“Hey, the troublesome things are really one after another, quickly solve them, and bring the leader to me, I want to ask.”

Directly in front of Lu Yu, hundreds of guards wearing special uniforms of the empty island blocked the front with weapons, and the ruler of the empty island, Ganfor, looked at the intruders vigilantly.

After receiving the message from the Amazon, Ganfort personally brought someone over to intercept the unknown person who broke into the empty island without authorization, but when he saw the appearance of Lu Yu and the others, he was completely dumbfounded.

Lion people, elephant people, leopard people, strange species that he had never seen before made Ganfort dare not act rashly, and the fierce aura emitted by those monsters could be felt from far away.

Hair stands up, which is a sign that the body expresses danger.

“Exit the empty island, I guess you don’t want to have a conflict and cause unnecessary casualties, right?”

Ganfor, who forced himself to calm down, shouted to Lu Yu that he didn’t want to start a war with the other party if he could, because he was completely unsure of winning.

There is only one human in the Evolution House, Lu Yu, and Ganfort rightfully regards him as the leader of this group.

“Huh? Is he talking to me? ”

Lu Yu was stunned and asked Fu Lushou beside him.

“I think you guessed right, that empty island man seems to be talking to the master of you.”

Fulu Shou nodded affirmatively.

“Hehe, there are idiots everywhere in the world, don’t you hurry up and slaughter all those bastards?”

Lu Yu was too lazy to pay attention to Ganful, and there was no need to answer such a brainless question.


Having the opportunity to perform in front of Lu Yu, the evolutionaries howled like chicken blood and rushed forward, they wanted to kill this group of garbage who did not know the height of the sky.

“Don’t you want to try your newfound power?”

Finding that Fulu Shou did not move, Lu Yu asked curiously.

“Those people are not qualified to let their subordinates do it, of course, if the master you strongly request, then the subordinates can clean them up for the master.”

Fu Lushou bent down and said very pretentiously

In this regard, Lu Yu just sent him two words: hehe.

“Are you really going to war with us?”

Seeing that the other party did not reply, Ganforer directly chose to kill him, shocked and mixed with anger, did the other party look down on them too much.

“Rubbish, just because you birdmen are also worthy of war? Remember clearly, this is just a massacre! ”

A tiger-level leopard man stimulated the unique speed of the cheetah, instantly tore apart several empty island guards who were blocking the way in front of him, and then came to Ganforer and tore it with a paw.

“Don’t be too arrogant, damn monster!”

Ganfort still has some skills, and in the face of the torn claws, Ganfort pulled out his big sword and greeted it without fear.

He has full confidence in his own strength, confident that he can block the attack of the leopard man.

Unfortunately, it turned out that he thought too much, and the power of the leopard man was far beyond his imagination.


The great sword made of fine iron was cut into several pieces under the claws of the leopard man before it lasted a second, and it fell unabatedly on Ganfor’s chest.

Several claw marks deep in the bone tore through his chest, blood gushed out, and he fell backwards heavily.

“Your Majesty Ganfor!”

The guards of the empty island were defeated when they saw their king’s mask, and before they had time to marvel at the power of the leopard people, they wanted to rush to support.

“Long lost the smell of blood… It’s fascinating. ”

The tongue licked the blood on the paws, the leopard man’s face showed an expression that only appeared when humans tasted the ultimate delicacy, and there was a bloodthirsty crazy flame flashing in the beast’s pupils.

After evolving from beasts to orcs, Lu Yu forbade them to eat living people normally, and Lu Yu only lifted this prohibition when they were fighting.

Because the long-term consumption of raw meat and blood will constantly stimulate the ferocity in their bodies, then they will be in a state of excitement 24 hours a day.

The consequence of this is that in addition to Lu Yu, as long as other beings appear within their perception, they will desperately track them to kill them.

“Monster die!”

The guards rushing from the left and right raised machetes and slashed at the head of the leopard man who was still tasting blood.

But just when the blade was about to touch, the leopard figure suddenly disappeared.

The next second a sharp pain came, and they looked down to see a beast claw piercing their chest, and there were two hearts that were still beating faintly in the palm.

It turns out that their hearts look like this.

The thought flashed, the two lost their vitality and fell to the ground, while the leopard man greedily gnawed at the bloodstained heart, looking very disgusting.

“Depend, is it because you usually hold it too hard?”

Lu Yu looked at this small battlefield speechlessly, things like devouring flesh and blood were displayed vividly in almost every evolutionary body, and at this moment they played the nature of beasts.

“Live… Stop, please let them stop, we surrender! ”

Ganfor, who was seriously injured, struggled to get up from the ground, blood staining his uniform, but he ignored it and pleaded with Lu Yu.

He believed what the leopard man had just said to him.

This is not a battle at all, but a massacre.

The guards of the empty island are powerless in the face of the fierce evolutionaries, and it is very difficult to even cause damage.

In a short period of time, most of his guards died, and this was because many evolutionaries were busy eating, otherwise I am afraid that they would have been wiped out long ago.

“That… Can you answer me a few questions? ”

Lu Yu, who walked down from the boat, walked up to Ganfort and asked with a smile.

(Thank you [Lord FQ for the tip] and your monthly pass, brother change the name…) )

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