Mad Doctor

Chapter 219: Another batch of more shameless

mad doctor

Chapter 219 Another batch of more shameless

Ouyang Villa.

It was already two hours after Ye Wutian groomed Ouyang Annan's tendons. In these two hours, he was very tired, sweating profusely and panting wildly.

After practicing the second level of Xuanyuan Qi, today is the first time I am so tired, I feel a little overstretched, even a feeling of lack of oxygen. If I don't stop and rest, I am really afraid that I will faint.

Ouyang Xingyue felt inexplicably moved in her heart. She was anxious in her eyes, so she could only act in a hurry. She really couldn't help with this.

Stopping, Ye Wutian took the towel and tea handed by Ouyang Xingyue.

After drinking a few sips of tea, Ye Wutian felt better and his physical strength slowly recovered.

"How is my grandfather?" Ouyang Xingyue asked with concern.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "Why don't you care about me? I'm exhausted."

Ouyang Xingyue blushed, "Thank you."

Ye Wutian nodded contentedly: "It's almost the same."

"What about my grandfather?"

Ye Wutian has a feeling of being defeated in an instant, this girl is so **** cute.

"Recovering well."

Ouyang Xingyue was stunned, what kind of answer is this: "What is that? When will you wake up?"

"It depends on his will." Ye Wutian replied.

Ouyang Xingyue was shocked: "Didn't you say before that my grandfather would wake up in half a month?"

Ye Wutian was startled: "Have I said that?"

"When will you wake up?"

Ye Wutian wanted to buy a piece of tofu and smash himself to death: "Well, it's not funny at all. When I didn't say it, I should be able to wake up after pressing it a few times. He has been in a coma for too long, so the blood vessels are a little blocked."

Ouyang Xingyue was ecstatic and asked with a smile like a child, "Really? That's great."

"Invite me to dinner." Ye Wutian also smiled happily, thinking that few people would see Ouyang Xingyue so happy, right? "Of course, the most important thing is to be able to build a building for me cheaper, anyway, it is my own."

Ouyang Xingyue rolled her eyes and said, "vulgar."

"No way, I'm just a layman." Ye Wutian shrugged.

"Actually, I don't recommend that you build the People's Group Building so soon, but you insist on doing so. I respect your intention."

Ye Wutian sighed: "I know what you mean, but I have no choice but to do so. After the spy gate happened, I realized the importance of safety."

"Will it be safe to build a group building?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

"Actually, my idea is to hollow out several underground floors of the headquarters and use it as a production base, which will be much safer."

Ouyang Xingyue nodded: "Well, your starting point is right, but even this is not absolutely safe."

"I know, but for the time being, we can only take one step at a time. You can introduce me to any high-tech technology you have."

Ouyang Xingyue said, "At that time, I will find someone to make a system for you."

"Thank you." Ye Wutian said: "You also ask me to help me out the blueprint as soon as possible. My requirement is safety, no expense."

"I know you have money, don't worry, I won't save it for you."

"Hehe, I did that just now, are you not angry?" Ye Wutian asked.

Ouyang Xingyue shook his head gently: "I can't talk about being angry, but I just think it's unnecessary. Offending them won't do you any good."

"There's no way. I'm just like that. I always like to fight when things go wrong, and I can't see others bullying women."

Ouyang Xingyue laughed and scolded: "Shameless."

The ringing of the phone interrupted the conversation between the two. Cheng Kexin called him at this time, why?

Not long after answering the phone, Ye Wutian's face slowly pulled down, replaced by murderous aura.

"Find a car to take me back to the company." Ye Wutian who hung up the phone said to Ouyang Xingyue.

"What happened?"

"Someone wants to buy Tianxin Beauty."

Ouyang Xingyue was stunned, but didn't ask any more, "I'll take you back."

At this time, in the conference room of Tianxin Hongyan Group, in addition to Cheng Kexin, there were several fat people with big heads and big ears.

"Mr. Cheng, we are very sincere and have this strength. You might as well consider it." The fat man sitting in the room said, this person is Lin Qitao, chairman of Chaoqun Group, a state-owned enterprise, and strong.

Cheng Kexin looked apologetic: "Mr. Lin, I'm so sorry, we have no plans to sell the company for the time being."

Lin Qitao frowned and seemed to be very dissatisfied with Cheng Kexin's answer: "Cheng ###, you are a smart person, you should know what choices to make at what time, don't worry, we will give you no money. will be less."

"Then how much can you give?" Ye Wutian pushed in the door, pulled out a chair beside Cheng Kexin and sat down.

Lin Qitao knew the existence of Ye Wutian, and also knew that Ye Wutian was the real controlling shareholder of Tianxin Hongyan Group.

"Ye Dong, you came at the right time, it's like this, our super group wants to buy your Hongyan group, let's make a price." Lin Qitao straight to the point, like a nouveau riche.

Ye Wutian said: "Three hundred billion."

Lin Qitao's expressions changed.

"What? Are you dissatisfied with this price?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Ye Dong, you should know that your company is not worth that much money," said another young man named Wei Qun.

"Why isn't it worth it? If I say it is worth it, it is worth it." Ye Wutian said confidently.

"Mr. Ye, our Chaoqun Group is very sincere, but it seems that your sincerity is not enough." Lin Qitao said.

Ye Wutian said: "Actually, I wanted to ask for 500 billion, but I was afraid that it would scare you, so I changed my words to 300 billion. I didn't expect this to scare you, alas! You are so timid."

Lin Qitao sneered: "Are you looking for ballast?"

Ye Wutian suddenly slammed the table hard, "Is it because you are trying to find slander? You are paralyzed, you know it's impossible, why do you still come here? Sell the company? Damn it! Do you have to force me to speak foul language? You don't know me Is the company making money now? Come to buy it at this time?"

The three of Lin Qitao were scolded by Ye Wutian until their faces were red, embarrassed, and angry at the same time. "Ye Wutian, don't forget that we are a state-owned enterprise."

Ye Wutian got angry again when he said this: "I am your uncle."

"Enough, Ye Dong, let me tell you the truth, we came under the instructions from above, can you understand?" Wei Qun couldn't listen anymore, facing Ye Wutian's insult, he suddenly stood up.

"Above?" Ye Wutian suddenly thought that the top of the Chaoqun Group was the country.

Thinking of this, Ye Wutian instantly understood, to put it bluntly, these three guys are only puppets, and the real mastermind behind the scenes is someone else.

"Okay, I see, for your sake, let me reduce it a bit." Ye Wutian sat down.

Lin Qitao and the others were secretly happy, secretly saying that you are a good boy and know that you can't afford to offend some people.

"For your sake, I'll give you a preferential price, just 299.9 billion." Ye Wutian said lightly.

The expressions of Lin Qitao's three people suddenly froze on their faces, only to know that they had been tricked.

"Are you sure?" Lin Qitao asked coldly.

Ye Wutian shrugged: "You can bargain, there is a saying that cooperation does not make benevolence and righteousness, we will still be friends in the future."

"Five billion, this is our limit price." Lin Qitao stretched out his fat five fingers and shook it in front of Ye Wutian.

This time, Ye Wutian didn't get angry, but asked: "I want to know, if I don't agree, what kind of revenge will I face?"

"Brother, you are a smart person. You will never be able to fight on this land." Wei Qun pointed up.

Ye Wutian nodded: "I admit this, some people I really can't fight, just like the person I scolded in the newspaper, the scolding is scolding, but I really don't know who the other party is, so it's no wonder, then The old dog always hides behind his tail with his tail tucked in, so I can't find it if I try to find it."

"Let's talk about business, five billion, how about it?" Wei Qun didn't want to get involved with Ye Wutian, work was important.

"Pound Sterling." Ye Wutian said.


Ye Wutian shrugged handsomely: "Then it's impossible for me."

"Brother, you really don't plan to cooperate?" Lin Qitao asked.

"Why do I want to cooperate? Just because you are a state-owned enterprise? Just because someone is covering you? I mean, do you know what this is?" Ye Wutian clenched his fists and said to the three of Lin Qitao.

The other party didn't know what Ye Wutian meant. Could it be that he wanted to fight? Hit them here? It's not a wise choice by any means.

Lin Qitao quickly understood what Ye Wutian meant when they clenched their fists, only to see Ye Wutian's clenched fist suddenly loosen his fingers and point them upwards.

Ye Wutian's gesture made the faces of the other three guys turn green, and Ye Wutian's arrogance was far beyond their expectations.

"Can you **** be any more shameless? Can you be a little bit more cheap?" Ye Wutian yelled, not giving the other party any face at all. Originally, this matter was enough for him to accept. The fool knows that Tianxin Hongyan Group is making money now. It's good that they came to buy it? And you want to get it for a mere five billion?

In the words of classmate Wutian, even Guoan dares not to give face, so what is a state-owned enterprise?

Cheng Kexin's right hand kept pulling Ye Wutian under the table, hoping he wouldn't ###, but it didn't work after several times, how arrogant or how arrogant.

Whether it was the alliance government at that time or now, Ye Wutian has something in common.

"Ye Wutian, don't make a toast, don't eat and punish you." Wei Qun said.

Ye Wutian was too lazy to say anything else, so he turned his head and shouted at the door, calling the security guard in.

Lin Qitao's faces changed drastically again, this kid is getting more and more excessive, what does he want to do?

"Ye Don't be too arrogant, don't forget your roots, put the country first in everything, and now the country needs your help, you should help the country without hesitation."

"Several, please go back, it is impossible for Tianxin Hongyan Group to be acquired by anyone." Cheng Kexin said, since Ye Wutian can beat people, there is nothing this bad guy dares to do.

"You really want to go your own way?" Lin Qitao asked coldly.

"Do you know how much my company's deposit is these days? Nearly 40 billion, you want to get it for 5 billion?" Ye Wutian despised.

"If the above doesn't agree, let alone 40 billion, you can't even earn 400 yuan."

Ye Wutian smiled coldly: "Do you mean to suppress my company?"

-?,Your best choice!

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