The presence of the Evolution Legion made the people on the Mitsuki Ota side fall to the bottom, because they could not see even the slightest possibility of victory on their side.

Many people began to waver, thinking about whether they could turn to the big snake, how to say that the big snake is also a member of the country of peace, and betrayal will be much less condemnation in their hearts.

“Children, enjoy the feast of killing!”

A crazy smile appeared on Lu Yu’s face with his arms open, looking at the army that belonged to his Evolution House, and at this moment he could experience the joy of the Creator.

Creating life and controlling the lives of others is what Lu Yu wants to study the evolution of life.

“Roar, roar, roar!!!”

The four hundred evolutionary lifeforms who had long been unable to suppress the beast nature in their bodies roared excitedly and slapped their strong chests.

They didn’t carry any weapons, and their sharp claws and beast teeth were their best weapons.

“Abominable, block them with all your might!”

Sukiyaki, who was in a twist and turn, shouted in grief, and now he could do nothing but order the samurai to fight with all his might.

“Dare to go against the master, you must have already prepared the consciousness to die in battle, right?”

Rushing to the front is an elephant-like evolutionary lifeform, with two tusks at the side of its mouth that are longer and sharper than ordinary elephants.

Facing a dozen or so Wano Country samurai rushing forward with swords in hand, the elephant first swept away the samurai who were in the way with his thick nose like garbage, and then lowered his head and began to charge.

Like the charge of an ancient chariot, the samurai along the way were pierced by ivory through the chest and strung on it like sugar gourds.

Then there were the bears, leopards, lions, etc., all of whom carried out the killing by their own means, and the samurai of Wano Country were like newborn babies in front of them, completely powerless to fight back.

According to Lu Yu’s observation, the wolf-level evolutionary lifeform can be compared to a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million, and the tiger-level is at least 300 million-level combat power, and this result Lu Yu is quite satisfied.

The only drawback is that after passing the tiger level and reaching the ghost level, the amplitude will change dramatically.

The ghost level and above are also divided into low, intermediate, and high, and the combat power of each stage will also be greatly improved.

The combat power level of the pirate world is not very high, according to Lu Yu’s observation for so many years, the strongest Roger, Karp, peak whitebeard, etc. are at most dragon-level low-level, and it is impossible to reach the intermediate level.

The evolutionary creatures that have been systematically blessed are much higher than the weirdo level in the one-punch man in the anime in the previous life, and it is difficult to imagine how strong Lu Yu will be when he creates a dragon-level or even god-level evolutionary product.

Well…… Maybe even the so-called true gods will be able to fight then.

“Jinweimen, this is bad.”

Lei Zang dodged a bear man’s paw slap and jumped to Jinweimen’s side, judging from the current situation, no matter how optimistic he was, he knew that the general trend was gone, and they had no chance of winning.

“Continue on ah, kill them, hahahaha, the destiny of heaven is always on the side of the wise, Sukiyaki, your end is coming.”

With the help of Fukuroku and Gotei Banzun, the big snake that began to besiege Mitsuki Sukiyaki became more and more ferocious, and the situation on the field went on as he expected.

It won’t be long before the Mitsuki family will be annihilated in the history of Wano Country, and his Great Serpent will become the true master of Wano Country.

“Great snake, you vile and shameless bastard, even if you control the country of Wano by betraying me, sooner or later you will be overthrown by others.”

“You don’t have the samurai soul of Wano Country at all!”

Mitsuki Sukiyaki rebuked angrily, so he could only let go of cruel words and threats.

“Samurai Soul? What is that thing? You better hurry up and die, but in order for you not to be alone on the Huangquan Road, your son Mitsuki Ota I will also personally slaughter him to send you two together.” ”

The big snake who laughed wildly found the opportunity, and the snake heads on both sides bit Mitsuki Sukiyaki’s body fiercely.


The pain in the flesh of his teeth made Mitsuki Sukiyaki scream miserably, and even the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

“Hehe, leave you with your life for the time being, I will announce to everyone in the country of Wano that it is your reason that led to the invasion of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the House of Evolution, making you a sinner in the country of Wano, and executing you in public in front of everyone is the best solution.”

Grabbing Sukiyaki, the big snake triumphantly said his plan.


Mitsuki Sukiyaki also wanted to scold the big snake, but he only felt something burrow into his mouth, and then there was a pain in his mouth, and his tongue was actually bitten off by one of the snakes.

Lu Yu, who was not far away, saw his brows jump slightly.

Nima, does this count as kissing in some sense?

Thinking of the two ugly faces of the big snake and Sukiyaki, Lu Yu only felt nausea in his stomach.

“Go and save Sukiyaki-sama!”

Asura Boy and Denjiro saw that Sukiyaki had been caught and rushed over to save people.

But an evolutionary lifeform larger than a small mountain blocked their way.

It was that ghost-level low-level evolutionary lifeform, and the carrier was a sea king.

He has a similar appearance to the fish man, with smooth skin dotted with pieces of fish scales, and muscular arms with bulging arms larger than the Asura Boy and Denjiro combined.

Giving a great sense of intimidation, they can only see his chin by tilting their heads.

“Well, it looks a little similar to the shark in the previous life, so call you a sea shark.”

Soon Lu Yu gave him a name, as long as it is a ghost level, he will give an exclusive title, and below the ghost level, he will be lazy to manage, otherwise so many people can exhaust him with just a name.

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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