, chain teahouses, pay per visit, how much do addicts charge each time they come in, and at the same time, they can also pay for a year and a month.

The more you think about it, the more feasible it is. There is also a big advantage in using the interlocking method to prevent fakes.

When Li Feifei saw the satyr boss pondering, she didn't bother and stood there quietly.

After a while, Ye Wutian suddenly clapped his hand on the table, which startled Li Feifei. This was the second time she was scared.

After slapping the table heavily, Ye Wutian smiled and said to Li Feifei, "Come here."

Li Feifei was careful and vigilant, and the goblin even covered the clothes on her chest with her right hand, "What do you want to do?"

"Come here if you want."

"It doesn't explain me, but."

Ye Wutian cursed secretly, grandma is a bear.

Li Feifei, but Ye Wutian didn't force it, so he stood up and walked Li Feifei.

The unavoidable Li Feifei was finally forced into a corner. Before she could speak, Ye Wutian turned his hands into palms, sandwiched her cheeks, and kissed her directly.

Li Feifei was kissed on the spot, her beautiful eyes widened, how could she call Ye Wutian just to kiss her?

Kissing Li Feifei fiercely, Ye Wutian let go of her contentedly, "Hehe, I'm sorry, I can't control it."

Li Feifei was stunned and didn't come back to her senses for a while, and when she came back to her senses, Ye Wutian had long since disappeared.

Thinking that she was taken advantage of just now, Li Feifei blushed, and the red clouds covered her entire face, which was very beautiful.

After finding a solution, Ye Wutian found Wang Roose non-stop and told her directly that if she wants to cooperate, yes, it must be interlocked. Wang Roose is responsible for all location selection, decoration, etc. Of course, she is also responsible for the investment and product aspects. It is entirely the responsibility of the Hongyan Group.

After listening to Ye Wutian's cooperation conditions, Wang Roosei didn't say anything, she just raised her **** and gave it to Ye Wutian. At this moment, she really didn't know what to say.

"Thank you for your middle finger." Ye Wutian didn't care, in his words, when a beautiful woman pointed your **** at you, it was also very beautiful.

"Do you agree?"

"I don't agree." Wang Roosi refused outright, Ye Wutian's conditions were too harsh, she couldn't do it.

Ye Wutian pretended to be puzzled: "I've already made this, you're still not satisfied? I said, don't go too far."

Wang Roosi wanted to scold her mother, but Ye Wutian was the one who made the most of it. She was in charge of the venue decoration and even the management staff, so she only got 40%? He Ye Wutian really treats everyone else as a fool?

"I account for 60%." Wang Roose made her own conditions.

This time it was Ye Wutian's turn to refuse, "No, no, absolutely not."

"Five-five, this is mine." Wang Roosei made a concession.

"No, I only think it's a loss for 60%, Miss Wang, you have to take a long-term view, you think, the world is so big and there are so many addicts, it's definitely a huge profit for us to open this teahouse, not to mention that you need performance now. No? Don't miss the opportunity when it comes, right?"

Wang Roosi knew that she had been eaten by Ye Wutian to the death, and she needed performance now.

Knowing that he was doing it on purpose, there was nothing to do with him.


"Five-five." Wang Roose insisted again, she couldn't accept the six-four model.

"Five or five is fine, but I have a condition."

"What conditions?" Wang Roosi didn't expect Ye Wutian to agree, but he did.

"Within three months, you must open more than 100 teahouses."

Wang Roosi felt that she was trapped and jumped into the trap that Ye Wutian carefully designed. It is certain that Ye Wutian's psychology is five or five points.

There are 100 stores in three months, the pressure is a bit high, so many stores have a lot of work to do, from site selection, decoration, personnel training, etc., and these stores are not small in scale, and must be renovated to a certain extent grade.

"Okay." After thinking about it, Wang Roose still agreed. Three months was a little rushed, but it wasn't impossible to do it. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to do it. Right now, she has no choice.

Ye Wutian didn't expect Wang Roose to agree to this. In fact, he also knew how harsh his conditions were, and thought that Wang Roose would object. Moreover, his mental number was fifty, as long as he could find fifty within three months The chain teahouse is Bùcuò.

"Do you want me to come to the foreign teahouse too?"

Ye Wutian nodded: "Of course, since we cooperate, of course you will come."

Wang Roosi got a clear answer, but she couldn't be happy for some reason. She always felt that she was being used and jumped into a trap. According to the Ye Wutian she knew, when did she ever talk so nicely?

After thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't think of the reason, so Wang Roose had to give up. Since she didn't know what to do, she could only take one step at a time, and she couldn't take care of the rest.

After reaching the preliminary agreement, Ye Wutian was in a very good mood, and he would pull him into the water. When dealing with the enemy in the future, it should not be so hard.

Two days later, the two sides held a press conference, and signed relevant contracts on the spot. Hundreds of domestic and foreign news media gathered here, shooting with long guns and short guns.

After signing the contract, both parties responded to a series of Wèntí from reporters, including the efficacy, function and price of rebirth tea, etc. To these Wèntí, the representatives of Hongyan Group who signed the contract answered them one by one.

When the reporters heard that rebirth tea can actually help addicts get rid of drugs, they immediately boiled over and felt unbelievable. Why is this Kěnéng? Can you really help someone quit a drug addiction? If so, there is no doubt that the product will immediately occupy the vast majority of market share.

It can detoxify and maintain health. This product can only be described in two words, it is against the sky.

Thinking back, the product of Hongyan Group is not against the sky? With the existence of other products, the reporters have to believe that this is true. A company like Jingyan Group will definitely not joke about its own company's reputation.

There is no doubt that after the press conference, the whole world was boiling, and many people began to sit still. What happened to Hongyan Group? It has just been launched, and now there is another kind of rebirth tea, what happened? How did such an anti-sky technology come about? Did they get technology from outer space? Qingcheng Pills, Weight Loss Pills and those products, any company only needs to get one, and it can easily make the company into the world's top 500. Now it's better, Hongyan Group pushes one kind of anti-sky product after another like Chinese cabbage. come out.

People are more popular than dead people. Everyone is running a company. Compared with Hongyan Group, I am afraid that they only have to hit the wall, which is incredible.

Rebirth Tea Extraordinarily can help addicts detoxify and maintain health care. What should people say?

Such a product is a cash cow!

After the press conference, Wang's Group's share price rose all the way. Stimulated by the good news, the share price reached an unprecedented historical high, which made the company's shareholders shut up instantly, and also made many people with ulterior motives secretly.

The Wang family has always been in the military industry. After the death of Old Man Ma, the Wang family's position in the army was affected, and fewer and fewer orders were received. In this world, interests come first. If Old Man Ma is not there, other forces will definitely not be reconciled and take action. It's normal to grab orders.

Wang Roosi breathed a sigh of Her position is temporarily stable, and her hard work has not been in vain and has been rewarded.

Ye Wutian thought that after the press conference, the first people who came to the door should be the gangsters from all over the country, but it was not the case, the first person to come to the door turned out to be the senior officials of the drug rehabilitation center.

Looking at the few people sitting across from him, Ye Wutian suddenly understood that the launch of rebirth tea not only cut off the money for those gangsters, but also cut off the money for these people. If the addicts don't go to the drug rehabilitation center If there is detoxification there, then there is no need for them to exist.

A sense of crisis, they feel a sense of crisis! Don't talk about making money at that time. If you don't make it, you may not be able to keep your job. This is obviously what they don't want to see.

This society is often like that. On the one hand, it is desperately publicizing that everyone should never touch drugs. On the other hand, it is not hoped that the whole people will quit drugs.

"Ye Dong, I hope your company can consider cooperating with us. After all, our state-affiliated institutions are directly managed by the state and are more authoritative. Besides, if you want to operate in an interlocking manner, we can also satisfy you. Having more drug rehab centers can save you a lot of trouble." The speaker's surname was Zhang and his name was Zhang Kunxing.

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