Mad Doctor

Chapter 714: headache thing

After explaining some precautions to the nurse, Ye Wutian returned to his own private office. This was a luxurious office specially created by the hospital, in order to hope that Consultant Ye could work in a good mood.

Wu Qunsheng and Wei Junzhi also came in. They also hoped to get some explanation from Ye Wutian about what happened just now, because the scene just now was unbelievable to them, and the patient was casually pressed by Ye Wutian. You can recover your spirits in a few seconds, that method is too weird.

"Is the patient's condition optimistic?" It was Wu Qunsheng who spoke, and Wei Junzhi took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for the two of them, doing the duty of an assistant.

"Not optimistic." Ye Wutian said after sitting down, "Don't think that the patient has recovered a lot of energy, that is the refreshing effect of my medication on her."

Wu Qunsheng's heart sank, "In your opinion, how confident are you?" This is Wu Qunsheng's concern, and it is also a concern of the outside world. How confident are you? This is very important, can it be said that it is even lower than the grasp of chemotherapy.

The battle between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine! Success or failure is here.

"Mr. Wu, I know what you want to ask, but I really dare not answer you now. The effect depends on the patient's reaction after taking the medicine."

Wu Qunsheng did not ask any more questions. He is an expert himself, and he naturally knows this. In fact, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, it is the same in the end. It depends on the effect and the patient's reaction. treatment plan.

"Dr. Wei, go and get me a copy of all the details of the current hospital admissions, including their examination reports, I need to know."

Wei Junzhi said, "Consultant Ye, just call me Xiaozhi."

Ye Wutian chuckled: "It doesn't matter what you shout, just go."

Wei Junzhi happily took the order away, as if seeing his future, being able to work with Ye Wutian, which is the dream of many doctors, but this kind of good thing hit him on the head, he was a little stunned and excited. stupid.

"How? Xiao Zhi is your assistant, right?" Wu Qunsheng laughed.

Ye Wutian didn't care: "Mr. Wu, I reiterate that I will not accept apprentices."

"I didn't let you take an apprentice, I just let you teach him a little bit of fur in your spare time. You must know that this is equivalent to benefiting mankind, why not do it?"

Ye Wutian, who couldn't laugh or cry, asked: "Look at what you mean, if I don't teach him, I will become a sinner for all mankind?"

"Hehe, that's not the case. Medical skills, especially traditional Chinese medicine, need to be passed on to future generations, so that they will not break."

"You're right, but don't forget that Wei Junzhi is a Western doctor, so I teach him Chinese medicine? Is it useful?" Ye Wutian smiled maliciously.

Wu Qunsheng laughed, shaking his head and pointing at Ye Wutian, "I know you will say this, don't worry, Jun Zhi has a solid foundation in traditional Chinese medicine, and being your apprentice is not a problem at all."

Now Ye Wutian is confused, "Isn't he born in Western medicine?"

"That kid was a half-daoist monk. He was a Chinese medicine doctor at first, and then he turned to Western medicine."

"Then how can he learn medical skills so well?"

"The comprehension is still good, and the person has changed. He used to be arrogant. Since the last time he was treated by you, he has been a low-key person, and he has also started to revisit the books of traditional Chinese medicine. Seeing that he has changed so much, I thought about it. Let him be with you for a while."

"I said, Mr. Wu, what's the purpose of you talking about him so well? Wouldn't you want him to be your grandson-in-law? He seems to be married, and besides, the flight attendant is mine, and my family lacks a flight attendant. "

Seeing that Wu Qunsheng was angry, Ye Wutian shut his mouth very intelligently, and lowered his head and pretended to read the document.

Seeing this, Wu Qunsheng could only give up, this kid has always been like that, his mouth is so twitchy, what a royal sister, what a flight attendant, what a loli, he gets angry when he hears these words.

Why didn't this brat say he still needed a policeman? And a nurse, and a teacher by the way.

Full of evil thoughts!

Wu Qunsheng was a man, and he was also young. He knew a little about men, but to put it bluntly, he was uneasy and kind.

The ringing of the phone made Ye Wutian catch the life-saving straw, "Reporter Wang Da, why are you so free? You don't want to interview me, right? Let me tell you, this consultant does not accept interviews with anyone."

Wang Fansi was stunned, then giggled and scolded: "You bastard, why are you pretending to be mysterious? It's your honor to have a reporter interviewing you, not to mention a beautiful reporter like this lady, it's cheaper for you, what else do you have? So dissatisfied?"

Wu Qunsheng waved his hand and told Ye Wutian that he was leaving, but he just walked to the door when he suddenly heard a shocking remark from Ye Wutian, and it was precisely because of this shocking remark that made him lighten his legs, followed by a thud. fall.

I saw Ye Wutian said: "Beauty is beautiful, but it's still a little bit worse. If the chest is bigger, it should be even better. When you interview me, in addition to seeing your face, I can take the time to look at your face. Aim at your chest."

After spitting out these words, Ye Wutian realized that what he said didn't seem very suitable, and the old man hadn't left yet.

After Wu Qunsheng got up, he didn't bother to bother with Ye Wutian. He was afraid that if he listened to it any longer, his blood pressure would rise.

Wang Fansi on the other end of the phone was like a roaring lioness, roaring at the phone: "Rogue, say it again."

Ye Wutian, who frowned, took the phone away, and his ears were pounding.

"Ye hooligan, the old lady tells you, no matter what, the old lady wants the exclusive news."

Ye Wutian was happy, "Should I give it to you?"

"I'll write you stinky."

The sweat in Uncle Ye's heart, what did you say? I would rather offend a villain than a woman. It seems that the words of the seniors have some truth. It is certain that the seniors have come to such a truth after countless practices.

"Then can you accompany me to dinner?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Okay, please."

Ye Wutian grinned: "Can I still sleep with you? You pay for the room."

The phone said that the lion's roar over there came again, "Ye Wutian."

"Hehe, alright, I'm in the office, I can find me again. By the way, I was teasing you just now. I'm not interested in women with small breasts."


Wang Fansi screamed, and the loud noise scared Ye Wutian for a while. He quickly turned off the phone and listened to her roar again. He was afraid that his heart couldn't take it anymore.

Just after hanging up the phone, Wei Junzhi came in with a large stack of documents, "Consultant Ye, this is the information of all the patients, there are a total of 196 documents, and I have sorted them for you, among which there are 109 serious patients. people."

Ye Wutian I glanced at Wei Junzhi, but I couldn't see that this kid was very careful.

Looking at the thick stack of documents on the table, Ye Wutian had a headache. With so many patients, when will they get them?

There is no turning back arrow when opening the bow, no matter how headache, Ye Wutian also knows that there is no way out.

"Thank you very much."

Wei Junzhi was as sweet as eating honey, and he was greatly satisfied to get this praise from Consul Ye.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, as long as you can help." Wei Junzhi waved his hands repeatedly to show that he didn't work hard, "By the way, Consul Ye, there is one more thing I think you should know."

Ye Wutian lifted his eyes from the document, "What's the matter?"

"In the past two days, many ordinary patients have requested to be discharged from the hospital."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Some people pay high prices for their beds, and many critically ill patients give a sum of money that ordinary patients can't refuse to discharge them from the hospital."

Ye Wutian didn't know what to say, but he really responded to that sentence. Only if he couldn't think of it, if he couldn't do it, he could come up with such tricks. Didn't your hospital say that there are no beds? Then we pay to transfer those ordinary patients to hospitals, right?

It is also because of the lure of money that many ordinary patients agree. For them, any hospital can treat their disease. If so, why not do it? In addition to helping others and making a lot of money, no one will refuse such a good thing. ,

"What about the hospital? There's nothing to say? Let this kind of situation develop?" Ye Wutian thought to himself, even if the patient and the patient agreed before, it is the hospital's right to arrange which patient to come in. There is no reason for the hospital to ignore it, right?

"Because the patients are all private transactions, although the hospital has the intention to stop it, there is nothing that can be done." Wei Junzhi said.

As Wei Junzhi said, then there will only be more and more severe patients. Now there will be nearly 200. Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it will exceed 200 or even more. Thinking of this, Ye Wutian's head hurts even more. Going down, he himself will be trapped, which is what he does not want to see.

"Consultant Ye, if you have nothing to do, then I will go to work first. You can call me anytime if you have anything, and I will be in the next office." Wei Junzhi said.

After waving his head and nodding, Ye Wutian #### forehead, what can I do? He picked up the phone and dialed Fairy Feng's number, but the phone was still turned off.

Where did the fairy sister go? Why can't I get on the phone? Ye Wutian was a little worried.

He couldn't get through to Fairy Feng, but Ye Wutian called Gu Hezi. Wei Junzhi's words just made him feel pressure, and this pressure made him very uncomfortable, and he was eager to find someone to share it with.

Gu Hezi's phone was connected very quickly. The other party said that his people would go to the hospital today. For this, Ye Wutian breathed a sigh of relief and was also grateful to Gu Hezi.

Ke Jiannan's situation is He and his apprentice will arrive at Dongcheng tomorrow.

At this time, in the Ma family far away in the capital, the old man Ma took a sip of tea and hummed Peking opera with a very happy expression, while next to him, Mr. Zhu sat quietly.

"Old Chief, is there a happy event?" Finally, after Old Man Ma finished his Peking Opera, Old Man Zhu asked with a smile.

Old Man Ma asked with a smile, "Xiao Zhu, if that kid knew that he was plotted by us, would he be so angry? Hehe, I'm really curious."

That sweat in Mr. Zhu's heart! How strange it sounds.

"To be honest, this is the first time I found out that the plotter was so cool, and I was woken up by laughter several times from my dreams." Old Man Ma said with a smile.

"Hehe, that kid doesn't do his job all day, so he has to do something."

"Yes, with such good medical skills, it's ridiculous to only focus on picking up girls all day." Old Man Ma agreed: "Xiao Zhu, you have a good eye, let your grandson use snacks."

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