Mad Doctor

Chapter 1257: good guy or bad guy

Until the end, the cause of Zhang Kunxing's death could not be found out. Elite experts were sent to Dongcheng to conduct an autopsy on Zhang Kunxing's corpse. No problems were found. The conclusions were the same, very healthy, and there was no problem at all.

If you can't find any problem, that's the problem. A healthy person will never do this for no reason. The only explanation is that these elite experts are not elite enough.

Some people speculate that Zhang Kunxing's death may have a lot to do with the Hongyan Group, but these days, they are talking about evidence, telling the truth, and there is no evidence, who can get the Hongyan Group?

Ye Wutian thought that the matter of Zhang Kunxing had just passed, but it was not the case. The next day, another person came to the company, a stranger Ye Wutian did not know.

After the other party introduced himself, Ye Wutian knew the origin of the family, Zhang Kunxing's successor, and the new minister.

Luo Weiqing, the new director of the National Drug Rehabilitation Center, was appointed to Dongcheng when he first took office. It is certain that he was sent to negotiate with Hongyan Group and Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian is very clear, those people do this, there must be two meanings, one is to test, and the other is to not give up the rebirth tea.

I'm afraid Luo Weiqing doesn't know that he is being used as a gunman, right?

Even if he knew, I'm afraid he will come, because the position of minister is too tempting for many people, and countless people want to rush over like moths to flames, all wanting to be crowned that throne.

"Minister Luo, do you know what you mean by coming today?" Ye Wutian asked while looking at the other party.

Luo Weiqing is also an old fritter, but he still didn't quite understand what Ye Wutian meant. After thinking about it, he replied, "Come and talk to Director Ye about cooperation, Director Ye, we are very sincere."

Ye Wutian smiled and shook his head: "No no, this is just one of them, Minister Luo, there is another point that you didn't guess."

Luo Weiqing was curious: "Oh, I hope Ye Dong can give some pointers."

"Hehe, I don't dare to give advice. They asked you to come, in addition to wanting you to achieve cooperation with my company, there is another very important reason, and that is to die."

Luo Weiqing was dumbfounded, but he couldn't return to his senses after half a sound, and he couldn't understand the meaning of these words, send him to death? In what way?

"Don't understand?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

Luo Weiqing shook his head and said he didn't understand.

Ye Wutian asked with a smile, "Do you know how your ex died?"

Luo Weiqing's face changed greatly on the spot, how could he not know? Could it be that the death of the former minister had something to do with Ye Wutian?

The doubtful Luo Weiqing looked at Ye Wutian, and when he saw the wicked smile of the other party, Luo Weiqing was even more afraid, there was an inexplicable fear, for fear that Ye Wutian would also attack him.

"Afraid?" Ye Wutian was not at ease.

"Ye Dong, I am very sincere." Luo Weiqing bit the bullet and said.

Ye Wutian said: "Your former minister also said the same."

Luo Weiqing was speechless again, not knowing how to speak.

"Minister Luo, what if you left my company like Minister Zhang, what should you do?"

Luo Weiqing: "..."

Luo Weiqing may not believe what others say, but Luo Weiqing does not dare to doubt Ye Wutian's words. Before he came, he had a certain understanding of Ye Wutian. This guy is brave and dares to do anything.

Because of this, Luo Weiqing was worried and afraid of Ye Wutian, and even his body reacted and stepped back a little.

"You're scared?"

Luo Weiqing's face turned red, and it was unpleasant to be identified. "Ye Dong, please believe us, we are really sincere."

Ye Wutian raised his hand to interrupt, "Okay, you don't have to say anything, I won't agree, please come back."

"Ye Dong, there is room for negotiation in everything. We can sit down and discuss and cooperate with us. You are also contributing to the country." Luo Weiqing did not leave immediately, but still tried his best to persuade Ye Wutian, hoping that Ye Wutian Can change their minds and cooperate with the state.

This time, the upper management has great hopes for him. This is also his first task since he took office. He hopes to make this cooperation beautifully, so that he can explain to the upper management and face the troops. , he wants to prove to the above that it is not wrong to order troops at the front line, so even if his life is in danger, he will continue. This is his chance.

At this time, the door of the reception room was pushed open, Li Feifei came in, and whispered in Ye Wutian's ear: "There are a lot of reporters outside."

Ye Wutian was stunned by Li Feifei's words, why did so many reporters come for no reason?

Ye Wutian didn't have time to ask the reason, the phone rang in front of him, Ye Wutian glanced at the phone, and it showed Wang Fansi's number.

Today's Wang Fansi is not the Wang Fansi that she used to be. Now she has become a famous reporter, and the letter of war made her famous.

"Reporter Wang Da, miss me?" Ye Wutian answered the phone in front of Luo Weiqing.

On the other side of the phone, Wang Fansi's pretty face was flushed. Xiao was used to Ye Wutian's hooliganism and couldn't help blushing, but fortunately there was no one around her.

"Is Luo Weiqing with you?" Wang Fansi asked straight to the point without arguing with Ye Wutian.

"Yo ho! When did you Wang Da reporter become a detective? Did you change careers?"

Wang Fansi directly ignored Ye Wutian's sarcasm and said, "It's not just me who knows, many reporters know it, don't tell me you don't know there are a large number of reporters surrounding your company door, I don't want to despise you."

Ye Wutian was shocked, those reporters outside came here for this matter? Depend on! Shouldn't it be true?

"You too?" Ye Wutian asked.

Wang Fansi replied, "Would you like to see me?"

Ye Wutian said: "You answer me first, what is going on? Why do you know that he is here?"

"Because everyone wants to know what happens to Luo Weiqing."

Brother Tian's forehead is full of black lines. To be honest, he doesn't like to hear it. What will happen to Luo Weiqing and what does it have to do with them? These people are really full and have nothing to do.

With Wang Fansi's reminder, Ye Wutian understood why there were so many reporters outside.

Suddenly, Brother Tian was dumbfounded. It seemed that he was a wicked person. In the hearts of countless people, Ye Wutian was a heinous bastard, a devil.

Not only some people suspect that Zhang Kunxing's death is related to him, Ye Wutian, but even these common people also suspect, otherwise they will not come.

Are so many people coming here to witness the miracle? If he said again, everyone, it's time to witness the miracle, I'm afraid it will be even more sensational, right?

Would you like to say a word? Anyway, idle is idle.

Putting down the phone, Ye Wutian's five tastes are mixed, and he can't tell what kind of taste it is, he is very helpless.

"Feifei, you go out first." Ye Wutian said.

Li Feifei asked, "What about the reporters outside?"

"Leave them alone."

Li Feifei turned around and left. As soon as she left, Luo Weiqing immediately asked, "Did something happen?" He always looked at Ye Wutian when he called him, so even if he couldn't hear what was on the phone, It can be guessed that the call just now has something to do with him.

Ye Wutian didn't know how to answer, "There are many reporters outside, all of them are coming for you."

"Come at me? What's going on?" Luo Weiqing was surprised and curious.

"They want to see if you die when you leave me."

Luo Weiqing was stunned, with a surprised expression. He came here, and not many people knew why a large number of reporters came to him?

"Minister Luo, now you should believe what I said to you? For some people, you are a scapegoat."

Luo Weiqing had nothing to say and could not refute Ye Wutian.

"Let's go, don't stay here." Ye Wutian said: "I don't want to be a murderer."

"Director Ye, what about the cooperation between us?" Luo Weiqing, who was still not giving up, asked.

Ye Wutian really admires Luo Weiqing's perseverance, "At this juncture, what are you still thinking about?"

Luo Weiqing hesitated, "Will you kill me?"

Ye Wutian laughed, Luo Weiqing's question made him unable to stop laughing, it was too funny, "I said, who do you think of me? Murderer? Minister Luo, what age is it now? Still thinking this way, Luo Minister, I am a good citizen, not a disgusting devil, so what are you doing?"

Luo Weiqing couldn't refute, but he was thinking that many bad guys didn't admit that they were big bad guys, no one would admit that they were bad people, they would just keep sticking good people signs on themselves.

When Luo Weiqing's car left the Hongyan Group, the reporters slapped Luo Weiqing's black car. During this period, Luo Weiqing didn't get out of the car, and he didn't even lower the window.

After a while, Luo Weiqing's car disappeared from the sight of many reporters. Some reporters felt puzzled and unwilling. Is this the end? The situation they imagined did not appear, Luo Weiqing would not die?

Could it be that Zhang Kunxing's death has nothing to do with Hongyan Group? Impossible, things shouldn't end like this, how could it end like this?

Wang Fansi was invited into the Hongyan Group, and under the leadership of the staff, met Ye Wutian.

"Wang Mei, long time no see, you are still charming!" Ye Wutian stood up with a smile walked around the desk, reached out to Wang Fansi and motioned her to sit on the sofa.

Wang Fansi smiled slightly: "Chairman Ye, it's not easy to meet you."

Ye Wutian said: "How come? I have always been free, especially in front of beautiful women like you, even if I don't have time, I have to make time."

"Bah! You are slick."

Brother Tian laughed, Wang Fansi's shyness made Ye Wutian's heart throb, and Wang Fansi was also a beauty.

Wang Fansi is not a very beautiful person, but she is very attractive and tasteful. Every time you see her, you will feel that she is even more beautiful.

"Very disappointed? You people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and the scene you imagined did not appear."

Wang Fansi was annoyed: "What do you think of us? We are just mining news, not making news, let alone a murder case."

"He will die." Ye Wutian smiled, very mysteriously. ()

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